Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Management of Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Management of Technology - Essay Example Retail industry, because of its optimum development has been incorporating technologies in various facets of its functioning. One of the key technologies that is being sizably used is Radio Frequency Identification (RFID for short), which tracks and locates products through organisation’s supply chain using some hardware. Organisations are ‘structures’ with number of individuals doing their allocated work to accomplish set goals. Thus, the implementation of RFID in an organisation will mostly not be an individual’s decision and inputs, instead various parts of the organisation has to work in cohesion, with organisations and its management taking decisions to make the RFID function effectively. On these lines, many retail companies are implementing RFID in their operations. So, this paper will first focus on Rogers’ and other experts’ perspectives or ideas of technology diffusion. Then will discuss the origins and functioning of the RFID Techno logy and how diffusion process is applicable to this technology. Finally, the paper focusing on the retail sector and retail companies will critically evaluate RFID’s diffusion process using the literature review, and concluding with recommendations for further improvement to the literature and the development of future technologies. The technological and the innovation perspectives of diffusion got established in 1960’s, in the aftermath of Everett Rogers’ book, Diffusion of Innovations. Rogers focused on how innovation or technology got diffused or infiltrated into the society through various channels. Rogers defined diffusion as â€Å"the process in which an innovation is communicated thorough certain channels over time among the members of a social system† (Rogers 1983, p.5). It was Everett Rogers and its diffusion model which was widely accepted in various fields. The process of

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Picture of Dorian Gray Essay Example for Free

The Picture of Dorian Gray Essay 1.The Picture of Dorian Gray is the story of a young and beautiful man named Dorian Gray who is frightened by the fact that he will eventually lose his good looks and youth as he ages. Dorian Gray is the subject of a painting by an artist, Basil Hallward. Basil introduces Dorian Gray to Lord Henry Wotton, who slowly begins to gain greater influence on Dorian Gray. Lord Henry believes the only things worth pursuing in life are beauty and fulfillment of the senses. Once Dorian realizes that his good looks and youth will eventually fade away he decides to pledge his soul to his painting to ensure that the portrait will age and bear the burden of his infamy instead of himself. Shortly after doing so Dorian meets an actress named Sibyl Vane. He falls in love with her and they become engaged. But Sibyl decides to quit acting; because of she believes she cannot pretend to love acting when she loves Dorian so much more. Once Dorian finds that Sibyl has quit acting he breaks the engagement and that night Sibyl hangs herself. After Sibyl’s death, Dorian begins a life of debauchery. Once rumors begin to spread of his infamous acts Basil comes to Dorian to confront him about the rumors. Out of rage Dorian kills Basil and needs help disposing the body. After the murder Dorian is full of guilt and instead of repenting his sins he takes the knife he used to stab Basil and stabs his picture instead. Dorian’s servants find Dorian’s portrait a beautiful picture of a young man and their master’s body lying on the floor. Dorian’s body is an old disfigured man with a knife in his heart. 2.The main characters in this story are Dorian Gray, Basil Hallward, and Lord Henry Wotton. Dorian Gray is an incredibly handsome and wealthy young gentleman whom Basil Hallward paints a picture of. Once Dorian meets Lord Henry he finds that his beauty will eventually fade and pledges his soul to the painting Basil made. He soon begins a life of corruption. Basil Hallward is a painter who is infatuated with Dorian’s extreme beauty. He is the painter that creates Dorian’s painting that ages as Dorian doesn’t. Basil is also a friend to Lord Henry Wotton. Lord Henry Wotton is a noble witty friend of Basil and later becomes a friend to Dorian as well. He eventually has a huge influence on Dorian and first puts Dorian in the mindset that beauty doesn’t last forever. 3.There are multiples themes in The Picture of Dorian Gray but the most central theme would be physical beauty and narcissism, and how they lead to self destruction. There are numerous situations of Dorian Gray hinting at narcissism. In the second chapter Dorian murmurs â€Å"How sad it is! I shall grow old, and horrible, and dreadful. But this picture will remain always young. It will never be older than this particular day of June.If it were only the other way! If it were I who was to be always young, and the picture that was to grow old! For that for that I would give everything! Yes, there is nothing in the whole world I would not give! I would give my soul for that!† (pg28) This is when Dorian realized that his youth, his dazzling beauty, will not last forever. Dorian now realizes that he should treasure his youth more than ever. He also realizes would give up everything to save his youthful beauty, even his soul. However, everything has a price to pay. Another example of Dorian’s narcissism in the book is on page 95 where Dorian blames Sibyl for the reason he ended their engagement. â€Å"It was the girl’s fault, not his he had thought her great. Then she had disappointed him. She had been shallow and unworthy.† (pg95) Dorian’s attitude towards the ending of his relationship with Sibyl shows how overconfident he is in his beauty and because of this overconfidence he loses the woman he loves. The final example of how narcissistic attitude leads to destruction is the ending of the story. In the end of the story Dorian ends up killing himself because of all the horrible things he had done in his life. He stabs himself with the knife he used to kill Basil and once he kills himself he turns old and his picture becomes young again. 4. Oscar Wilde’s writing style in The Picture of Dorian Gray uses a great deal of detail and an abundance of witty dialogue. Wilde uses Lord Henry to provoke humor with his theories on how life should be lived with only pleasure. More often though Wilde uses description to create the mood, tone, and setting of the story. Wilde describes each setting in the story with great detail making clear what he wants the picture of the setting to look like in one’s head. On page 4 Wilde wrote â€Å"As the painter looked at the gracious and comely form he had so skillfully mirrored in his art, a smile of pleasure passed across his face, and seemed about to linger there.† In this description Wilde sets the mood, tone, and setting. He also describes each character with great detail. â€Å"Lord Henry stroked his pointed brown beard, and tapped the toe of his patent-leather boot with a tasseled ebony cane.† (pg11) Wilde’s description’s of Lord Henry helps the reader create a better idea of what the characters are like and what they look like. Wilde omniscient point of view on the story gives insight to each of the character thoughts and reasoning behind their actions. With this point of view the reader can understand Dorian’s motives behind pledging his soul, breaking his relationship with Sibyl, and ending his life. 5.The Picture of Dorian Gray is one of the most intriguing and unique books I have ever read. The storyline of the story is unique itself because I don’t believe I’ve ever read a book about a man pledging his soul to a painting to preserve his youth. Dorian Gray’s character is invigorating. His selfishness made me want to both strangle him and continue reading throughout the entire story. Lord Henry’s wit was striking and offensive but also thought provoking. The slight homosexuality between Basil and Dorian was humorous. Not only was the book full of interesting viewpoints on life and rude behavior it was also enlightening. Although Dorian was selfish and wrong for pledging his soul so that he could stay young his thoughts are understandable. The notion that getting older isn’t as pleasurable as it may seem to others is an idea that I can relate with but I would never sell my soul for it. This book was well worth the read even though the beginning seemed kind of dry to me.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Environmental Ethics Essay -- shallow ecological thinking, deep ecolog

"If we each take responsibility in shifting our own behavior, we can trigger the type of change that is necessary to achieve sustainability for our race or this planet. We change our planet, our environment, our humanity every day, every year, every decade, and every millennia." -- Yehuda Berg The state of our environment has been deteriorating for centuries. Every part of the planet has been negatively impacted by man. Environmental degradation was greatly accelerated by the industrial revolution that took place in the 19th century. The industrial revolution mechanized the production of goods and introduced the use of machinery and other heavy equipment which were fueled by dirty sources of energy. At first, wood and coal powered the engines of industry, later they were replaced by natural gas and petroleum(Alters 51-63). At this point, it simply is not enough to just "do no harm" to the environment. We must immediately begin to act on behalf of the environment, instead of just not against it. My ethics concerning the environment have always run along the lines of "shallow ecological thinking,(Naess)" as Arne Naess called it. I choose to avoid pollution and to reduce, reuse, and recycle because these actions seem beneficial to humans in one way or another. This reasoning is shared by many people in regards to the environment and animal rights considering anything as a means to human ends, rather than as ends in themselves. Even the above passage from the Bible seems to allocate all the goods of the earth to humans and puts all the natural resources under their direct supervision. I understand the above passage to mean that man is obliged to look after the environment and to protect it, much like a mother looks after her chi... ...ered by a world of people. We need to keep in mind, however, that ethics do not develop spontaneously, so we must allow a bit of leeway, some room to move, grow, and evolve. With this mindset, the environmental damage can first be slowed, then stopped, and eventually reversed and mended. It may seem drastic, but this plan of action may be more necessary than the people of our needy planet realize. Works Cited Alters, Sandra, ed., â€Å"Coal.† Energy: Supplies, Sustainability and Costs. Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2007. 51-63. EBC. OhioLINK Scholarly and Reference E-Books. Web. 17 Apr. 2015 Naess, Arne. "THE SHALLOW AND THE DEEP, LONG RANGE ECOLOGY MOVEMENTS" Inquiry (Oslo), 16 (1973). Web. 5 May 2015 Singer, Peter. Practical Ethics. Second ed. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Lord Liverpool’s Government Essay

Liverpool faced many economic and financial problems, as well as some political problems. Some of these problems included national debt, unemployment, wars with France and America and popular protest groups. Each of these factors also contributed to the popular unrest which occurred during this period. Liverpool was highly effective in defeating Napoleon and also in dealing with protest groups. Additionally he was also successful in bringing about some economic prosperity as well as reducing the deficit. However he was least effective in gaining the support of Prince Regent. Liverpool was most successful in winning the war with Napoleon in 1815. Liverpool had been the only person which had been able to defeat Napoleon to date which consequently made him seem unbeatable. During the war Napoleon implemented an ‘economic blockade’. In response the British tried to stop America from trading with certain countries, this hardened American opinion of the British and they now wa nted independence. This eventually led to another war, however this was resolved in a few years. Liverpool’s military success led to him gaining much support and therefore strengthening his position. Liverpool was also successful – to an extent – in restoring economic prosperity. The war had disrupted British trade and economy and it had also encouraged British economy to over specialise in war industries which resulted in inflation and rising prices. The Corn Laws which were implemented in 1815 caused bread prices to rise rapidly in the poor harvest of 1816; this angered many working class people and caused a lot of popular unrest, it also made Liverpool very unpopular, the corn laws benefited the upper classes. Additionally by 1815 Britain had and  £861 million national debt and the deficit had reached  £13 million. The income tax which had been imposed in 1799 and brought in  £15 million was defeated by 37 votes and abolished in March 1816. This meant that the government lost a substantial amount of revenue therefore worsening the economic state of the country. Further the end of the Napoleonic war in 1815 caused depression as the economy shifted from a war economy to a peacetime one. Liverpool’s government thought lower tariffs on imported goods would mean lower prices for costumers and therefore increasing demand and stimulating trade which would mean economic prosperity. Liverpool’s main source of revenue was the indirect tax. During this time the government was also under increasing pressure gain the support of the people as in the election of 1818 they had lost seats. The government was severely embarrassed over its handling of Peterloo, the spy system and the Queen Caroline Affair. Matters were only made worse by Castlereagh’s weak defence of the government position in each of the matters. The government was in deep embarrassment and on the verge of losing support from voters. As a response Liverpool shuffled the cabinet in 1822. Canning was appointed as foreign secretary. This was highly controversial and further cabinet changes took places. This was an attempt to make the restore the people’s faith in the government and Liverpool hoped to regain some credibility. This reshuffle provided the impression of change, however this was not really the case therefore it wasn’t particularly effective in solving any problems. There was also much radical threat in Britain at the time. During this time Liverpool did several things to try and suppress radical action: introduced the six acts, suspended the Habeas Corpus and the Seditions meeting act. Also people were transported and some were executed due to Luddite protests. These acts allowed the magistrates to take action necessary in order to prevent any action which seemed revolutionary. This made the government seems repressive and reactionary. This was also the first time any government had to deal with mass protest and therefore it could be said that perhaps for the experience they had, the government dealt with matters fairly effectively. Although there are perhaps better ways in which it could have been handled the government was somewhat effective in oppressing revolutionary protest. Liverpool was clearly most effective are regards military action – winning the war with Napoleon and also restoring the peace with America. As regards to the economic and financial problems Liverpool was somewhat successful in reducing the problem rather than getting rid of it.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Guide To Air Compressors Engineering Essay

Air compressors are among the most widely used equipment in the industry. They find public-service corporation in electronic, automotive, building and fabrication industries among others. However, the broad scope of available compressor types and monetary values make their purchase an highly hard determination. To avoid blowing your clip and money on the incorrect air compressor and salvage yourself of future compressor problems, see the followers before purchasing your air compressor.Buying Considerations:Types of Air Compressors: Three chief types of air compressors are normally used in industries. Rotary Screw Air Compressors: They use duplicate prison guards to compact air and shop it in hard-hitting armored combat vehicles. Rotary compressors cost more than reciprocating compressors. They can run full-time, have a responsibility rhythm of 100 per centum and are most-suited to applications necessitating uninterrupted usage. Rotary compressors can supply 1500 CFM of air flow in a individual phase and over 2500 CFM in two or more phases. Reciprocating or Piston-driven Air Compressors: They use Pistons to compact air and shop it in high force per unit area armored combat vehicles. Reciprocating compressors are the most economical. They are designed for portion clip usage and extremely suited for intermittent applications including portable applications and place workshops. Small air compressors produce 5 HP or less while larger compressors reach 1000s of HP. Reciprocating compressors reach up to 50 CFM with a individual phase and up to 100 CFM with two or more phases. One HP normally produces 4-5 CFM of air flow. Centrifugal Air Compressors: They are turbine engines, used in power workss and high-end industrial applications, and compress air through revolving blades. They are the costliest of all air compressor types. Centrifugal compressors operate at 400-8000 HP and bring forth airflows higher than 1000 CFM.Add-On Utilities and Oil-Free Compressors:Dry, cool and clean air allows you to better the length of service of your fabrication equipment. Desiccants: They remove wet from compressed air for water-sensitive equipment. Coolers: They lower compressed air temperature. Filters: They remove drosss such as oil and dust from compressed air. Oil-free compressors: They provide oil-free or oil-less air for oil sensitive equipment such as nutrient applications and semiconducting materials and utilize compaction Chamberss sealed off from the oil-lubricated machine parts. They are much more expensive than regular rotary and reciprocating compressors. Compressor Space: Air compressors generate a batch of heat and noise. If possible, apportion a separate compressor room to incorporate the noise and blowhole the heat. Alternatively, if you do non hold adequate infinite, an enclosure can be used to cut down heat and noise from the compressor. Reciprocating compressors are louder than rotary compressors. Power Requirements: Compressors can be powered by electricity or with a gasolene or Diesel engine. Energy demands vary from 100V to 500V and supra, depending on compressor size. Mobility: Pay careful attending to grips, wheels and compressor weight when looking for a nomadic compressor. Engine-driven compressors normally come with their ain nomadic dawdlers. When short on floor infinite, opt for vertically oriented compressors to salvage infinite. Pressure and air flow: Carefully find the air force per unit area and air flow demands for every piece of your equipment and happen a compressor that can run all your equipment. Air force per unit area and flow information is normally available within equipment certification. If you can & amp ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢t happen this information in the certification, reach the maker for an educated conjecture. Add up the air flow values and multiply the amount by 1.5. Choose the highest air force per unit area and increase it somewhat. Make certain your chosen compressor & A ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢s air flow and force per unit area evaluations match these values. Future Expansion: Reciprocating air compressors have an mean life of 10-15 old ages while rotary compressors have a lifetime of 20-30 old ages. See the air flow and force per unit area demands of equipment you wish to purchase in the close hereafter before choosing the air compressor type and size. Make certain your selected air compressor can run into both your nowadays and future demands for maximal benefit. Air Compressor Pricing: Air compressors are available in a broad scope of monetary values from $ 500 for a less than 1 HP power compressor to over $ 50000 for 200HP or more compressors. 5 HP reciprocating compressors cost $ 1500-2000 and 5 HP rotary compressors cost $ 2500-4000. At 10-25 HP, compressor monetary values range from $ 4000- $ 10000 or more. 50 HP compressors cost between $ 12,000 and $ 15,000 and 100 HP compressor monetary values range from $ 20,000- $ 30,000. Oil-free compressors costs are about triple the monetary value of regular air compressors. Individual compressor parts and fix services are besides available. If upfront payment is a job, you can inquire your trader for funding, leases or monthly leases. New compressors come with at least a 1-2 twelvemonth guarantee and service contract. Used compressors are besides available in the market. Two-stage theoretical accounts, that recompress compressed air for higher compaction, are available in both rotary and recipro cating compressors and are costlier than one-stage air compressors. Energy costs: These costs make up over 70-90 per centum of the entire ownership costs of an air compressor, over a 5-10 twelvemonth period. So make sure you select efficient air compressors over inefficient low cost 1s for long tally fiscal benefits. Before buying an air compressor, inquire your trader for its Compressed Air and Gas Institute ( CAGI ) data sheet to measure its energy efficiency readings. Manufacturer and Dealer Considerations: Choose a maker committed to bring forthing air compressors as mainstream equipment. Talk to several air compressor traders and acquire information on multiple trade names, before choosing a trader. Ask about trader repute and length of service in the concern, figure of staff members available for compressor service and service rates. Get mentions from traders and inquire them about trader public presentation. You can besides inquire your industry contacts about their air compressor traders to help you in trader choice. Traders with favourable market reputes and 15-20 twelvemonth experience are good versed with compressor jobs, and can offer better and faster support and service. Make sure you pick an efficient air compressor with sufficient air flow and air force per unit area from a reputed and experienced trader to acquire maximal benefits from your air compressor. Air compressors are your long-run friends, so take your clip and avoid any hastiness in doing your purchase determination.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Biography of Queen Min, Korean Empress

Biography of Queen Min, Korean Empress Queen Min (October 19, 1851–October 8, 1895), also known as Empress Myeongseong, was an important figure in Koreas Joseon Dynasty. She was married to Gojong, the first ruler of the Korean Empire. Queen Min was highly involved in her husbands government; she was assassinated in 1895 after the Japanese determined that she was a threat to their control of the Korean Peninsula. Fast Facts: Queen Min Known For: As the wife of Gojong, the Emperor of Korea, Queen Min played a major role in Korean affairs.Also Known As: Empress MyeongseongBorn: October 19, 1851 in Yeoju,  Kingdom of JoseonDied: October 8, 1895 in Seoul, Kingdom of JoseonSpouse: Gojong, Emperor of KoreaChildren: Sunjong Early Life On October 19, 1851, Min Chi-rok and an unnamed wife had a baby girl. The childs given name has not been recorded. As members of the noble Yeoheung Min clan, the family was well-connected with Koreas royal family. Although the little girl was an orphan by the age of 8, she went on to become the first wife of the young King Gojong of the Joseon Dynasty. Koreas child-king Gojong actually served as a figurehead for his father and regent, the Taewongun. It was the Taewongun who selected the Min orphan as the future queen, presumably because she did not have the strong family support that could threaten the ascendancy of his own political allies. Marriage The bride was 16 years old and King Gojong was only 15 when they married in March 1866. A slight and slender girl, the bride could not support the weight of the heavy wig she had to wear at the ceremony, so a special attendant helped hold it in place. The girl, small but clever and independent-minded, became Queen Consort of Korea. Typically, queen consorts concerned themselves with setting fashions for the noble women of the realm, hosting tea parties, and gossiping. Queen Min, however, had no interest in these pastimes. Instead, she read widely about history, science, politics, philosophy, and religion, giving herself the kind of education ordinarily reserved for men. Politics and Family Soon, the Taewongun realized that he had chosen his daughter-in-law unwisely. Her serious program of study concerned him, prompting him to quip, She evidently aspires to be a doctor of letters; look out for her. Before long, Queen Min and her father-in-law would be sworn enemies. The Taewongun moved to weaken the queens power at court by giving his son a royal consort, who soon bore King Gojong a son of his own. Queen Min proved unable to have a child until she was 20 years old, five years after the marriage. That child, a son, tragically died three days after he was born. The queen and the shamans (mudang) she called in to consult blamed the Taewongun for the babys death. They claimed that he had poisoned the boy with a ginseng emetic treatment. From that moment on, Queen Min vowed to avenge her childs death. Family Feud Queen Min began by appointing members of the Min clan to a number of high court offices. The queen also enlisted the support of her weak-willed husband, who was legally an adult by this time but still allowed his father to rule the country. She also won over the kings younger brother (whom the Taewongun called the dolt). Most significantly, she had King Gojong appoint a Confucian scholar named Cho Ik-Hyon to the court; the highly influential Cho declared that the king should rule in his own name, even going so far as to declare that the Taewongun was without virtue. In response, the Taewongun sent assassins to kill Cho, who fled into exile. However, Chos words bolstered the 22-year-old kings position sufficiently so that on November 5, 1873, King Gojong announced that henceforth he would rule in his own right. That same afternoon, somebody- likely Queen Min- had the Taewonguns entrance to the palace bricked shut. The following week, a mysterious explosion and fire rocked the queens sleeping chamber, but the queen and her attendants were not hurt. A few days later, an anonymous parcel delivered to the queens cousin exploded, killing him and his mother. Queen Min was certain that the Taewongun was behind this attack, but she could not prove it. Trouble With Japan Within a year of King Gojongs accession to the throne, representatives of Meiji Japan appeared in Seoul to demand that the Koreans pay tribute. Korea had long been a tributary of Qing China (as had Japan, off and on), but considered itself of equal rank with Japan, so the king contemptuously rejected their demand. The Koreans mocked the Japanese emissaries for wearing western-style clothing, saying they were no longer even true Japanese, and then deported them. Japan would not be so lightly put off, however. In 1874, the Japanese returned once more. Although Queen Min urged her husband to reject them again, the king decided to sign a trade treaty with the Meiji Emperors representatives in order to avoid trouble. With this foothold in place, Japan then sailed a gunship called Unyo into the restricted area around the southern island of Ganghwa, prompting the Korean shore defenses to open fire. Using the Unyo incident as a pretext, Japan sent a fleet of six naval vessels into Korean waters. Under the threat of force, Gojong once again folded; Queen Min was unable to prevent his capitulation. The kings representatives signed the Ganghwa Treaty, which was modeled on the Kanagawa Treaty that the United States had imposed on Japan following Commodore Matthew Perrys 1854 arrival in Tokyo Bay. (Meiji Japan was an astonishingly quick study on the subject of imperial domination.) Under the terms of the Ganghwa Treaty, Japan got access to five Korean ports and all Korean waters, special trading status, and extraterritorial rights for Japanese citizens in Korea. This meant that Japanese accused of crimes in Korea could only be tried under Japanese law- they were immune to local laws. The Koreans gained absolutely nothing from this treaty, which signaled the beginning of the end of Korean independence. Despite Queen Mins best efforts, the Japanese would dominate Korea until 1945. Imo Incident In the period after the Ganghwa incident, Queen Min spearheaded a reorganization and modernization of Koreas military. She also reached out to China, Russia, and the other western powers in hopes of playing them off against the Japanese in order to protect Korean sovereignty. Although the other major powers were happy to sign unequal trade treaties with Korea, none would commit to defending the Hermit Kingdom from Japanese expansionism. In 1882, Queen Min faced a rebellion by old-guard military officers who felt threatened by her reforms and by the opening of Korea to foreign powers. Known as the Imo Incident, the uprising temporarily ousted Gojong and Min from the palace, returning the Taewongun to power. Dozens of Queen Mins relatives and supporters were executed, and foreign representatives were expelled from the capital. King Gojongs ambassadors to China appealed for assistance, and 4,500 Chinese troops then marched into Seoul and arrested the Taewongun. They transported him to Beijing to be tried for treason; Queen Min and King Gojong returned to the Gyeongbukgung Palace and reversed all of the Taewonguns orders. Unbeknownst to Queen Min, the Japanese ambassadors in Seoul strong-armed Gojong into signing the Japan-Korea Treaty of 1882. Korea agreed to pay restitution for the Japanese lives and property lost in the Imo Incident, and also to allow Japanese troops into Seoul so they could guard the Japanese Embassy. Alarmed by this new imposition, Queen Min once again reached out to Qin China, granting them trading access to ports still closed to Japan, and requesting that Chinese and German officers head her modernizing army. She also sent a fact-finding mission to the United States, headed by Min Yeong-ik of her Yeoheung Min clan. The mission even dined with American President Chester A. Arthur. Tonghak Rebellion In 1894, Korean peasants and village officials rose up against the Joseon government because of the crushing tax burdens imposed upon them. Like the Boxer Rebellion, which was beginning to brew in Qing China, the Tonghak or Eastern Learning movement in Korea was anti-foreigner. One popular slogan was Drive out the Japanese dwarfs and the Western barbarians. As the rebels took provincial towns and capitals  and marched toward Seoul, Queen Min urged her husband to ask Beijing for aid. China responded on June 6, 1894, by sending in almost 2,500 soldiers to reinforce Seouls defenses. Japan expressed its outrage (real or feigned) at this land-grab by China  and sent 4,500 troops to Incheon, over the protests of Queen Min and King Gojong. Although the Tonghak Rebellion was over within a week, Japan and China did not withdraw their forces. As the two Asian powers troops stared one another down and the Korean royals called for both sides to withdraw, British-sponsored negotiations failed. On July 23, 1894, Japanese troops marched into Seoul and captured King Gojong and Queen Min. On August 1, China and Japan declared war on one another, fighting for control of Korea. Sino-Japanese War Although Qing China deployed 630,000 troops to Korea in the Sino-Japanese War, as opposed to just 240,000 Japanese, the modern Meiji army and navy quickly crushed the Chinese forces. On April 17, 1895, China signed the humiliating Treaty of Shimonoseki, which recognized that Korea was no longer a tributary state of the Qing empire. It also granted the Liaodong Peninsula, Taiwan, and the Penghu Islands to Japan, and agreed to pay a war indemnity of 200 million silver taels to the Meiji government. As many as 100,000 of Koreas peasants had risen up late in 1894 to attack the Japanese as well, but they were slaughtered. Internationally, Korea was no longer a vassal state of the failing Qing; its ancient enemy, Japan, was now fully in charge. Queen Min was devastated. Appeal to Russia Japan quickly wrote a new constitution for Korea  and stocked its parliament with pro-Japanese Koreans. A large number of Japanese troops remained stationed indefinitely in Korea. Desperate for an ally to help unlock Japans stranglehold on her country, Queen Min turned to the other emerging power in the Far East- Russia. She met with Russian emissaries, invited Russian students and engineers to Seoul, and did her best to stoke Russian concerns about the rising Japanese power. Japans agents and officials in Seoul, well aware of Queen Mins appeals to Russia, countered by approaching her old nemesis and father-in-law, the Taewongun. Although he hated the Japanese, the Taewongun detested Queen Min even more  and agreed to help them get rid of her once and for all. Assassination In the fall of 1895, Japanese ambassador to Korea Miura Goro formulated a plan to assassinate Queen Min, a plan that he named Operation Fox Hunt. Early in the morning of October 8, 1895, a group of 50 Japanese and Korean assassins launched their assault on Gyeongbokgung Palace. They seized King Gojong but did not harm him. Then they attacked the queen consorts sleeping quarters, dragging her out along with three or four of her attendants. The assassins questioned the women to make sure that they had Queen Min, then slashed them with swords before stripping and raping them. The Japanese displayed the queens dead body to several other foreigners in the area- including the Russians  so they knew their ally was dead- and then carried her body to the forest outside the palace walls. There, the assassins doused Queen Mins body with kerosene and burned it, scattering her ashes. Legacy In the aftermath of Queen Mins murder, Japan denied involvement while also pushing King Gojong to posthumously strip her of her royal rank. For once, he refused to bow to their pressure. An international outcry about Japans killing of a foreign sovereign forced the Meiji government to stage show-trials, but only minor participants were convicted. Ambassador Miura Goro was acquitted for a lack of evidence. In 1897, Gojong ordered a careful search of the woods where his queens body had been burned, which turned up a single finger bone. He organized an elaborate funeral for this relic of his wife, featuring 5,000 soldiers, thousands of lanterns and scrolls enumerating Queen Mins virtues, and giant wooden horses to transport her in the afterlife. The queen consort also received the posthumous title of Empress Myeongseong. In the following years, Japan would defeat Russia in the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905) and formally annex the Korean Peninsula in 1910, ending the Joseon dynastys rule. Korea would remain under Japans control until the Japanese defeat in World War II. Sources Bong Lee. The Unfinished War: Korea. New York: Algora Publishing, 2003.Kim Chun-Gil. The History of Korea. ABC-CLIO, 2005Palais, James B. Politics and Policy in Traditional Korea. Harvard University Press, 1975.Seth, Michael J. A History of Korea: From Antiquity to the Present. Rowman Littlefield, 2010.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The eNotes Blog Poes 5 Most Poe-trifyingPoems

Poes 5 Most Poe-trifyingPoems â€Å"Alone† On October 7th, 1849, Edgar Allan Poe, the bard of death and mystery, died mysteriously. His distinctive poems and stories, which range from spooky ghost verses to spine-tingling murder thrillers, have made their mark on writers and readers ever since. To honor the spirit of Poe, we’ve pulled together five of his most frightening poems, all of which deliver major chills in small packages. â€Å"Alone† From childhood’s hour I have not been As others were- I have not seen As others saw- I could not bring My passions from a common spring- â€Å"Alone† begins in a contemplative, almost confessional tone. The speaker shares his â€Å"most stormy life,† including his lifelong feelings of loneliness and separation from the rest of the world. As the poem reaches its conclusion, however, the confession transforms into a hair-raising, otherworldly vision†¦ I won’t spoil the rest for you! The Bells Keeping time, time, time,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In a sort of Runic rhyme, To the tintinabulation that so musically wells   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  From the bells, bells, bells, bells,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bells, bells, bells-   From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells. â€Å"The Bells† is one of the most singular poems ever written. In four sections, it describes the sounds of tolling bells, expressed through dense onomatopoeia and repetition. At first, the bells chime out lightheartedly, telling of â€Å"a world of merriment.† Poe, however, cannot stay in such a world, and so by the final sections, the bells ring out with despair and ghoulish terror. You’ll never hear bells the same way again.    A Dream Within a Dream I stand amid the roar Of a surf-tormented shore, And I hold within my hand Grains of the golden sand - How few! yet how they creep Through my fingers to the deep, While I weep - while I weep! â€Å"A Dream Within a Dream† is deeply haunting, but not because dungeons full of ghosts burst open or winged demons wheel through the air with burning swords (that would be awesome, though). The poem is haunting because the speaker expresses a paranoia that his life is an unreal dream from which he cannot escape. If you like your spooks with a philosophical twist, this poem is for you. The Raven â€Å"Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!† I shrieked, upstarting- â€Å"Get thee back into the tempest and the Night’s Plutonian shore! Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken! Leave my loneliness unbroken!- quit the bust above my door! Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!†                  Quoth the Raven â€Å"Nevermore.† If you know Poe, you’ve probably read â€Å"The Raven,† his most famous poem. On a dark and stormy night, a grieving young man is visited by a cryptic corvid, who answers his desperate questions with an unforgettable, dream-crushing croak. Will the young man ever again see his dead love Lenore? â€Å"Quoth the Raven ‘Nevermore.’† Gather your friends at midnight and read this riotous fright-fest aloud by candlelight. And good luck trying to sleep afterwards. The Spirits of the Dead Thy soul shall find itself alone ’Mid dark thoughts of the gray tombstone- Not one, of all the crowd, to pry Into thine hour of secrecy. For those who enjoy wandering through misty graveyards at night, â€Å"The Spirits of the Dead† is for you. Poe brings the inky darkness to life and stirs the corpses from their rest into a silent communion. Soak in the dismal scene: the frowning night, the disdainful stars on their high thrones, the mysteries of the dead. Poe truly captures the heart of Halloween in this slow-burning spooktacular.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Patriarchal Society Defined According to Feminism

Patriarchal Society Defined According to Feminism Definition: Patriarchal (adj.) describes a general structure in which men have power over women. Society (n.) is the entirety of relations of a community. A patriarchal society consists of a male-dominated power structure throughout organized society and in individual relationships. Power is related to privilege.  In a system in which men have more power than women, men have some level of privilege to which women are not entitled. The concept of patriarchy has been central to many feminist theories.  It is an attempt to explain the stratification of power and privilege by gender that can be observed by many objective measures. A patriarchy, from the ancient Greek patriarches, was a society where power was held by and passed down through the elder males. When modern historians and sociologists describe a patriarchal society, they mean that men hold the positions of power and have more privilege: head of the family unit, leaders of social groups, boss in the workplace, and heads of government. In patriarchy, there is also a hierarchy among the men.  In traditional patriarchy, the elder men had power over the younger generations of men.  In modern patriarchy, some men hold more power (and privilege) by virtue of the position of authority, and this hierarchy of power (and privilege) is considered acceptable. The term comes from  pater  or father.  Father or father-figures hold the authority in a patriarchy. Traditional patriarchal societies are, usually, also patrilineal - titles and property are inherited through male lines.  (For an example of this, the Salic Law as applied to property and titles followed male lines strictly.) Feminist Analysis Feminist theorists have expanded the definition of patriarchal society to describe a systemic bias against women. As second-wave feminists examined society during the 1960s, they did observe households headed by women and female leaders. They were, of course, concerned with whether this was uncommon. More significant, however, was the way society perceived women in power as an exception to a collectively held view of womens role in society. Rather than saying that individual men oppressed women, most feminists saw that oppression of women came from the underlying bias of a patriarchal society. Gerda Lerners Analysis of Patriarchy Gerda Lerners 1986 history classic,  The Creation of Patriarchy, traces the development of the patriarchy to the second millennium B.C.E. in the middle east, putting gender relations at the center of the story of civilizations history.  She argues that before this development, male dominance was not a feature of human society in general.  Women were key to the maintenance of human society and community, but with a few exceptions, social and legal power was wielded by men. Women could gain some status and privilege in patriarchy by limiting her child-bearing capacity to just one man so that he could depend on her children being his children. By rooting patriarchy - a social organization where men rule over women - in historical developments, rather than in nature, human nature or biology, she also opens the door for change.  If patriarchy was created by culture, it can be overturned by a new culture.  Ã‚   Part of her theory carried through into another volume, The Creation of Feminist Consciousness, is that women were not conscious that they were subordinate (and it might be otherwise) until this consciousness began slowly to emerge, starting with medieval Europe. In an interview with Jeffrey Mishlove on Thinking Aloud, Lerner described her work on the subject of patriarchy: Other groups that were subordinated in history - peasants, slaves, colonials, any kind of group, ethnic minorities - all of those groups knew very quickly that they were subordinated, and they developed theories about their liberation, about their rights as human beings, about what kind of struggle to conduct in order to emancipate themselves. But women did not, and so that was the question that I really wanted to explore. And in order to understand it I had to understand really whether patriarchy was, as most of us have been taught, a natural, almost God-given condition, or whether it was a human invention coming out of a specific historic period. Well, in Creation of Patriarchy I think I show that it was indeed a human invention; it was created by human beings, it was created by men and women, at a certain given point in the historical development of the human race. It was probably appropriate as a solution for the problems of that time, which was the Bronze Age, but its no longe r appropriate, all right? And the reason we find it so hard, and we have found it so hard, to understand it and to combat it, is that it was institutionalized before Western civilization really, as we know it, was, so to speak, invented, and the process of creating patriarchy was really well completed by the time that the idea systems of Western civilization were formed. Some Quotes About Feminism and Patriarchy From bell hooks: Visionary feminism is a wise and loving politics. It is rooted in the love of male and female being, refusing to privilege one over the other. The soul of feminist politics is the commitment to ending patriarchal domination of women and men, girls and boys. Love cannot exist in any relationship that is based on domination and coercion. Males cannot love themselves in patriarchal culture if their very self-definition relies on submission to patriarchal rules. When men embrace feminist thinking and practice, which emphasizes the value of mutual growth and self-actualization in all relationships, their emotional well-being will be enhanced. A genuine feminist politics always brings us from bondage to freedom, from lovelessness to loving. Also from bell hooks:  We have to constantly critique imperialist white supremacist patriarchal culture because it is normalized by mass media and rendered unproblematic. From Mary Daly: The word ‘sin’ is derived from the Indo-European root ‘es-,’ meaning ‘to be.’ When I discovered this etymology, I intuitively understood that for a [person] trapped in patriarchy, which is the religion of the entire planet, ‘to be’ in the fullest sense is ‘to sin. From Andrea Dworkin: Being female in this world means having been robbed of the potential for human choice by men who love to hate us. One does not make choices in freedom. Instead, one conforms in body type and behavior and values to become an object of male sexual desire, which requires an abandonment of a wide-ranging capacity for choice... From Maria Mies, author of  Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale, linking the division of labor under capitalism to the division of the sexes: Peace in patriarchy is war against women. From Yvonne Aburrow: The patriarchal/kyriarchal/hegemonic culture seeks to regulate and control the body – especially women’s bodies, and especially black women’s bodies – because women, especially black women, are constructed as the Other, the site of resistance to the kyriarchy. Because our existence provokes fear of the Other, fear of wildness, fear of sexuality, fear of letting go – our bodies and our hair (traditionally hair is a source of magical power) must be controlled, groomed, reduced, covered, suppressed. From Ursula Le Guin: Civilized Man says: I am Self, I am Master, all the rest is otheroutside, below, underneath, subservient. I own, I use, I explore, I exploit, I control. What I do is what matters. What I want is what matter is for. I am that I am, and the rest is women wilderness, to be used as I see fit. From Kate Millett: Patriarchy, reformed or unreformed, is patriarchy still: its worst abuses purged or foresworn, it might actually be more stable and secure than before. From Adrienne Rich,  Of Woman Born:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"There is nothing revolutionary whatsoever about the control of womens bodies by men. The womans body is the terrain on which patriarchy is erected.†

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Economic Analysis Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Economic Analysis Assignment - Essay Example Forecast on interest rates are also an important measure to check the demand of goods in the economy, interest rates are used by the federal government to achieve higher levels of growth and also to check inflation, for this reason therefore when inflation is high in the economy we expect the federal government to raise interest rates, when interest rates are raised the cost of borrowing funds is high and therefore we do not expect the aggregate demand in the economy to rise, for this reason therefore when there is inflation in the economy we expect that firms are already aware of the policy measure to be undertaken by the government, for this reason the firm will not produce the top ten US trade partners include china, Mexico, Canada, Japan, UK, Germany, south Korea, France, Taiwan and Netherlands, the diagram below summarises the import, exports, percentage import, percentage exports of the ten countries to and fro the US: The deficit level of the top 10 countries is not consistent with the level of ranking given, the ranking however is based on total trade with the country, and total trade is achieved by adding up the total exports and total imports of the countries. The table above shows the percentage imports from the country, the ranking by percentage imports is consistent with the ranking of top ten trading partners. The diagram below summarises the various countries and their ranking regarding deficit levels, positive deficit shows that the US imports more than it imports, negative deficit shows that the US imports are less than exports: Data was retrieved from b. Federal Reserve given the exchange rate of the yen against the dollar we can be in a position to determine the cost of box lunch each first day of the year from January 2000 to date, the exchange rate keeps on fluctuating and as the yen appreciates then the cost of box lunch becomes expensive, however when the yen depreciates the box lunch is much less expensive, below is the exchange rate of the yen against the dollar, we assume that due to the non existence of exchange rate on the first day of the year we assume that previous day exchange rate is the one that is used in the next day. The table below represents the cost of the lunch box in yen and in dollars, also gives the exchange rate

Discourse On Method and Meditations On First Philosophy Essay

Discourse On Method and Meditations On First Philosophy - Essay Example At examining the difference between pure intellectual and imagination, he uses figures such as triangles, bound by three lines, chiliagon bound by thousands of sides and Pentagon. He points that the force of habit drives one to imagine something whenever one thinks of a corporeal thing. The new effort on the side of the mind that makes one imagine rather than need it to understand defines the difference between pure intellectual and imagination (Descartes, Weissman & Bluhm, 1996). The power of imagination differing from the power of understanding is not essential to an own essence. The power of imagination relies on something distinct from the person in question. Despite the existence of the body, it is by means of the character’s body that brings an imagination of corporeal things. The mind, therefore, looks at the ideas that exist in it when it understands. While when it imagines, it reflects on the body and intuits something that conform to idea perceived by the sense or understood by the same mind. Therefore, an imagination is actualized in this manner if the body exists. Therefore, from a probability, the body exists (Descartes, Weissman & Bluhm, 1996). From the corporeal nature the object of pure mathematics, perception of things increases with means of senses. With the help of the memory, they appear to have reached the imagination. First, we sense that we have a head, feet, and other parts of the body. Pleasure and pain hunger enables sensing of appetites (Descartes, Weissman & Bluhm, 1996). One can also sense things found in the environment and use that basis to distinguish the earth, sky, and seas among others. The ideas from the mind are much vivid, explicit, and distinctive than those knowingly and deliberately formed through mediation or found within the memory. They all seem first not to come from own self. Therefore, the alternative was that they came from other things

Friday, October 18, 2019

Written Assignment #2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Written Assignment #2 - Essay Example Donatello’s version of David is estimated to have been created around 1440. It was a rather unique and famous statue owing to two facts; that one, it was the first unsupported bronze sculpture of the 15th century, and two, it was one of the earliest â€Å"nude† sculptures known to the Renaissance. It has the figure of a David who seems quite young, like a seventeen-year-old, wearing only a hat and some knee-height boots. The rest of his body is nude. He is holding a large sword (seemingly Goliath’s), in his right hand, and his left hand akimbo. Beneath his feet is Goliath’s head, badly severed. One of the Renaissance aspects of this work is in proportion. The Renaissance artists, focussed on realism, and that meant capturing their subjects accurately; as they appeared in nature. As is evident here, David is wholly proportional. The second aspect is texture. The body has been made smooth as should be in nature, and the hair has its texture simulated in a similar manner. The boots he is wearing also have the â€Å"leathery† appearance achieved through texture creation. The other outstanding Renaissance art feature is the capturing of fine details, such as his face in which one can see the smile on him. It displays a happy emotion. Finally, the body has been molded such that the light falling on it will create shading so some parts of David will be dark and others lighter; creating depth. Verrocchio’s David was created in bronze in the given period between 1473 and 1475. Similar to Donatello’s, it was commissioned by the Medici family for placement at the Medici Pallazo (Pallazo della Signoria). The David here is older than Donatello’s, seemingly in his early to mid-twenties. He has no hat on his head, wears a decorated battle vest, and a knee-length skirt. His hair falls freely and he is a little more muscular than Donatello’s David. The sword he holds in his right

Prescription Drugs Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Prescription Drugs - Term Paper Example What is fueling the rise in prescription drugs costs? A number of factors are accounted for the rise in prescription drugs costs, such as: 1. Rise in demand: Much of the increase in prescription drugs costs is attributed to the rising demand, consumption and utilization of prescription drugs. Ageing population, rise of lifestyle and chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and depression and specialty diseases such as Alzheimer’s etc. have led to high consumption of prescription drugs in U.S. Hence, leading to higher government spending on medical drugs. 2. Increase in drug development costs: The average costs to develop a new drug therapy increased by more than 60% from 2000 to 2005 hence leading to higher prescription drug prices for innovative medicines (PhRMA, 2011). 3. Direct to Consumer Marketing and Advertising particularly for higher priced drugs by pharmaceutical companies has also driven the demand, sales and overall spending levels. 4. Price Inflation: Retail prescription drugs prices have increased around 3.6% annually during 2000 and 2009, higher than the avg. inflation rate of 2.5% (Kaiser Foundation, 2010). It is estimated that prescription drug spending growth would undergo a slower pace until 2017 when high utilization would accelerate the demand for prescription drugs (Keehan, et al., 2008). The incessant rise in demand due to ageing population and rise of innovative medicines will resume to upsurge the prescription drug expenditures for current and future years. Drug development costs for innovative drugs will continue to rise, however, due to a number of patent expiries and higher penetration of generics medicines will balance the overall increase in such costs. The prices of mature drugs would fall in the future due to generic entries and price reviews by federal and state governments whereas prices of new innovative medicines

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Come up with an assertin- a claim,a point, an opinion- that you can Essay

Come up with an assertin- a claim,a point, an opinion- that you can support with some of the facts from the articles - Essay Example This premise is demonstrated beautifully when Charlie attempts to win Lalu from Hong King by playing poker. Clearly, Charlie is willing to gamble on Lalu because he loves here whereas Hong King is willing to gamble on her to maintain her slavery. Tragically, Lalu does not see this because she has always been viewed as a chattel and therefore presumes that Charlie views her much the same way. The problem that Charlie has is that he will never win the love or affections of Lalu because ultimately, she is the product of a bet. I suspect however, that had Charlie allowed Lalu to kill Hong King or had assisted her in the murder, he would have ultimately won her over. No matter how hard any man may try, a woman’s dignity will not be stolen from her without her consent. Women, all women want protection, but not at any price. Finally, once a woman has decided that a man sees her only as chattel, he can never shake that impression from

Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 34

Art - Essay Example Probably the latter forms are either harvesting or tilling machines mainly utilized to prepare the land. This is evident from the black and curved objects protruding close to the busy man who appears to operate a machine, hence forming the artwork’s focal point. In this artwork, Clyfford extensively utilizes red, yellow, black, grey and white colors besides their varied shades. Diverse color shades characterize the forefront space and the sky. Mostly, these shades help the audience to unveil the time of the day and season, which the artist features in his work. The forefront mixtures of both white and grey or bluish shades form snow like objects, which characterize the artist’s early childhood region. In addition, the long protruding object from the left corner to the right casts a shadow beneath it whereby according to its inclination proves the time was in the afternoon. In his effort to depict diverse objects comprising this artwork, Clyfford skillfully utilizes both the color and â€Å"ripping off† method. The latter is evident in the forefront objects whereby the artist employs several color layers before using a chisel-like tool to make white patches that resemble snow. The use of this technique is also evident on the protruding and extending object’s side at the background. However, the artist on the background object preferred utilizing grey color instead of white or other varied shades similar the forefront objects. This is to show a demarcation between the snow and the vertical wall linking other structures, which the man seem to cling on while undertaking his activities. In this artwork, illumination emanates from the left side as indicated by the way the long and protruding object in the background casts shadow in the opposite direction. Besides, the forefront forms and red clouds above the background confirm that the light’s source is in the left side. Illumination besides helping the audience to unveil what could be

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Come up with an assertin- a claim,a point, an opinion- that you can Essay

Come up with an assertin- a claim,a point, an opinion- that you can support with some of the facts from the articles - Essay Example This premise is demonstrated beautifully when Charlie attempts to win Lalu from Hong King by playing poker. Clearly, Charlie is willing to gamble on Lalu because he loves here whereas Hong King is willing to gamble on her to maintain her slavery. Tragically, Lalu does not see this because she has always been viewed as a chattel and therefore presumes that Charlie views her much the same way. The problem that Charlie has is that he will never win the love or affections of Lalu because ultimately, she is the product of a bet. I suspect however, that had Charlie allowed Lalu to kill Hong King or had assisted her in the murder, he would have ultimately won her over. No matter how hard any man may try, a woman’s dignity will not be stolen from her without her consent. Women, all women want protection, but not at any price. Finally, once a woman has decided that a man sees her only as chattel, he can never shake that impression from

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

4four Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

4four - Case Study Example Moreover, a student has disabilities and need special attendance. It is also the responsibility of the teacher in charge to ensure that the student receive special consideration. However, there are some factors that hinder successful learning amongst the students, and the same time there are some factors that promote real learning. Therefore, the teacher should ensure that the students receive supportive environment towards their learning activities (Bacon). Moreover, there are also some activities that make the student active in his or her daily activities. Therefore, the tutor needs to ensure that students play to break monotony or boredom. Class discussion is one of the most dangerous strategies to the learning career of the student Alex. Ales are a student who has asthma, cannot participate in-group activities and prefer to be alone. Therefore, through the application of class discussion learning strategy, the student will not be able to participate and thus feeling as if he is not part of that particular category. In addition, the student will also not respond appropriately to game presentations as well as group work and discussions. The student is asthmatic and could be having a problem to speak loudly. That will make the student to lack self-esteem and there contributing to discouragement. In addition, the student also has the characteristics of enjoying his company. That makes the student with a disability not be free with class or group discussion. The process involved in learning by students requires personal input. Therefore, the teacher needs to ensure that he attends to the student mostly in private session. It will enable the tutor and the student to be good friends, and that might cause the student to open up to the teacher. Once the student will be friendly with the teacher, he will also be able to accommodate other students. However, the student will be able to share an idea with fellow students and play with them. Once

Monday, October 14, 2019

Faith Diversity Essay Example for Free

Faith Diversity Essay This paper will look and examine four diverse faiths: Christianity, Buddhism, Rastafarianism and Islam spiritual perspective on healing. In Christianity, prayer is a way that a person can stay healthy physically, mentally and spiritually. Health is viewed by having a strong spiritual relationship with the Lord and living ones life by the word of God. Buddhist need a balance of health both mentally and physically in order to achieve optimal health. They way that they are able to restore health would be by practicing healthy dietary habits or meditation. Rastafarianism view on health as a balance of the mind, the body and the soul achieved with a more holistic approach like prayer and herbal treatments. Lastly, Islam reaches ultimate purity by having a clean body and soul. They must cleanse often and pray often. Religions differ in many ways; they could have a different sacred books, have different deities, or have different views on how to live a full life, ultimately they want the same thing, to have their faiths respected and incorporated into the care they are receiving. Introduction Throughout the world, there are thousands of distinctly different religious affiliations. In the United States alone, there are approximately 313 religions and denominations (All Religions and Denominations in the US, 2008). This paper will examine four diverse faiths Christianity, Buddhism, Rastafarianism and Islam. It will look at the philosophy of these four faiths when having care provided to them. It will specifically look at the spiritual perspective on healing. It will examine the critical components of healing for these faiths. Along with looking at these diverse faiths, this paper will look at what is important for people who are receiving care from health care providers whose views differ from their own. Christianity The Christians were the first people to start the worlds first voluntary charitable institutions which were hospitals (Trangelder, 2007). The reason that they started these hospitals is because they wanted to help the poor and those that were sick and dying (Trangelder, 2007). Health care and Christian belief go hand in hand. One of the most crucial components in healing is prayer. The Christians hold prayer in very high regard. They feel that prayer has the ability to make them better. In the book James 5:14-15(English Standard Version) it states, Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up(Biblegateway, 2001). Along with prayer, the bible mentions many ways that a person can stay healthy physically, mentally and spiritually. Ultimately, the way to stay healthy is by having a strong spiritual relationship with the Lord and living ones life by the word of God. Buddhism The Buddhist has a different holy book then the Christian faith. There sacred book is called Tripitaka. This holy book mentions that the only way to be truly healed is to be healthy in mind and body. Western medicine focuses on curing symptoms to treat medical problems, but the Buddhist see this only as a short term fix. In order for one to be healed one must also treat the spiritual aspect of the disease and its mind-based causes and remedies must be the primary considerations(Buddhism, Medicine, and Health, n. d. ). Buddhist feel that possible reasons for illness or disease would be 1) an imbalance of the four elements (earth, water, fire, and wind), 2) irregular dietary habits, 3) incorrect meditation methods, 4) disturbances by spirits, 5) demon possession, and 6) the force of bad karma (Buddhism, Medicine, and Health, n. d. ). They way that they are able to restore health would be by practicing healthy dietary habits, meditation, paying respect to the Buddha, repentance, reciting mantras, reciting the Buddhas name and using the dharma as medicine (Buddhism, Medicine, and Health, n. d. ). By doing this they would be able to find a balance physical and mentally and find long-term health. Rastafarianism Like the Christians, the Rastafarians sacred text that they pray to is the Bible, but the difference is how it is interpreted. The Rastafarians also feel that the head or God incarnate is Haile Selassie. He was a former Emperor of Ethiopia (Griffith, 2009). In Rastafarianism health care takes a holistic approach to healing; they believe that the concept of health extends to three spheres: the mind, the body and the soul (though sometimes the psychological and spiritual can sometimes be categorized together)(Rastafari and the Environment, 2012). They cure illnesses by use of home remedies or tonics rather than visiting a doctor. Rastafarians disown western influences of ideology, diet, lifestyle and religion in favor of belief systems and practices of African origin, which emphasizes the use of natural ingredients and tools(Rastafari and the Environment, 2012). Islam For the Islam, their sacred text is the Quran. In the Quran, unlike the Christians, Muhammad is the prophet sent to Earth to pass the word of the Lord, Allah. The Muslims feel that good health is one of the ways to get to heaven. In the Quran, it has teachings that show people how to protect his or her health and live life in a state of purity (Muslim Health Network (n. d). The single most important thing for this faith is prayer. Muslims perform it five times a day. The obligatory prayers provide a good means for the circulation of blood, breathing and general suppleness of joints (Muslim Health Network (n. d). Along with prayer they must cleanse after prayer, have a healthy diet, fast and refrain from intoxicates. Despite these religious differences in the United States, peoples only wish is to have their religious views respected and honored if possible. No matter if healthcare providers spiritual beliefs differ from those in their care, patients want their faith to be incorporated into the care that they are receiving. The Christian philosophy as written in the book of Luke 6:31 (English Standard Version) And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them(Biblegateway, n. d. ). This goes in line as all people would like to be treated, no matter how different spiritual views might be. In conclusion, the author learned that although many religions differ ultimately they want the same thing, to have their faith incorporated into the care they are receiving. Religions differ in many ways, they could have a different scared book, have different deities, or have different views on how to live a full life. Medication, chanting or prayer can help achieve inner peace to ultimately reach health inside and out. ? References Biblegateway (2001). James 5:14-15 ESV Is anyone among you sick? Let him call Bible Gateway. Retrieved from http://www. biblegateway. com/passage/? search=James+5%3A14-15version=ESV Biblegateway (n. d. ). Luke 6:31 ESV And as you wish that others would do to Bible Gateway. Retrieved from http://www. biblegateway. com/passage/? search=Luke%206:31version=ESV Buddhism, Medicine, and Health. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. blia. org/english/publications/booklet/pages/37. htm Griffith, J. K. (2009). THE RELIGIOUS ASPECTS OF NURSING CARE (4th ed. ). Vancouver, B. C Muslim Health Network (n. d. ). Islam Health. Retrieved from http://www. muslimhealthnetwork. org/islamandhealth. shtml Tangelder, J. D. (2007). A Christian Perspective on Healthcare. Retrieved from http://www. reformedreflections. ca/faith-and-life/chr-perspective-healthcare. html Rastafari and the Environment (2012). Natural Healing and Medicine. Retrieved from http://caribbeanreligionuvm. wordpress. com/category/natural-healing-and-medicine/

Sunday, October 13, 2019

I Will be an Agent for Social Change Essay -- Education Teaching Essay

I Will be an Agent for Social Change I arrived at Harvard eager for the world of experiences ahead. Yet as an Air Force Reserve Officer's Training Corp (ROTC) student, much of my academic world had been set up over the summer. My roommates poured over course guides, but my schedule was already laid out before me: math, economics, chemistry, Spanish and ROTC. My first college dilemma wasn't to find the right professor or class size, but to put together my uniform correctly. This being the case, I have had less time to stumble, but more time to focus on my other life choices. Despite working on a thesis, taking social studies tutorials, attending four-hour long weekly drill practices, doing Physical Training at dawn, and holding leadership positions within the Air Force, my calling has been community service. Through Education 4 Action (E4A), a social justice organization, I have facilitated discussions on race relations, led rallies to bring union picked grapes to campus, and engaged speakers to discuss gender issues. Also, through the First-Year Urban Program, I led incoming first-years and introduced them to public service in Boston. I derived great satisfaction from these projects and realized I wanted to do more. Community service has become my passion and is an activity I want to pursue further. So far, my journey has been twofold in nature: as an agent for social change through various nonprofits, and as an agent for my country's needs through Air Force ROTC. Today I face a choice. I must decide whether my upcoming Air Force commitment should be geared towards a lifetime career, or should be a stepping stone to the world of nonprofits. I believe the Michael C. Rockefeller Fellowship would provide the perfect oppor... ...tion of domestic abuse, and create an educational program we will implement in the community. I would also like to create an educational booklet on organizing with members of the ELC. I will use it to introduce similar youth based education programs in the other halfway houses across Trinidad and Tobago. I am committed to making this project work. With my practical background in social action and community education, I am excited for the chance to further grow, mature, and change. I want to become a public servant, but that will only be possible after I resolve my own uncertainties about my career decisions and cultural heritage. Because of the circumstances in my life, because of my experiences in college, and because of my desire to serve, I am certain that working in Trinidad under the Rockefeller Memorial Fellowship would help illuminate my future endeavors.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Present and Future Benefits of Solar Powered Homes Essay -- Argumentat

Present and Future Benefits of Solar Powered Homes Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The following is a feasibility study on the need to apply solar power for homes and the benefits to be expected from it. This report contains information on the expected benefits of using solar power for homes in place of traditional methods of power such as electricity and gas. Solar power is beneficial to consumers because it saves them money compared to the increasingly high prices of conventional methods of generation. Solar power is also beneficial to society because it is much safer for our environment than the burning of fossil fuels or the use of nuclear power that is characteristic of gas and electricity power. This report explores solar power as an alternate and superior means of power generation for homes. Discussion and Results â€Å"Photovoltaics—A Path to Sustainable Futures†, a journal article by Joshua M. Pierce states that since 1957, electricity demand in the US has increased by over 450% while the US population has increased by only 50%, which illustrates how the demand for electricity has grown. During the first half of the 20th century, the national average price of electricity decreased as more efficient generating units were brought into service and this general trend has continued, but more electricity is needed so there is a need for different methods of generation like nuclear and solar power. Nuclear and fossil fuel generation have many negative environmental impacts, so there is a need for change which enables consumers to reduce dependence on these harmful technologies. â€Å"Photovoltaics—A Path to Sustainable Futures† states that new technology such as solar power has become a primary focus for researchers and they not only believe solar power to be environment ally safer but more cost effective as well. All of us are electricity consumers and therefore are familiar with this issue that directly affects us. When looking at alternate ways to produce electricity, one matter that particularly stands out is the consumer’s cost for the use of electricity compared to the use of solar power. According to, over 200,000 homes in the U.S. use some type of solar technology and more than 10,000 homes are entirely power by solar energy. The advantages of using solar power for homes, also known as Photovoltaic systems, are numerous. Many solar-power... ...rgy. References Passive Solar Buildings by J. Douglas Baccomb is a book that we have used that explains a broad survey of solar power-energy technologies and the reasons for their increased use. by The Ozone Hole, Inc. is a web site that gives an overall definition of solar power and its many uses. â€Å"Convincing the Home Builder to Build Solar Homes- Evaluation of the Passive Solar Workshop for Builders† by S. Klein is a journal article that discusses the increasing need for electricity and the most cost effective and environmentally safest way to keep up with the demand. â€Å"Photovoltaics -- A Path to Sustainable Futures† Volume 34, 20022002 by Joshua M. Pierce is another journal article that explains the technical, social, and economic benefits and limitations of PV technologies to provide electricity. Solar Heating Systems: Analysis and Design with the Sun-Pulse Method by Gordon F. Tully is another book that we used for our background information on how solar energy systems work. by the U.S. Department of Energy is a web site that contains information on government programs supporting the use of solar power generation in homes.

Friday, October 11, 2019

New Manager Stumbles Case Analysis Essay

Suggest some options for Goldstone at this point. What might he do to help himself achieve success in his current situation?  First, Goldstone must think back about what he has done in the last 6 months and analyze his own performance. In this way, he can find out what mistake he has made in his management ; also, he needs to figure out the reasons for why he was making mistakes. Afterwards, he needs to face the reality and encourage himself to ask people who is on higher level when he does not know what to do. For example, in this situation, he needs to stop being defensive and reluctant of talking with Ludlow. Instead, he needs to use his valuable experience to help him propose a solid plan and discuss with Ludlow. The conversation between him and Ludlow was not helpful for both his and the company’s development. Therefore, they need to both realize the problem and start to cooperate with each other in order to create a double-win situation for them. Secondly, it will be an great asset for Goldstone if he can find a mentor within the company or the company could assign a mentor who had sufficient experience to help Goldstone out. Indeed, the company had many training programs and also the employee development training seminar which allowed the managers to sit together and exchange their thoughts and experience. However, the training program was all about theory and was really difficult for managers to put it into action; also, the training seminar were not effective as all the managers were just feeling sympathized but not sharing any useful management advice with each other. In order to find out an effective way to solve the current problems, he needs to talk with a mentor whom he can consult from. Moreover, company needs to let him know that the mentor is more than welcome to consult him and answer his questions. Through this way, Goldstone can articulate the company’s strategy and benefit for a long term. Furthermore, Goldstone can suggest the executive level to develop more practical training and management skills for the new managers. In this way, Goldstone can have a better relationship with  executive level people as they can see Goldstone are putting efforts to this company; also, it is good for Bulwark’s long term development. Last, Goldstone needs to work on his people management. In addition to consulting from his potential mentors and Ludlow, he needs to figure out a way to manage the sales rep working for him. Instead of simply managing and instructing them what to do, he needs to maintain a good relationship with them. In other words, he needs to get respect from them and get trust from them. He needs to apply golden rule and think for his sales rep which can help him avoid accidents like losing Puckett happen again. Also, he needs to use his courage and his strength to win the respect from his best sales rep Tony Skrow. As Skrow is the most successful sales rep in his team, winning the respect and trust from him can help Goldstone getting the entire control of the whole team.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Designing a Personal Music Player Essay

The problem is that I have to design and make a model personal music player that will fit ergonomically into the palm of someone’s hand and fit into a pocket. I am going to design a micro-disc player that is modern and Practical and easy to use. Materials Wood Plastic Metal Glass Manufacture Glue Saw Sand paper Wet and dry paper Weight Light Heavy Storage Where will it go? What will it be stored in? Style / Aesthetics Old fashioned Futuristic Modern Art deco Cost How much will it cost to make? Ergonomics Average sizes Carrying out investigation After completing my analysis it is easy to see what areas I need to research. The first thing I need to find out about is materials. I need to research materials because it is very important that I choose the right materials to make my product. E.g. wood, metal, plastic, glass Below are a list of other areas that I must research before I can write my specification: Existing products (products that are already released on the market) Ergonomics Fittings at the moment I am unsure of what style my product is going to be, here are some of the styles: Futuristic Old fashioned Art deco Modern Analysis Materials – the materials I am going to use to construct my Micro-Disc player must be strong, light and must also look good. The materials I could consider using are: Wood, metal, plastic and glass. Ergonomics – ergonomics is the study and application of the average sizes of human beings in relation to designs. I must think about when designing my product the size of an average humans hand size. Firstly the size of people and secondly the size of my product in comparison to the average size of people. Weight – weight is an important factor I must think about when designing my product Style – I must think about and research lots of different styles, for instance: Art deco, futuristic, old fashioned, modern and many others? Manufacture – I must think about how I am going to make my product – I must remember to write myself a manufactured plan or a flow chart of how I am going to make my product. Storage – I must consider where my product will go. Researching Materials Metals: mild steel – this metal is the most common ferrous metal. it is grey in colour and is a very soft metal. Aluminium – this metal is soft and also light. If mixed with metals as an alloy it becomes strong and easy to use. Woods: hard wood -this wood is harder and generally more durable than soft woods, there are many different colours. Hard wood is normally used for high quality furniture e.g. mahogany. Hard woods are usually very expensive. Soft woods – soft woods are easy to cut, but less durable than hard woods. soft woods are lighter shades of colour and are cheaper than hard woods. soft woods are used alot in the construction industry in roofs, window frames e.g. pine MiniDiscs where created in 1992 by the Sony Corporation to be a cheap, portable, editable, digital recording format that has â€Å"near† CD quality recording. Since then MiniDiscs have taken a slow start. Because everyone had just gotten settled in with their new CD equipment, they did not want to fork out more money for something that seemed like the same thing. Now people are starting to see the real advantage of MDs, and its starting to get a little more popular. In Japan especially, prices are going down and production is going up. I heard that in Japan, the low-end decks are around $150, and discs get down to $1.50, that’s as cheap as a nice tape deck, and hi-bias tape. If more people start buying MD equipment in the US, we could reach those prices. Today, MDs in the US are kind of underground. There are a lot of people that have not heard of them yet, and not a lot of advertising. But more and more I see prices going down, and more people that know about them. Wel l enough of the boring stuff, here are some advantages and disadvantages. advantages! The sound quality is great. I have never been able to tell a difference between MD’s and a CD or DAT. MiniDiscs have an advantage to CD-Rs in that after you record something on them, you can erase the whole disc, erase one track, you can move around tracks, and put in track marks, you can even label the disc and each track. Some formats, like DAT, can do some of these things, but MDs still have the disc based media advantages. MiniDiscs are smaller. The Discs are 7cm x 7cm, and the portable recorders can be smaller than cassette walkmans. The discs are encased in a plastic shell, much like floppy discs, so you don’t have to worry about them getting scratched. Its cheap. Infact I just saw a deck for $199 at Circuit City, where the cd recorders were $499. And if you look, you can find discs for $2.50 to $3.00. There just cool. Just look at the equipment, who wouldn’t want to have this stuff. And, as of all digital formats, you can make a digital copy from any digital source through coaxial or optical connections. Of course that not all the advantages, just some of my favorite. disadvantages? MiniDiscs use compression to cut out inaudible parts of the signal, so it can fit on that little disc. Although studies show that no one can tell the difference, some people want all of there precious signal. It’s hard to find equipment and pre-recorded MDs. I live in Jefferson City, Mo which is a pretty small town, so I have to go to the Big Cities to get stuff. Also, since MiniDiscs aren’t that big in the US yet, not many pre-recorded MDs are manufactured. Those are the only disadvantages I can think of, and the first one doesn’t really even matter. Let me tell you a little more about that compression. compression: MD’s use a method of compression called ATRAC (Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding), which only records the information audible to the human ear. It compresses the signal to One-fifth of its original size. This compression method is very similar to MPEG encoding, which is used for Mp3’s. As I said before, people have compared MDs, CDs, and DAT, and not been able to tell any difference. I bet your asking yourself, â€Å"but how does it record†? Well, I’m about to tell you. recording: MDs use a special Magento-Optical method that magnetizes regions of the discs 60 millionth of a cm apart to a North or South pole. When the laser runs across these regions, it can tell whether its N or S and starts to construct the data stream. conclusion So, all in all, MiniDiscs are a way to get CD quality recording on a compact, inexpensive, media. I love every part about MiniDiscs, and would definitely recommend them to anyone interested in Hi-Fi audio in general. Sleek, stylish, and silver! Not only does Sony’s MZ-E909 look great on the go, but its rugged magnesium body weighs in at an eminently portable 1.75 ounces. In addition to portability and chic styling, you also get track navigation and playback features cool enough to satisfy even diehard MiniDisc fans. Sony’s â€Å"Easy Skip† group/folder function gives you simple navigation through groups of tracks – especially handy if you’ve used LP4 mode on a separate recorder to fit up to 5 hours’ worth of music on a single 80-minute MD. The backlit LCD on the stick-style remote delivers nearly effortless control, even in the dark. Two digital sound presets let you adjust the bass and treble, then save your preferred settings. And Personal Disc Memory remembers those settings, along with your other listening preferences, for up to 20 discs! But there are also the tried-and-true Sony MD features you love, like MDLP(tm) playback and G-Protection(tm) for a virtually skip-free listening experience. Not to mention an amazing 145 hours maximum playback time with the supplied rechargeable plus one optional â€Å"AA† battery! You even get a handy charging stand, so you can recharge the battery without taking it out of the unit. The MZ-S1 takes MiniDisc durability to the next level! It combines the second generation of Sony’s rugged Sports styling with direct digital dubbing of your favorite PC audio to MD at up to 32 times faster than real-time. Plus, you get handy software for your PC: OpenMG(tm) Jukebox for music management, and Simple Burner QuickRip(tm), which allows you to dub CD tracks directly to MD without saving files on your computer’s hard drive. Making MD mixes of your favorite tunes is easy and quicker than ever! Taking those mixes with you while you work out is ultra-convenient, too. You get easy one-hand operation thanks to a clever thumb-control key on the grip. The included reflective hand strap and backlit LCD are perfect for nighttime jogs. The durable plastic body incorporates rubber gaskets and waterproof seals to help keep out moisture and dirt. And you’ve got G-Protection(tm) for smooth playback no matter how strenuous your workout. The MZ-S1 can also make great-sounding recordings from a CD player, radio, cassette player, and other sources (analog and optical cables available separately). MDLP(tm) record mode lets you store over 5 hours of music using a single 80-minute blank MD. And one optional â€Å"AA† battery can power the MZ-S1 for up to 54 hours! High-speed, drag-and-drop transfer of PC audio. No, it’s not an MP3 player – it’s Sony’s revolutionary new Net MD Walkman! Its advanced USB connection gives you direct digital dubbing of MP3s or ripped CD tracks from your PC to MiniDisc at speeds of up to 32X – that’s 80 minutes of music in as little as three minutes! Plus, you get handy software for your PC: OpenMG(tm) Jukebox for music management, and Simple Burner QuickRip(tm), which allows you to dub CD tracks directly to MD without saving files on your computer’s hard drive. But the pocket-sized MZ-N505 can do more than just record from your PC. It can also make great-sounding recordings from a CD player, radio, cassette player, and other sources (analog and optical cables available separately). MDLP(tm) record mode lets you store up to 5 hours of music using a single 80-minute blank MD – perfect for taking lots of tunes on the go! And, since it’s MiniDisc, you get easy recording, editing, and titling with discs that are fully rewritable, nearly indestructible, and ultra-affordable. Sony’s G-Protection(tm) skip recovery system makes your MD listening experience a smooth one. And an optional â€Å"AA† battery can power the MZ-N505 for up to 56 hours!

Factors that Led to the Industrial Development of the United States 1816 †1845 Essay

The industrial development of the United States from 1816 to 1845 was dramatic and incredibly expedited. This leads many in the modern era to look back to examine what factors contributed to such growth and expansion. There were many factors and the most important are worth noting. see more:industrialization resulted in what changes to american society? In the previous century, the United States was mostly a farming based economy. While farms would still remain a major component of the economy in the 1800’s, the development of factories (Particularly in the north) greatly expanded the industrialization of the nation. Even in farming communities, â€Å"scaled down† automated systems would dramatically alter society. The development of cigarette rolling machines, for example, helped increase cigarette production (and tobacco farming output) enormously. Another major contributing factor to the development of industry was the great expansion of transportation. In particular, the creation of the railroad system would essentially make interstate commerce and industrialization expand far more rapidly than it would without the railroads. Also contributing to this facet of industrialization was the development of turnpikes and canals. Really, the expansion of transportation methods had significant impact in the industrialization of the United States. Urbanization was also a factor in the industrial development of the United States. Basically, metropolitan areas had become enormously crowded due to the need for a huge labor force in the textiles industry. Eventually, this led to sanitation problems which soon led to innovations in maintaining sanitation and pollution. These innovations helped develop the mindset that one needed to rely on industrial and automated solutions to problems due to lower costs and greater efficiency. Of course, there were many more factors that led to the expansion of the industrialized society. However, the growth of factories, transportation, automation, and urban living were among the most important factors. Bibliography Zinn, Howard (2005). A People’s History of the United States: 1492 to Present .   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   New York, NY: Harper Perennial Modern Classics .

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Why have there been so many wars in the Middle-East since 1945 Essay

Why have there been so many wars in the Middle-East since 1945 - Essay Example Moreover, what scholars suggest the reason for Middle Eastern Muslim decline after 1945 escorts to their inefficiency in making clear choice between war and other formal types of capital formation. This paper will analyse the causes that act as catalyst in initiating Middle Eastern wars since 1945. Analysis will revolve around the concern over factors that led to wars including the legacy of colonialism and superpower rivalry and will examine the contribution of the West in enhancing these factors in the region. Nevertheless, the paper will assess the most common perception that dominates the West by prejudicial images of Arabs. These images were not a brand new creation and were present even before the fall of the Ottoman Empire. The paper will answer the demanding explanation of what factors were present that exaggerated the root cause of continuous wars. â€Å"Four large-scale modern wars during the past two decades has what lead the Middle East towards chronicle instability† (Richards 1995). These are the words of one of many scholar professors that dig deeper into the root causes behind this regions fallacy. The people of the Middle East have been the victims of some of the most aggressive and predatory policies outside powers. Though they have remained undaunted to take part in the rivalries but have suffered through the alliances conducted by the superpowers, like the USSR and United States. Such rivalry turned out to be a conflict which manifested in many ways and have been the reason for suffering through a continuity of wars. Sufferance was due to actual warfare witnessing extreme political violence and factors that rise due to consequences like low-intensity conflict, perceived failure of diplomacy, deadly propaganda, political and economic boycotts, disputes over land and water, resistance to occupation and deeply in grained cultures of antagonism (Milton & Hinchcliffe 2004, p. 2). As Milton & Hinchcliffe (2004, p. 2)

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Royal Tenenbaums -movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Royal Tenenbaums -movie - Essay Example was my friends’ reviews that had made me dislike the movie, but then I figured out that the reason was the lack of adventure and eccentricity in the film which was something that I had expected from Wes Anderson. I had Rushmore, amongst others, as a trademark for Anderson’s movies and this one was just not as thrilling as its predecessors. As things turned out, I was forced to watch this movie again after a few months- this time with my family, and I must say it was a totally different experience. The movie showcases one of the best in the art genre with perfection abound in everything ranging from dialogue delivery to the sets and the overall theme. The story offers a unique blend of comedy and drama and revolves around a dysfunctional patriarch, Royal who is forced into unfortunate consequences despite the success of his children. The story takes a turn when, in an attempt to re-win the love of his former wife, Royal fakes up an illness and makes a comeback into his wife’s and children’s’ lives. The plot marks the death of Royal and life moves on the in the Tenenbaums family. As I watched the movie, I could not have imagined anyone else in Hackman’s place play Royal’s character. The struggle shown between his ill intentions and good doing is remarkable and effortless. As common sense would suggest, situations cannot be mended and troubles averted once a lot of time has elapsed. Anderson defies this logic in the movie by demonstrating how it’s never late to set things right. Love must be appreciated even if it comes from an ill-hearted character such as Royal’s because life is too short for

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Transport Operations (Shipping) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Transport Operations (Shipping) - Essay Example At the same time, intermodal transport refers to a system of transport where by more than one mode of transport is used to move the same loading unit in an integrated way. This paper will critically analyse how short sea shipping may influence multimodal and intermodal transport planning. Multimodal transport contains a chain of process and steps such as multiple storage and handling stages which require a thorough control. Hence, this mode of transport will not be effective if various phases of the transport are not controlled properly. As Devia (2008) points out, the main difficulty associated with the carriage of goods is that there is no international regime in force regarding various modes of transport. As a result of this lack of uniformity in regulation, the determination of the law depends on a specific transport process when different modes of transport are deployed. As Sturley (2007) reminds, there may arise some problems in the transport of goods between countries located at different continent if the goods in transit are damaged. In such cases, it is very difficult to identify the places or stages where the damages occurred so that the liability of the carrier varies in relation to the court where he is sued. The absence of a unified law for the multimoda l transport of goods caused the emergence of some regional, sub regional and national regulations, which in turn caused great difficulties for the international transport of goods. Similarly, intermodal transport systems face different types of threats from terrorists. From different experiences, it has been observed that railroad freight is extremely vulnerable to terrorist attacks. In addition, issues associated with modular service offerings, transport chain coordination, and network technologies impinge on the scope of intermodal transport systems. In short, it is necessary to establish well planned multimodal and intermodal

Saturday, October 5, 2019

MRKT - Buyer Behaviour - Assignment 1Individual report Essay

MRKT - Buyer Behaviour - Assignment 1Individual report - Essay Example A lot of other factors like of age, sex, ethnicity, etc are involved in designing the needs and choices for body modification among individuals. Body modification is influenced by a large number of issues. In fact, the concept of enhancing one’s looks depends upon a host of factors like demographics, income distribution, among a few others. The diversified notions regarding different body modification products can be judged best by analysing the customers who are in any case the best judge of a product. Theoretical models of consumer behavior portray the decision making process of an individual as a function of ones own needs and wants; however, in many cases, buying decision of the same individual gets affected by the needs of others i.e., family, friends, social class etc. Consumer behavior is a new subject which has its inputs from economics, psychology, social science and political science. Effectively, the behavioral trend of customers is tracked through the stimulus-response analysis. Marketers provide a stimulus through their product offerings and try to attract the customers through packaging, promotion and pricing. The customer responds to the stimulus by their choice of purchase. The most efficient method to analyse a customer’s buying behavior is through inductive analysis. In this study, the effect of internal and external factors that might be affecting the customer is identified. ( Solomon M. R., Dann S. Dann and Bennett, 2007) In analysing the buying behavior of customers for body modification products, a survey was conducted across some random respondents. The summary of the findings are diverse and interesting. In order to make the research comprehensive, different forms of body modification techniques were selected; Botox treatment, Lasik surgery, tattooing, body piercing, hair transplantation, and breast implantation. Botox treatment is a common therapy to remove wrinkles in the eyebrows area. It is done through