Tuesday, January 28, 2020

To What Extent Did City Life Improve in Victorian Britain Essay Example for Free

To What Extent Did City Life Improve in Victorian Britain Essay In Victorian Britain life was busy and overcrowded because of the industrial revolution. During this time people who live in villages moved to cities and coal was found in Wales. The coal that was found led to new factories and more jobs. Life in a industrial city included transport so people could get around and not have to walk everywhere, education for younger children and adults to led to better jobs, working conditions for all those who worked in the factories and mining this was a improved, the hygiene meant people could be cleaner and more cures for diseases, entertainment for peoples enjoyment and physical happiness and the diet of people for newer tastes and better or healthier eating. All of these factors improves life in Britain and has changed life for us now. The transport in Victorian Britain has changed by making longer journeys shorter. The most significant change is the invention of trains and boats this helped to transfer things off quicker and receive them quicker. For transport the new developments were in 1830 the invention of the train came along, this decreased the amount of time to get to places. The trains were powers by steam also known as the steam train. That same year the canal boats were invented these were used to carry goods from places. Then in 1885 bikes were invented this meant people were to get more exercise. In the 19th century the first car was made, the car went up to 4 mph. The impact of these changes are it make life a lot easier by helping food and other goods to get to places quicker this means the food and other goods will not rot or rust on there journey. But the most significant improve meant is the inventions of the train and boats because trains help the people and boats help the peoples health by giving them fresher food. The invention of the car has had the greatest impact on today’s way of living from Victorian Britain. The car has been improved through out the years and is now seen as the biggest invention in Britain. The people who benefited from these changes are the poor because they can go on holiday and have a fun time whereas the rich can go anywhere on the new transport inventions and us in the 21st century because we have improved on what was invented back in Victorian Britain. The people who suffered from these changes are the people who worked on the trains because they suffered from the poisonous fumes. The poison can cause breathing problems and then led to death. Another bad point is the boats because if the weather is bad the boats were not built with strong enough materials so they would be damaged or broken and this could cause deaths for the people abroad the boat. In my opinion transport was better for the people in Victorian Britain because it made life faster and it saved time. The new inventions were affordable for the rich and the poor so everyone could enjoy going on journeys. The education in Victorian Britain has changed by many children and adults would now get a good education. The education for children is free with no charge this will led to the children having a better future, with more jobs and more money. The education has many new developments which are in 1870 children aged 5 to 13 were expected to attend school for free from Monday to Sunday. Then by 1883 children were expected to have two hours of school everyday, this is good because the children in Victorian Britain will be able to make new inventions in the future because of their education now. In my opinion the impact of these changes of children being able to work for free is it will make them cleverer and they will have better knowledge the improve life in Victorian Britain and life now. But the most significant change is children were expected to have two hours of education everyday because that is fourteen hours a week of education. The amount of hours that children are educated has impacted on our education today. The negative points about the education are the lessons were boring because the children only copied of the board and did not learn anything. The lessons need to be more fun to make the children more interested in learning. If they misbehaved or they did not understand the teachers would be punished the children by whipping them or hurting them by getting the cane out. I my opinion the children’s education was better because the children are given the chance to learn and with the knowledge they learn they can led to better jobs and more money in the future. By the children being educated for free it stops the children from working in the factories which causes many deaths. So there is a greater population of children in Victorian Britain. The working conditions in Victorian Britain have changed by the children’s health and safety in the factories. There were many injures and many deaths. But the main change was how many hours everybody worked. The working conditions in 1832 changed by children aged 9 were banned from working whilst children aged 13 could not be made to work more than 9 hours a day. Then by 1847 there was a maximum of 10 hours a day for women under 18 and children aged 13 were no longer allowed to work more than thirty hours a week. Then in 1871 workers were allowed trade unions which allowed the people to gain more money. In the early 19th century a man called William Wilberforce helped bring an end to slavery in Britain. In my opinion the impact of these changes are the children’s working conditions because throughout the years the children’s health and safety has changed because in the 18th century the working conditions the very bad and there would be many injures and deaths of children. The most significant change is the amount of hours everyone worked because the hours have decreased massively even though woman are still being paid as much as they were before. The negative points on the working conditions are in 1820 children were forced to work from Monday to Saturday for 12 hours and 6 hours on Sunday. This means they would work 78 hours a week and still not make any money from what they did. That same year in 1820 40% of the people who worked suffered from injures, poor health and safety. Then in 1842 conditions in coal mines were terrible. Something had to be done so the people in Victorian Britain called for change. Mining was profitable but the owners provided very little protection for their workers; there were over 1000 deaths every year. People who worked in factories were not paid very well. The owners would pay the workers with tokens that were not very valuable, these tokens were only allowed to be spent in the factory shops which there weren’t many off anyway. In my opinion it made life worse because of the working conditions in the factories. People had to work because they were poor and needed money but if they were only being paid with non valuable tokens then the workers are not being treated fairly. Also the workers were putting their lives at risk by working in the factories or by working in coal mines this could lower the population of Victorian Britain. The hygiene in Victorian Britain has developed by the nurses and doctors wore cleaner clothing and small pox cure was invented. There was a new sterilisation room and more medicines were available. There were cleaner water supplies and the reinforcement on the sewers helped the whole of Britain. The impact of hygiene and living conditions has changed by the nurses and doctors wore cleaner clothing this means their cloths do not carry as much dirt and germs as they did before. The small pox cure was a big impact of change because the illness, small pox, has caused many deaths which have decreased the population in Victorian Britain but the new invention of the cure for small pox will cause fewer deaths. The new sterilisation room and the greater verity of medicines meant people could be worked on and have a greater chance of living from the new medicines such as Anaesthetic and Antiseptic was introduced in the mid 19th century. But the most significant change is the cleaner water supplies and the reinforcements on the sewers, because with the cleaner water there would be fewer illnesses caused and more people would drink less beer and have the cleaner water instead. As for the reinforcements on the sewers, the sewers will not be as weak as they were and the sewage won’t flood into people’s houses or cause any illnesses. With less sewage around Britain, Victorian Britain will be a lot more hygienic city. People who benefited from these changes are all the people in Britain because the improvements were open to anyone in Britain may they be rich or poor. The new hygienic ways was meant for everyone there was no one who genially suffered from the changes. In my opinion the hygiene and living conditions have been better for Britain because the death rates lowered by 60% due to hygiene and 40% of the people who suffered from the hygiene were strong enough to join the army. So the hygiene has improved significantly in Victorian Britain. The entertainment in Victorian Britain has changed by there is a bigger variety for people to choose an entertainment. The entertainment changed significantly over the 19th century. In 1824 blood sport was banned so there would be less deaths and more entertainment in Britain. That same year in 1824 the first public bath came out. This meant people could be cleaner and enjoy meeting friend and socialising more. Then in 1835 the first camera came out, this brought huge amount of entertainment to the people in Britain and everywhere else around the world. In the 1840’s the train was the new biggest transport. This brought new experiences and it was a more entertaining way to travel and go on holidays. In my opinion the impact of these changes are there is a bigger variety for the people to choose an entertainment. People socialise more with each other and made friends with a lot more people. By the new entertainments people got more exercise by going to the baths or on the trains, by doing this the people of Victorian Britain will live a longer and more entertained life. But I believe the most significant change was the variety of new sports that people could watch or do themselves. The negative point is that for entertainment people went down to the pub and would drink too much beer and end up being drunk. This is because the landlords put salt in the food and the beer so people would get thirsty and drink more then they would get drunk. When they are drunk they cause violence and glass bottles would be thrown at them for being drunk. This could cause death or injures. In my opinion it made life better for Britain because the entertainment now is the same as it was in the 19th century. In Victorian Britain this is where it all started too led to the entertainment we have now in the 21st century. The most significant thing that made the entertainment change was the stop to blood sport and violence for entertainment instead the people of Victorian Britain began to love animals and use them for their own entertainment. The diet in Victorian Britain has changed by improvement of the quality of food because of inspectors. This means the people will live longer lives because of the food they ate. There will be less disease going around because of the people in Victorian Britain’s diet. In 1824 a man called John Cadbury opened a shop which sold drinking chocolate which it better than drinking beer and alcohol. Then by the 19th century John Cadbury sold his chocolate in bars to eat which was one of the biggest sold items on the market. In my opinion the impact of these changes has improved the quality of food because the people of Victorian Britain get to taste new flavour which healthier food. But the most significant change was the new inspectors that can round to look at all the food that was being made in the factories, to see if it was safe and healthy to eat. By the inspectors coming round this meant there would be less diseases because the food should be good to eat. The negative points of the diet are the healthier the people are the more they are made to work because the stronger they are. Also the working class of food could not afford to bring in new healthier food so they were still unhealthy and the people of Victorian Britain were not getting a healthy diet. This led to diseases still being caused but because of the new transport the food was getting better and not rooting. In my opinion the diet was better because less people were drunk because of the new drinking chocolate and people would get addicted to the chocolate so it did not cause problems. Food businesses grew bigger making new foods and more affordable food that will still taste as good for the people in Victorian Britain. My conclusion is in Victorian Britain people have changed significantly in all the factors. But the main factor that has changed Victorian Britain is the transport because I believe it is the biggest factor of the industrial revolution. The transport has linked up all of the factors, the transport is part of the entertainment because the people get to see new places and have more experiences. The transport links with the diet because if the food does not come over quick enough then in will rot. The transport and the working conditions because the working conditions on the train were terrible and people died from the poisonous fumes and people need to get to work fast then they should take a faster transport. The transport links with the hygiene because if someone was to be rushed of to the sterilisation room then they would take the fast transport to get there. The transport lastly links in with the education because the children need to get to school so they could take the train to get there. These entire factors link in with the transported so I think this is the most improved Victorian Britain.

Monday, January 20, 2020

city of god :: essays research papers

Introduction In my essay I will discuss the differences between national cinema and Hollywood cinema by using Rio de Janeiro ¡Ã‚ ¯s famous film City of God. There will be three parts in my following main body, the first part is a simple review of the film City of God, I will try to use the review to show the film structure and some different new points from this, show the how did the  ¡Ã‚ ®Shocking, frightening, thrilling and funny ¡Ã‚ ¯ (Nev Pierce) work in the film. The second part is my discussion parts; I will refer some typical Hollywood big name films such as Gangs in New York, Shawshank ¡Ã‚ ¯s Redemption, and Good Fellas to discuss the main differences between City of God and other national films. The third part is my summary, I will use my knowledge to analyse why there have big different between both kind of films and their advantages. Part One By simply review, I will say, "City of God" ("Cidade de Deus") is the story of a boy who lives in a "favela" what is the word of slum in english on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. The "favela" is like a shantytown witch called "Cidade de Deus" in the film. And from the beginning to the end, throughout this stylish movie both the boy and the favela grow. In the film, we can see the story telling styles are quite like the some Hollywood films such as Shawshank ¡Ã‚ ¯s Redemption. As Morgan Freeman been a narrator Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding in the film Shawshank ¡Ã‚ ¯s Redemption, The same roll in City of God is boy, Rocket (Buscap ¨Ã‚ ¦ in Portuguese, played by Alexandre Rodrigues), who is born in Cidade de Deus and grows up in Cidade. He is quiet and easygoing, just a non-violent person seeking a way to survive in a brutal environment. The director makes Rocket a narrator in this movie; I think the reason is find an intermediary between gangs and the press, inside of the evil world and the outside. So we can see, his voice that accompanies us throughout many of the stories that "City of God" has to offer by Rocket ¡Ã‚ ¯s photography dream became true. Still the same as Shawshank ¡Ã‚ ¯s Redemption, the main character also belongs to Andy Dufresne (by Tim Robbins). So in the City of God, The other main characters in City of God are the gangs, like Li'l Z ¨Ã‚ ¦ (by Leandro Frimino) who was one of the boys that used to play soccer with Rocket, grow up to become a murderer and a drug lord, someone that makes his own laws. city of god :: essays research papers Introduction In my essay I will discuss the differences between national cinema and Hollywood cinema by using Rio de Janeiro ¡Ã‚ ¯s famous film City of God. There will be three parts in my following main body, the first part is a simple review of the film City of God, I will try to use the review to show the film structure and some different new points from this, show the how did the  ¡Ã‚ ®Shocking, frightening, thrilling and funny ¡Ã‚ ¯ (Nev Pierce) work in the film. The second part is my discussion parts; I will refer some typical Hollywood big name films such as Gangs in New York, Shawshank ¡Ã‚ ¯s Redemption, and Good Fellas to discuss the main differences between City of God and other national films. The third part is my summary, I will use my knowledge to analyse why there have big different between both kind of films and their advantages. Part One By simply review, I will say, "City of God" ("Cidade de Deus") is the story of a boy who lives in a "favela" what is the word of slum in english on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. The "favela" is like a shantytown witch called "Cidade de Deus" in the film. And from the beginning to the end, throughout this stylish movie both the boy and the favela grow. In the film, we can see the story telling styles are quite like the some Hollywood films such as Shawshank ¡Ã‚ ¯s Redemption. As Morgan Freeman been a narrator Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding in the film Shawshank ¡Ã‚ ¯s Redemption, The same roll in City of God is boy, Rocket (Buscap ¨Ã‚ ¦ in Portuguese, played by Alexandre Rodrigues), who is born in Cidade de Deus and grows up in Cidade. He is quiet and easygoing, just a non-violent person seeking a way to survive in a brutal environment. The director makes Rocket a narrator in this movie; I think the reason is find an intermediary between gangs and the press, inside of the evil world and the outside. So we can see, his voice that accompanies us throughout many of the stories that "City of God" has to offer by Rocket ¡Ã‚ ¯s photography dream became true. Still the same as Shawshank ¡Ã‚ ¯s Redemption, the main character also belongs to Andy Dufresne (by Tim Robbins). So in the City of God, The other main characters in City of God are the gangs, like Li'l Z ¨Ã‚ ¦ (by Leandro Frimino) who was one of the boys that used to play soccer with Rocket, grow up to become a murderer and a drug lord, someone that makes his own laws.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Corporate Governance and Business Ethics

It is quite interesting to note that, academic research in business ethics was a totally distinct discipline from research in corporate governance, and the application of the word ‘ethics' was uncommon in available research on corporate governance. The chief responsibility of corporate governance was understood to be safeguarding the benefits of the shareholders. Because of the severance between ownership and management, and the incapability of the independent owners to supervise the performances of those managers, a possibility was available for vital strategic decisions to be taken which would advantageous for the managers to a more larger extent compared to the owners. For example, takeovers not related to the organization's core competence outcome in a bigger corporation, however, it does not result in a more profitable company all the time. Certainly, research has proved that extremely increased extent of isolated diversification normally resulted in lower profits. (Corporate Governance and Ethics) Till the greater part of 1990s, nevertheless, remuneration of executives was normally settled to a greater degree by the magnitude of the company compared to by what profits the company is earning. Therefore, unconnected takeovers will openly and instantly be advantageous for the upper-level managers, however may really be unfavorable in case of the stockholders. In the latter part of 1980s and initial stages of 1990s, when numerous mid and lower ranked employees in America were trimmed down, huge remuneration of the CEOs and the application of other methods which exclusively are advantageous to top level managers started to be talked about in greater detail and also in non-business news publications. Even in this present era, Fortune, Business Week, and The Wall Street Journal report about the yearly surveys of remuneration of CEOs and bonuses. The matters which are normally implicated as the active crusade of the shareholder which started during the 1990s, which culminated in increased appreciation on the part of the investors regarding good corporate governance. In case the citizens might lose confidence in the business due to extensive substandard corporate governance, the outcome could be that the common investor will search for scope other than the stock market. Episodes, in the bygone few years have displayed that an existence has been found about a deep bonding between business ethics and corporate governance. The activities of a company's top executives impact the lives of several people, not merely shareholders. The arena of corporate governance is appreciating that it is stakeholders, not merely shareholders, whose privileges should be safeguarded. (Corporate Governance and Ethics) The position of U. S. corporations was a vital point in time in which a growing amount of scams have impaired their standing as socially accountable entities. (Center for Corporate Governance and Ethics) The Enron debacle has impacted not just the assets of its shareholders, but also even the fate of its staff, and also the Houston community in which it was situated. The domino effects of Enron, Arthur Andersen, Tyco, and other scandals at high places are witnessed presently in the stock market, our country and the employment prospects of our fresh graduates passing out of colleges, and maybe the most enduring in its detriment – in public skepticism, disbelief, and antipathy with the business community. (Corporate Governance and Ethics) The trust among investors was at its nadir, leading in persistent confusion in the financial markets and a smothering of economic turnaround. Center for Corporate Governance and Ethics) Considerable sums of invested monies vanished because of accusations of misappropriation at the corporate level and misuse at the internal level. The accusations of scams and a broad discernment of doubt and indecision were unswervingly hindering the capability of enterprises to fight, create fresh jobs and better our economy. (Corporate Governance: Codes of Ethics to Guide Corporate Conduct) Overseas investors were taking a cautious approach prior to feeling certain that their investments are secure with the U. S. companies. (Center for Corporate Governance and Ethics) The question remains whether an encouraging result is present of these latest episodes. Efficient corporate governance is something which is based on a fundamental set of ethical principles which steer the actions of the company, regarding the decision to launch a new product or collect new capital. It sets up a scaffold for efficiently evaluating risk and finding out and preventing scam and misuse by the internal employees of the corporate. I believe that some of the encouraging results of these latest episodes are which the common American is very aware in the present era regarding corporate governance -although the word is not used by them. I consider that we will be witnessing that in the coming years, communities will expect ethical behavior from companies, be resolute that corporate governance show the commendable values of the company, and that the society reward the people who are idols of excellence and penalize those who flout their wishes. Moreover, I expect that each one of is more aware that ethics is an extremely compelling component of any business proportion. (Corporate Governance and Ethics) There is a universal consensus by the management, regulators, and investor regarding the urgency of a heightened importance on ethics and a better examination of business governance. Endeavors are currently concentrated on developing organizational structures and a legal structure of confirmation and maintaining equilibrium, which are just, ethical, although typified by economic competence. Understanding the enlarged urgency for modifiable management practices and governance systems to bring back confidence in the securities market, the U. S. Congress enacted the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Through the provisions of the Act, it was made compulsory for setting up of separate corporate Board of Directors, establishment of independent audit and nomination committees, and solving of disagreement of interest among the management and other stakeholders in firms, denotes necessity of separate auditors, and accords more rigorous accounting information disclosure norms. Latest and proposed Securities and Exchange Commission rules are there, national stock exchange listing needs, and across the board fresh acts that passed by both sides of Congress, accented by President Bush, building new structures for the governance of the accounting industry as also enticement to manage deception in the shape of strict punishments for corporate delinquency. Even though these needs are mostly aimed at publicly traded businesses and other government controlled industries, these novel regulations must cause management and Boards of Directors, regardless of public or privately held businesses to heed to the demand for corporate reform earnestly by setting up or once again finding out their code of ethics of the company. Corporate Governance: Codes of Ethics to Guide Corporate Conduct) The indecisive efficacy of any fresh regulatory code; its possible expenses of implementation, and the restrictions of automatic remedial market mechanisms, call for building of institutions which ease the realization and execution of the law efficiently and in planned fortitude. These types of institutions must even suggest pioneering governance practices and build increasing apparent and easily supervised codes of ethics together with stringent disclosure needs. Center for Corporate Governance and Ethics) Return on equity is very crucial, but at the same time performing business without restoring to short-cuts is also important. Shareholders activism is important, but at the same time eagerness by the shareholders to allow management to perform its duty is also vital. Cautious notice to firm rules and methods is valuable, but concurrently is the capability to be resilient and keen to change long-standing regulations and processes. Permitting a company to gain from the network of acquaintances of staff is vital, however side by side is averting of circumstances wherein people believe that the company's decisions are arrived not on the merits, rather depending on the basis of contacts. (Ethics and Corporate Governance: Is There One Best Way? ) Every profitable enterprise wants to flourish and therefore require skilled senior management. But skilled management never implies that that sole decisive factor is awareness regarding the functioning of the business and the capability to augment earnings, growth and profits. Competent management must even instill a custom of truthfulness and ethical conduct. The Board of Directors and management must fix a right ethical pretext in case of every employee, across the hierarchy of the organization. An efficient code of ethics or code of conduct is something which is espoused by the Board of Directors and routinely evaluated and reinstated by the Board. A Code of Ethics must fix the values of the company like the leadership, responsibility, honesty, and dedication and it is not the end of it. (Corporate Governance: Codes of Ethics to Guide Corporate Conduct) In case of beginners, codes of conduct must deal with working conditions, personnel enrichment and training, and disagreements of interest. In order to be genuinely effectual, a code of ethics must be included into employee training across the company and used as an instrument for assisting worker feeling on expected conduct. It must be supervised at every stage to find out if the ideals are really executed across the company. A lot of companies with ethics programs have persisted to sustain hue legal cost for litigation based on unethical conduct of its employees due to gaps in supervising and implementing an ethical code of conduct. The ongoing engagement of every staff as also service by Board members must partly be resolved by every person espousing, enforcing and behaving themselves as per a suitable ethical code of conduct. (Corporate Governance: Codes of Ethics to Guide Corporate Conduct) To conclude, corporate governance guidelines and ethics are developing fast. Investors are calling for increased standards as also other stakeholders. Those companies who do not possess appropriate corporate governance and ethics processes endanger themselves to serious harm to their standing, criminal/ legal action and authoritarian punishments.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Battle of Yellow Tavern - Civil War

The Battle of Yellow Tavern was fought May 11, 1864, during the American Civil War (1861-1865). In March 1864, President Abraham Lincoln promoted Major General Ulysses S. Grant to lieutenant general and gave him overall command of Union forces. Coming east, he took the field with Major General George G. Meades Army of the Potomac and commenced planning a campaign to destroy General Robert E. Lees Army of Northern Virginia. Working with Meade to reorganize the Army of the Potomac, Grant brought Major General Philip H. Sheridan east to head the armys Cavalry Corps. Though short in stature, Sheridan was known as a skilled and aggressive commander. Moving south in early May, Grant engaged Lee at the Battle of the Wilderness. Inconclusive, Grant shifted south and continued the fight at the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House. During the early days of the campaign, Sheridans troopers were largely employed in the traditional cavalry roles of screening and reconnaissance. Frustrated by these limited uses, Sheridan bickered with Meade and argued to be allowed to mount a large-scale raid against the enemy rear and Confederate Major General J.E.B. Stuarts cavalry. Pressing his case with Grant, Sheridan received permission to take his corps south despite some misgivings from Meade. Departing on May 9, Sheridan moved south with orders to defeat Stuart, disrupt Lees supply lines, and threaten Richmond. The largest cavalry force assembled in the East, his command numbered around 10,000 and was supported by 32 guns. Reaching the Confederate supply base at Beaver Dam Station that evening, Sheridans men found that the much of the material there had been destroyed or evacuated. Paused overnight, they commenced disabling parts of the Virginia Central Railroad and freeing 400 Union prisoners before pressing south. Armies Commanders: Union Major General Philip H. Sheridan10,000 men Confederate Major General J.E.B. Stuart4,500 men Stuart Responds Alerted to the Union movements, Stuart detached Major General Fitzhugh Lees cavalry division from Lees army at Spotsylvania and led it south to hamper Sheridans movements. Arriving near Beaver Dam Station too late to take action, he pushed his tired men through the night of May 10/11 to reach the intersection of Telegraph and Mountain Roads near an abandoned inn known as Yellow Tavern. Possessing around 4,500 men, he established a defensive position with Brigadier General Williams Wickhams brigade on the right west of the Telegraph Road facing south and Brigadier General Lunsford Lomaxs brigade on the left parallel to the road and facing west. Around 11:00 AM, less than an hour after establishing these lines, the lead elements of Sheridans corps appeared (Map). A Desperate Defense Led by Brigadier General Wesley Merritt, these forces quickly formed to strike Stuarts left. Consisting of the brigades of Brigadier General George A. Custer and Colonels Thomas Devin and Alfred Gibbs, Merritts division quickly advanced and engaged Lomaxs men. Pressing forward, troopers on the Union left suffered from flanking fire from Wickhams brigade. As the fighting increased in intensity, Merritts men began to slip around Lomaxs left flank. With his position in jeopardy, Lomax ordered his men to retreat north. Met by Stuart, the brigade was reformed on Wickhams left and extended the Confederate line east by 2:00 PM. A two-hour lull in the fighting ensued as Sheridan brought up reinforcements and reconnoitered the new Confederate position. Spying artillery in Stuarts lines, Sheridan directed Custer to attack and seize the guns. To accomplish this, Custer dismounted half of his men for an assault and ordered the remainder to conduct a wide sweep to the right in support. These efforts would be aided by the rest of Sheridans command. Moving forward, Custers men came under fire from Stuarts guns but continued their advance. Breaking through Lomaxs lines, Custers troopers drove on the Confederate left. With the situation desperate, Stuart pulled the 1st Virginia Cavalry from Wickhams lines and charged forward to counterattack. Blunting Custers assault, he then pushed the Union troopers back. As Union forces withdrew, former sharpshooter Private John A. Huff of the 5th Michigan Cavalry fired his pistol at Stuart. Hitting the Stuart in the side, the Confederate leader slumped in his saddle as his famous plumed hat fell to the ground. Taken to the rear, command on the field passed to Fitzhugh Lee. As the wounded Stuart departed the field, Lee attempted to restore order to the Confederate lines. Outnumbered and overpowered, he briefly held back Sheridans men before retreating from the field. Taken to the Richmond home of his brother-in-law, Dr. Charles Brewer, Stuart received a visit from President Jefferson Davis before slipping into a delirium and dying the next day. The loss of the flamboyant Stuart caused great sadness in the Confederacy and greatly pained Robert E. Lee. Aftermath: of the Battle In the fighting at the Battle of Yellow Tavern, Sheridan sustained 625 casualties while Confederate losses are estimated at around 175 as well as 300 captured. Having upheld his pledge to defeat Stuart, Sheridan continued south after the battle and reached the northern defenses of Richmond that evening. Assessing the weakness of the lines around the Confederate capital, he concluded that though he could probably take the city, he lacked the resources to hold it. Instead, Sheridan wheeled his command east and crossed the Chickahominy River before proceeding to unite with Major General Benjamin Butlers forces at Haxalls Landing. Resting and refitting for four days, the Union cavalry then rode north to rejoin the Army of the Potomac. Sources Encyclopedia Virginia: Battle of Yellow TavernCWSAC: Battle of Yellow TavernHistoryNet: Battle of Yellow Tavern