Friday, June 21, 2019

Audience analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Audience analysis - Research Paper ExamplePSAs that emphasize how people crashed cars under the influence of marijuana, for example, atomic number 18 not only conspicuous guilt trips likely to turn off teenagers, but in some(prenominal) respect argon bad arguments, since many people clearly use marijuana without crashing their cars and in any respect alcohol is legal despite the risk of drunk driving. Children and teenagers in general need to be respected, not coddled The idea that they are empty vessels just waiting to be filled by whatever comes along is totally absurd. Kids are more like clay They can be molded to a shape, but they have their own give and push, and someone who thinks its easy to control their behavior will struggle just as practically as someone who doesnt know how to sculpt. My emphasis will be on harm reduction. People who are already smoking pot or are at risk to have far too many factors pushing towards marijuana use for a simple abstinence message to mak e any sense. Instead, I will talk to kids about why reducing their abuse and facing up to the source of their problems could make it easier to get a job, make square relationships, find ways of enjoying themselves without smoking, and resolve some of the real issues that might be leading them to use pot as an escape.

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