Monday, September 2, 2019

Abortion: A Freedom of Choice Essays -- Argumentative Persuasive Essay

Abortion: A Freedom of Choice During the last twenty-five years, abortion has been one of the most heated topics being debated the world. The only topics that equal the abortion debate are race and war. Abortion is a discussion of human interaction where ethics, emotions, and law come together. People have different opinions usually only have two choices when confronted with abortion. They are either for it or against it. There is the pro-choice and the pro-life. These are the only two categories that people?s views fall into. A pro-choice person would feel that the decision to abort a pregnancy is that of the mothers and the government has no right to interfere. A pro-lifer would hold that from the moment of conception, the embryo or foetus is alive. Since this embryo or foetus is alive and is a person you have no moral right to abort a life. If you aborted the life you would be committing murder. The word ?murder? is mainly used by pro-lifers to describe what happens when you abort a foetus. Murder means deliberate and unjustified killing of another person containing intent. A women cannot bear the thought of having a child that would be a constant reminder of what happened on such and such a day, such and such number of years ago. The mother doesn?t want to kill a baby; she wants to interrupt the growth of an embryo so that it will not become a baby. My own personal opinion is that each woman has the right to decide whether she wants to abort an unwanted preg...

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