Friday, December 27, 2019

The CHARGE Syndrome - 628 Words

CHARGE syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that manifests itself in 1 in 10,000 newborns. The syndrome is characterized by complex yet identifiable clinical features including Coloboma- which involves a cleft in one of the structures of the eye, heart defects, choanal atresia- a narrowing or blockage of the nasal cavity, retardation of growth and development, genitourinary malformation and various ear abnormalities (Kim et al., 2014). Although these malformations are associated with CHARGE syndrome, the specific pattern and severity of symptoms varies among diagnosed individuals (Hsu et al., 2014). CHARGE syndrome is a genetic condition believed to be the result of a sporadic heterozygous mutation in the CHD7 gene. Experiments to determine the precise mutations within the CHD7 gene have concluded that mutations are scattered throughout the gene and include nonsense, frameshift and missense mutations as well as intragenic deletions (Martà ­nez-Quintana et al., 2014). Intragenic deletions were initially reported in 2004 by a team who optimized array comparative genome hybridization (CGH) for high-resolution genome-wide screening of copy-number variations. Array CGH has since become a valuable, genome-wide screening tool for the detection of chromosomal aberrations in the form of copy number imbalances. By utilizing array CGH in two individuals with CHARGE syndrome, the team was able to report a 2.3 Mb de novo overlapping microdeletion on chromosome 8q12 (Vissers et al., 2004).Show MoreRelatedTaking a look at Tourette Syndrome892 Words   |  4 PagesTourette syndrome (TS) is a disorder of the brain that is observed in people who have involuntary movements or vocalizations called tics. Named after Dr. Georges Gilles de la Tourette who first discovered this disorder, this French neurologist described a noblewoman who exhibited these symptoms in 1885. These tics could range from repetitive movements to inappropriate vocalizations. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Presentation on the Picturesque as a Rhetocial Device in...

Picturesque as Rhetorical Mode in Tintern Abbey Presentation Outline: I. Brief definition and discussion of the picturesque II. Discussion of Wordsworths repudiation of the picturesque III. Pinpointing elements of the picturesque in Tintern Abbey IV. Discussion of Wordsworths use of the picturesque as a rhetorical device I. Define and Discuss Picturesque The concept of the picturesque came out of a need for a label for that gray area between the sublime (founded on pain and terror) and the beautiful (founded on feelings of pleasure). The only common definition of the term is, as Gilpin writes, that kind of beauty which would look well in a picture (Watson 11). As†¦show more content†¦All of these divisions are to be described individually, but with an eye to the effect of the whole. According to Gilpin, nature is intrinsically whole, but is of such a vast scale, our mere human experience of the parts cannot comprehend this inherent harmony. This lack gives the artist license to modify the real scene in order to express wholeness according to his or her rules of composition (Watson 44). Thus, although it is based on real stations with real views, the search for the picturesque becomes a quest for an ideal, generic landscape -- the landscape of the painted postcards from the grand tour. II. Discuss Wordsworths repudiation of the picturesque As is argued by David Miall, Nicola Trott, WJB Owen, and J. Watson, Wordsworth repeatedly repudiates the concept of the picturesque. Within Tintern Abbey specifically, he equates it with his own immaturity in relation to nature. He writes that in 1793, when he first visited Tintern: I came among these hills, when like a roe I bounded oer the mountains by the sides Of the deep rivers and the lonely streams Wherever nature led, more like a man Flying from something that he dreads than one Who sought the thing he loved. For nature then (The courser pleasures of my boyish days And their glad animal movements all gone by) To me was all in all. I cannot paint What then I was. The sounding

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Conclusion for Good Governance free essay sample

Poor governance leads to, and encourages and breeds, corruption in a number of ways, for instance through bribery and extortion, nepotism and fraud and embezzlement, It reduces the efficiency on which an economy depends, and by increasing the cost of investment, lowers the potential return. It also reduces the government’s resources and hence its capacity for investment. Common to other South Asian countries, corruption in Pakistan is unique because it occurs up stream, it has wings which encourage flight of capital rather than wheel which encourage reinvestment and it often rewards rather than punishes as the legal processes to fight corruption are weak in themselves and the lower judiciary is amenable to letting off the accused if the ‘price is right† (Ismail and Rizvi, 14). Corruption is not a problem that can be attacked in isolation. It is not sufficient for the criminal law to search for bad apples and punish them. We will write a custom essay sample on Conclusion for Good Governance or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Of course, the state may need to establish credibility by punishing highly visible corrupt officials, but the goal of such prosecutions is to attract notice and public support, not solve the underlying problem. Anticorruption laws can only provide a background for more important structural reforms† (Rose- Ackerman, 199:226). For almost all the reforms introduced by the Musharraf government in governmental and administration fields the basic assumption was that the society was sufficiently educated and hence eager and ready to change. The assumption proved wrong and rocked the whole foundation of the reforms agenda as the society proved to be ready for grabbing new opportunities but not to change its work ethics. If this society is to be saved and the country has to shake off the tag of a failing or failed state, urgent and stringent measures need to be taken. Some of which are recommended as under: 1. Judgment of the Supreme Court against NRO be implanted in letter and spirit. 2. Accountability from the top be started. JAVAID: Corruption and its Deep Impact on Good Governance in Pakistan 133 3. A national anti-corruption commission be set up as an independent watchdog. 4. End unnecessary or archaic discretionary laws. 5. Ensure time bound actions in offices. 6. Use independent private sector auditors. 7. Involve people in diagnosing corrupt systems. 8. Advocate that all ‘illegal’ money and property transactions in industrialized countries are treated at par with drug money. 9. The problem of corruption is quite severe at the lower judiciary and a system of alternative dispute resolution needs to be worked out urgently. 10. Require public officials to declare their assets. 11. Community participation especially of students be ensured. 12. Creating awareness particularly about the adverse impact on every one’s life be highlighted to mobilize public against corruption.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Michael Horton Case Study

Table of Contents Executive summary Decision Criteria Alternatives Solutions Implications Works Cited Footnotes Executive summary Michael Horton is a high-ranking management professional in the Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC). He is responsible for a company with huge revenue and over 2,000 people. Through his managerial capacity, he is adequately placed for the provision of insights regarding his company, collaborators and management.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Michael Horton: Case Study specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In his interview, he highlights the assumptions people make regarding management without any clear understanding of how to conduct activities in a real managerial situation. In his input, managers require training for the spearheading of management needs and execution of projects through their life cycles. Training is an aspect highly emphasized for the avoidance of problems and help ing of staffs and the organization to reach success limits. Michael Horton provides some managerial ideas relevant to his company and industry making the role of project management a success amidst market challenges. He also focused on the treatment of customers as a means of maintaining a cut above competitors. On his focus about struggling with competitors, he gives an interesting insight of venturing into unique markets so that a company does not have to struggle for the same customers. Employees should be prepared to operate within strict safety conditions to avoid unnecessary legal challenges. This should act for internal staffs and even to offshore staffs so that the positive relationship with staffs can remain to the advantage of the company. It has a great relationship with its collaborators though faces growing competition from new entrants into the market. It is necessary for an I.T company to have its staffs well trained on people skills, time management and always mainta in a focus on the changing needs of the market. Decision Criteria It is also important that a company use the professionalism of its staff in fields of their experiences such as the use of Michael Horton’s I.T expertise in natural resources1. Having a market share of 56 percent gives adequate recognition in the market and its maintenance is a challenge a company must deal with. Dependency on references is not adequate within the growing competition and that leaves the company with the need of identifying new market areas with less competition. Having to push competitors into the niche market segment can come with legal implications for the company if not carefully executed2.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is the call of a manager to ensure a smooth flow of activities within a company. As Michael Horton says, the business of selling people is a challenging one and requires constant meetings and updating of staffs and clients. The manager also has the role of creating of a vision and mission of a company. This needs constant review and enforcement to the staff so the provision of services to customers remains within the legal limits prescribed in the company. Managing economies of scale through effective serving of large organizations can be a complex venture3. For this reason, leadership plays a major role for ensuring success. Since this is an I.T company, it is important for the company staffs need the necessary skills for licensing of software for large organizations and data protection in the data centre. There is a considerable amount of competition from competitors presenting new alternatives in the market4. The company cannot rely solely on the trust and relationship with its customers. The I.T service area keeps changing and maintaining an old form of operations inadequate for satisfying the changing needs in the market. Alternatives Achieving the vision of a company is never easy and with the changes in the market, it is necessary to have a regular review of the company mission and vision. The needs of government entities and corporate keep changing and there may be need for an evaluation of the current mission and vision to meet their new needs. It is inadequate focusing on markets and industries while leaving big and consistent customers because of the entry of competitors into the market. Training of staffs is essential in equipping of staffs with relevant knowledge for carrying out their activities in a legal manner without any sort of breaches5. This company managed to set its edge amidst little competition. Its global capability builds from the trust it built with customers. It has the capability of opting for liability capping within its contracts should it face compromising legal implications on areas of security and safety. The challenge in this company is in its lack of contentious contractual linkage for IT outsourcing deals. It is the responsibility of an outsourcing customer to secure data. However, service outsourcers insert liability caps into the contracts giving them responsibility over confidential information accessible by a service provider. Outsourcers also want to have limited linkage to any instances of contractual breaches.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Michael Horton: Case Study specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is a tricky situation in the company as customers are becoming tough on issues of data breaches. Therefore, the service provider stays on the hook of data breaches because of the limitations of liability. In addition, there exists very minimal requirements and special terms for ensuring the process of data security. However, the new federal regulations protect customers from data breach forcing service providers into honoring compulsory data notifications. The price tag for such regulations is high making it mandatory for service providers to ensure no instances of data breaches. This can be very expensive for a company having a large customer base like CSC. Solutions Because of the need to protect company revenues, service providers pushed for the creation of liability caps for particular data protection and confidentiality breaches. It was the major concern of those with customer base and huge retailers such as the client base handled by Michael Horton on a daily basis. Outsourcing providers have the tendency of capping liability at duration of two to three months. This acts unfairly on offshore venders who have to accept the responsibility of data security and liability for them to get new business6. Staying firm on not accepting the stake on limited liability leaves some negotiators unable to handle the limits of breach on data liability ob basis of their being financially unfeasible. It is necessary for the company to collaborate with companies such as S.A.P. for the creation of a solution for provision of deliverables to customers. Such expertise can help the organization in enhancing appropriate dealings with corporate within Australia and globally. For the benefits of pushing competitors into niche markets, it is necessary for the company to act from an informed angle to enjoy value proposition sales. Implications The implementation of these solutions in the market is easy for this company, which already boasts of a reasonable market share. It is important for the company to maintain its trust with clients and ensure that its staffs have adequate training for effective operation within the industry7. Being a large firm and an incumbent in the industry, there is a possibility of enjoying a small competitive landscape from entrants into the market for I.T service provision. Since there is considerable amount of discipline in the industry, it is within the mandates of the law to maintain a legal stance by ensuring that the compan y works within given codes of conduct.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It will not have to change its pricing because of its relationship with its customers and the skepticism, which surrounds the I.T outsourcing industry. However, it is required to improve on service differentiation so it can target a different target market than that it competes for with the entrants into the market. Michael Horton has a vertical positioning for influencing of the performance of the company and this gives the company a chance to continue scaling the global market. There is a considerable need for effective people skills management to keep a company on the right path. Since an I.T company deal with numerous people ambiguities, it is just necessary that staffs knowhow to handle issues in the most polite manner. This gives the opportunity for maintaining clients who remain in need of company services and that translates to success8. Works Cited Blackstone, John H., James F. Cox, and John G. Schleier. 2009. â€Å"A tutorial on project management from a theory of constra ints perspective.† International Journal Of Production Research 47, no. 24: 7029-7046. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost. Camacho, Alejandro E. 2010. â€Å"Assisted Migration: Redefining Nature and Natural Resource Law Under Climate Change.† Yale Journal On Regulation 27, no. 2: 171-255. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost. Krause, Mark. â€Å"Impacts of Product Differentiation on the Crop Input Supply Industry.† Choices 26, no. 1 (1st Quarter 2011): EconLit with Full Text, EBSCOhost. Morley, Kristi M. 2008. â€Å"Limitation-of-Liability Provisions.† Reeves Journal: Plumbing, Heating, Cooling 88, no. 12: 8. MasterFILE Premier, EBSCOhost. Pringle, James, and Jeroen, Huisman. 2011. â€Å"Understanding Universities in Ontario, Canada: An Industry Analysis Using Porter’s Five Forces Framework.† Canadian Journal Of Higher Education 41, no. 3: 36-58. Education Research Complete, EBSCOhost. Spell, Stephanie M. 2010. â€Å"Capping Auditor Liabilit y: Unsuitable Fiscal Policy In Our Current Financial Crisis.† Brooklyn Journal Of Corporate, Financial Commercial Law 4, no. 2: 323-351. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost. ZdanytÄâ€", Kristina, and Bronius Neverauskas. 2011. â€Å"The Theoretical Substation Of Project Management Challenges.† Economics Management 16, 1013-1018. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost. Zekić, Zdravko, and Luka, SamarÃ… ¾ija. 2012. â€Å"Project Management of Dynamic Optimization of Business Performance.† International Business Research 5, no. 12: 99-111. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost. Footnotes 1 Blackstone, John H., James F. Cox, and John G. Schleier. 2009. â€Å"A tutorial on project management from a theory of constraints perspective.† International Journal Of Production Research 47, no. 24: 7029-7046. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost. 2 Camacho, Alejandro E. 2010. â€Å"Assisted Migration: Redefining Nature and Natural Resource Law Under Climate Change.â⠂¬  Yale Journal On Regulation 27, no. 2: 171-255. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost. 3 Krause, Mark. â€Å"Impacts of Product Differentiation on the Crop Input Supply Industry.† Choices 26, no. 1 (1st Quarter 2011): EconLit with Full Text, EBSCOhost . 4 ZdanytÄâ€", Kristina, and Bronius Neverauskas. 2011. â€Å"The Theoretical Substation Of Project Management Challenges.† Economics Management 16, 1013-1018. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost. 5 Morley, Kristi M. 2008. â€Å"Limitation-of-Liability Provisions.† Reeves Journal: Plumbing, Heating, Cooling 88, no. 12: 8. MasterFILE Premier, EBSCOhost. 6 Spell, Stephanie M. 2010. â€Å"Capping Auditor Liability: Unsuitable Fiscal Policy In Our Current Financial Crisis.† Brooklyn Journal Of Corporate, Financial Commercial Law 4, no. 2: 323-351. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost. 7 Pringle, James, and Jeroen Huisman. 2011. â€Å"Understanding Universities in Ontario, Canada: An Industry Analysis Using Porter’s Five Forces Framework.† Canadian Journal Of Higher Education 41, no. 3: 36-58. Education Research Complete, EBSCOhost. 8 Zekić, Zdravko, and Luka SamarÃ… ¾ija. 2012. â€Å"Project Management of Dynamic Optimization of Business Performance.† International Business Research 5, no. 12: 99-111. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost. This essay on Michael Horton: Case Study was written and submitted by user Ultimo to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.