Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Conclusion for Good Governance free essay sample

Poor governance leads to, and encourages and breeds, corruption in a number of ways, for instance through bribery and extortion, nepotism and fraud and embezzlement, It reduces the efficiency on which an economy depends, and by increasing the cost of investment, lowers the potential return. It also reduces the government’s resources and hence its capacity for investment. Common to other South Asian countries, corruption in Pakistan is unique because it occurs up stream, it has wings which encourage flight of capital rather than wheel which encourage reinvestment and it often rewards rather than punishes as the legal processes to fight corruption are weak in themselves and the lower judiciary is amenable to letting off the accused if the ‘price is right† (Ismail and Rizvi, 14). Corruption is not a problem that can be attacked in isolation. It is not sufficient for the criminal law to search for bad apples and punish them. We will write a custom essay sample on Conclusion for Good Governance or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Of course, the state may need to establish credibility by punishing highly visible corrupt officials, but the goal of such prosecutions is to attract notice and public support, not solve the underlying problem. Anticorruption laws can only provide a background for more important structural reforms† (Rose- Ackerman, 199:226). For almost all the reforms introduced by the Musharraf government in governmental and administration fields the basic assumption was that the society was sufficiently educated and hence eager and ready to change. The assumption proved wrong and rocked the whole foundation of the reforms agenda as the society proved to be ready for grabbing new opportunities but not to change its work ethics. If this society is to be saved and the country has to shake off the tag of a failing or failed state, urgent and stringent measures need to be taken. Some of which are recommended as under: 1. Judgment of the Supreme Court against NRO be implanted in letter and spirit. 2. Accountability from the top be started. JAVAID: Corruption and its Deep Impact on Good Governance in Pakistan 133 3. A national anti-corruption commission be set up as an independent watchdog. 4. End unnecessary or archaic discretionary laws. 5. Ensure time bound actions in offices. 6. Use independent private sector auditors. 7. Involve people in diagnosing corrupt systems. 8. Advocate that all ‘illegal’ money and property transactions in industrialized countries are treated at par with drug money. 9. The problem of corruption is quite severe at the lower judiciary and a system of alternative dispute resolution needs to be worked out urgently. 10. Require public officials to declare their assets. 11. Community participation especially of students be ensured. 12. Creating awareness particularly about the adverse impact on every one’s life be highlighted to mobilize public against corruption.

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