Sunday, August 11, 2019

Emergency Disaster Legal Issues after Hurricane Sandy within New Research Paper

Emergency Disaster Legal Issues after Hurricane Sandy within New Jersey - Research Paper Example Legal offices have been open in the region to provide people with access to benefits, acquire safe inexpensive housing, and manage other legal problems to assist families and the public pull through Hurricane Sandy. In order to prevent communities from the devastating effects of any other emergency, several policies have been implemented accordingly. Reflecting on this context, this paper critically examines emergency disaster legal issues after Hurricane Sandy within New Jersey from a broad point of view. In order to successfully scrutinize the subject, the paper also provides the central research question and the purpose of the research, research methodology, and appropriate recommendations accordingly. The Central Research Question and the Purpose of the Research The occurrence of disaster in any given society leads to mass killings and destruction of property in the long run. The happening of Hurricane Sandy in New Jersey has become an important issue of discussion in recent time s. The debate over the disaster has been aimed towards finding out the most valuable measures, which should be implemented in the region to help people (National Disaster Legal Aid, 2012). Whenever a disaster hits any given region, there are several legal issues which arise among the victims. Several measures must be adopted appropriately in order to solve such legal issues within the shortest time possible. With the intention of addressing the legal issue in the affected region, legal assistance is always considered of great importance (Perry, 2012). Legal assistance provided in New Jersey takes account of the following. The first legal assistance is returning legal documents lost and damaged during the incidence. The second legal assistance is providing medication and property insurance claims to the victims whilst the other legal assistance is to give counseling on issues related to tenant and landlord. Building on this perspective, it is worth noting that the central research qu estion of this paper revolves around preparing a report in support of the legal issues of the disaster. This implies that the central question of the research forms a point of reference from where the purpose of the research is understood clearly. It is worth noting that, all the way through the state, revival efforts are well in progress (Summar, 2012). The revival efforts are aimed towards saving the lives of all people affected by the disaster. In that sense, the purpose of the research is to explore the negative impacts of a disaster, examine the necessary policies that are put into practice towards addressing the emerging issues, and define how victims of the catastrophe can be helped to recover sooner or later. Research Methodology After evaluation of the disaster, the Hazard and Vulnerability Analysis prepared by the legal offices at New Jersey announced that the people were equally at risk of different types of disasters. It is appropriate for a community to have well organi zed emergency operations against any emergency. After an analysis has been done and the community has been found vulnerable to different types of disasters, there is the need to come up with emergency plans to address the situation (Perry, 2012). For the community, there are two ways to go about this: we can have a Disaster Specific Plan for the different disasters or have a General Emergency Management Plan for addressing any of the four disasters whenever

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