Friday, August 23, 2019

Quoting & Paraphrasing (dp4) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Quoting & Paraphrasing (dp4) - Essay Example One should always explain the quotes after using them. A proper analysis of the quotes should always be given in the text. In relation to the above, one should avoid using the quotes as padding. Whenever one omits unnecessary words in a quote, it is important that he or she uses ellipsis in the text. This use of ellipsis should be followed by a space before starting another word. Other than the above, the material has successfully shed light on how to set up a quotation as well as follow up the same quotation. This involves providing contexts for each quotation as well as attributing each and every quotation to their sources. Another way to set up and follow such quotations involves elucidating the importance of such quotations as well as citing those quotations. The material has also exhaustively suggested ways to embed quotations in sentences. These involve attributing the quote to the speaker. This can take the form of either introduction or conclusion. This should be followed by the use of grammatically correct words within the sentence quoted. The material has also dwelt exhaustively on how to combine quotation marks with other punctuation marks. The second material talks about the issue of paraphrasing. This comprises of some of the ways to paraphrase as well as what needs to be considered in order to avoid plagiarism when paraphrasing. According to the material, some of the ways or methods of paraphrasing involves writing whatever one has understood after reading a source. This involves identifying the key ideas or kernel sentences. These should be effectively combined into new sentences without losing the meaning of the original source. These two documents have exhaustively concentrated on the field of paraphrasing as well as the use of quotation marks. The contents within these two materials are very good. They have good information that contributes a great deal towards informing the readers of some of the

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