Friday, May 31, 2019

Essay --

I chose to discuss clean eating for this assignment as I really think that nutrition is the cornerstone for good health. I believe this statement based on science and facts, and not what is trendy or currently being discussed during the even news. Science has shown us that our bodies work on a cellular level, and if we feed those cells poorly in the forms of high-fat, high-calorie, processed foods, which offer no nutritional value, then the cells cannot do their jobs properly and have a negative impact on health. The term clean eating has different meanings to different people however, all agree that at the heart of the phrase, it shows that people recognize that nutrition plays a vital purpose in health. So how and why does nutrition play a vital map in health? This paper will discuss the aspects. First, begin by eating whole foods. This one is pretty straightforward -- instead of a banana nut muffin, eat a banana and some nuts The primary principle of eating clean is to replac e processed foods with fresh and natural foods. To me, this way of life foods that havent had anything added to them, and havent had anything valuable taken away. So, even if youre not growing quinoa in your back yard, you can buy this whole grain in the bulk section of your market, or in a box, where the only ingredient is quinoa, and only quinoa. Thats a far cry from a refined grain, thats been stripped of its fiber-rich bran (outer skin) and nutritious germ (the inner part that sprouts into a new plant), bleached, and doctored up with preservatives.Let ingredients guide you I dont think its realistic to never eat anything that comes out of a jar, box, or bag, but when you do, the precise first thing a clean eater looks at is the ingredient list. ... ...l, the phrase you are what you eat is literally true, so being thoughtful to the highest degree your food just makes sense. Nutrients create the foundation for the structure and function of every cell in your body, and because your body is in a continuous state of maintenance and repair, the health and functioning of your cells is directly determined by what youve been eating. Whole, natural foods provide the building blocks that go to work to uphold your muscles, bones, organs, immune system, and hormones. So cleaning up your diet is a lot like starting to build and support your body with the highest quality raw materials. For these reasons, Ive seen a commitment to clean eating truly transform my clients lives, from clearer, glowing skin and shinier hair to more energy, better mood and sleep quality, clearer thinking, less aches and pains, and even a greater sex drive.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Renaissance and Modern Art :: essays research papers fc

During my second time visiting the museum, I looked at paintings from the 15th and 19th centuries. Two of the art works that I pack is The Story of Joseph from the Renaissance period and The Marketplace from the modern art period. Both of these paintings were from different time periods but they were similarly very similar in confine and style.The first pieces that I choose were from the Renaissance period. It is titled The Story of Joseph by Biagio d Antonio. The card states that it is Italian, Florentine, active by 1472. The artist, Antonio died in 1516. The location of the artwork was primed(p) on the 2nd floor of the museum. It was kind of difficult to find as it is not listed on the map. The painting is framed and placed near the corner of the trance to another style. The artwork measured about 3 feet by 6 feet. It is placed near paintings of portraits. This was one of the reasons why I choose this painting. As briefly as I walked into the room, it caught my eyes right a way as not only was it different from the other artwork in the room but it also consisted of many colors in the paintings. It was also one of the biggest artwork in the room. The room itself was fairly large. There was enough lighting to get a untroubled look at the art work but much dimmer compare to the other rooms. The lighting fits perfectly with the period. Every artwork in the room was spread out evenly with enough spacing between them. There were about 2 artworks near the center of the room but most of the artworks were hung up against the wall.The painting The Story of Joseph by Biagio d Antonio is made of tempura on wood. The tempura techniques of previous centuries had already used oil as a binder, although other non-transparent substances, such as fig-tree juice and egg yolk, were more common, such binder produced a color that was absolutely opaque. (Wundram, 17) In the paintings, it shows mingled events going on almost like a storyboard. The people in the paintings are going about their business, talking, trading, and fishing. The painting tells the story of Joseph who is the favorite son of the Hebrew patriarch Jacob. (Genesis 37, 39, 42-27). Throughout the paintings, there are various inscriptions painted on the artwork.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Shakespeares Macbeth - Why does Macbeth Murder Duncan? :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

Why does Macbeth Murder Duncan? In Shakespeares play Macbeth, the lead character of the same name is not sufficiently happy with the postgraduate social position he occupies and the honored status he has acquired. Viewing the play simplistically, one may conclude that Duncan is murdered due to the ambition of Macbeth. dreaming is a sin, of course, and therefore Macbeth is punished for his sins. If one does not care to probe more deeply, this evaluation of the play is almost but satisfactory, because it is very simple and neat. Yet, this cuddle converts the work from an extraordinarily complex study of evil into a straightforward morality play and closes off discussion of the most interesting aspects of the play. Now, there is whatsoever evidence for the charge of ambition. Macbeth does want to become king, and he refers to that desire as ambition (I have no spur/ To prick the sides of my intent, but entirely/ Vaulting ambition which oerleaps itself/ And falls on thother (1. 7.25-28). But we need to be careful here not automatically to take a characters own adjudicate of his motivation for the truth, or at least for a completely adequate summary statement of all that needs to be said. We need to unpack fitting what that concept of ambition contains in the character to whom we apply it. For a fascinating aspect of Macbeths motivation is that he is in the grip of something which he does not in full understand and which a part of him certainly does not approve of. This makes him very unlike Richard Gloucester, who announces his plans with glee and shows no scruples about what he has to do (quite the eradicate he looks forward to doing away with his next victim and invites us to share his delight). Clearly a part of Macbeth is fascinated with the possibility of being king. Its not entirely clear where this desire comes from. The witches (whom we will discuss later) put the suggestion into the play, but there is a strong hint from Lady Macbeth that sh e and her husband have already talked about the matter well before the play begins (What beast wast then/ That made you break this enterprise to me? (1.7.48-49). In that case, the appearance of the witches may be, in part, a response to some desire in Macbeth.

Feasibility Report Essay examples -- essays research papers

AbstractThe purpose of this report is to determine whether it would be feasible for the direction take a crap to add a data processorized register to the terminus.The marketing Society is the largest club on F.I.T.s campus. It provides the opportunity for its members to enhance their college experience at the Fashion Institute of Technology. Its members atomic number 18 dedicated to gaining exposure to the fashion industry first-hand through running a business, visiting companies worldwide, and volunteering services to the community.The club is responsible for operating a successful on-campus boutique, the Style wander. The store offers the unique opportunity for FIT students, faculty and alumni to sell their original creations on a consignment basis. This not only anyows students to earn recognition and profit, it enables Merchandising Society members to gain experience in buying, product development, marketing, finance, customer relations, management, visual merchandising, and website development. The Style discover offers students the chance to develop a sharper awareness of free radical dynamics, build professional relationships, and actively participate in our college education.Currently the store uses a non-computerized register. There is no computerized inventory or bar codes used. Everything is done by hand. The addition of a computer would not only help keep track of all purchases by time, it would allow for the finance team to plan gross revenue and monitor loss. The Style Shop uses a reckon handed out by FITSA to fund purchases and stock for the store. This budget would be used to purchase a computer. It is highly feasible that the Style Shop purchases a computer and a register program.IntroductionPurposeThe purpose of this report is to determine the feasibility of adding a computerized register to the Style Shop team.ProblemDuring the 2001/02 school year the Merchandising Society has over 180 active members. The store currently has no s et computerized system. Inventory and tickets are all manually printed. By adding a computer to the store, inventory and sales could be more easily monitored. The computer would also dish out as a ticket printer and finance station. ScopeThe addition of a computerized register would make the flow of goods in and out of the Style Shop easier. By adding a computer to the store each Merchandising Society member would h... ...h day. They will also be in charge of closing all curtains at night so that passers-by cannot see the computer in an empty store.Summer/WinterWhen the Style Shop is not in operation the computer will be disconnected and stored in the Style Shop closet on the 7th Floor of the A-Building. This closet is only accessible to Style Shop Managers. ConclusionThe Style Shop is a growing student run boutique on F.I.T.s campus. Each semester the stores sales increase. The store needs a better way to track sales and inventory. By purchasing a computer Managers would be able to effectively track sales, inventory, and expenses. The entirety cost for the computer and register system is just under $2000.00. The money to purchase the computer/register would come out of the Style Shop budget given to the store by F.I.T.S.A.RecommendationsThe Style Shop is an expanding establishment at the Fashion Institute of Technology. The addition of a computerized register would increase productivity at bottom the store. It is recommended that the Style Shop use their budget and purchase a computer and a point of sale

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Pablo Picasso :: essays research papers

Pablo Diego Jose Santiago Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispin Cripiano de los Remedios Cipriano de Santisima Trinidad Ruiz Blasco yPicasso Lopez, or more commonly known as Pablo Picasso, the twenteith centurys most famous artist. He created more than twenty thousand paintings.Of his most famous artworks are " Guernica", Les Demoiselles d Avignon",and his many, many cubist style paintings that he created. At the age of twenty, he began to sign his paintings with estimable his m otherwises maiden name of Picasso. Inthe fall of 1901 he begins the Blue Period until he begins painting with more redcolors in 1904 which is the start of the flush Period. In the winter of 1908 he and Georges Braque become close friends and his work with analytical cubism turns into synthetic cubism. Picasso also began, as a section of cubism, to add bitsof string and other materials to his work. By doing so, he was the inventor of themodern day collage. He also made his first important s ale of art to Ambroise Vollard,who he also particoloured a portrait of in a cubism style. In 1906 he began to paint in the style of cubism that changed the entire form of modern art. He was merely 26 years old at the time.     Pablo Picasso was born on the twenty-fifth of May, in October of 1881.He was born and raised in Malaga, Spain. He also had two sisters, Lola and Conchita. Conchita died when she was eight. His stick was also an artist, and as Pablogrew up, he saw a prodigious amount of talent in Pablo. Not soon after, he began teaching Pablo all he knew about art and painting. At the age of ten, his family move to northern Spain and he took an entrance examination for the Instituto de Guarda. He is one of the very few to have unblemished within 1 day, further proving his abilities. He studied at the Institute for 2 years before his family moved to Barcelona. There, he took classes at La Lonja and The Barcelona honorary society of Art. After that he went to the Royal Academy in Madrid, but only finished one year of study there. As his lifeprogressed he moved to Paris, France, where many of the most renowned artists, authors and sculptors lived. During his life Picasso held many mistresses. He married two of them and had four separate children

Pablo Picasso :: essays research papers

Pablo Diego Jose Santiago Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispin Cripiano de los Remedios Cipriano de Santisima Trinidad Ruiz Blasco yPicasso Lopez, or much commonly known as Pablo Picasso, the twenteith centurys most famous artist. He created more than twenty thousand paintings.Of his most famous artworks are " Guernica", Les Demoiselles d Avignon",and his many, many cubist style paintings that he created. At the age of twenty, he began to sign his paintings with just his mothers housemaid name of Picasso. Inthe fall of 1901 he begins the Blue Period until he begins painting with more redcolors in 1904 which is the start of the Rose Period. In the winter of 1908 he and Georges Braque become close friends and his work with analytical cubism turns into synthetic cubism. Picasso likewise began, as a section of cubism, to add bitsof string and other materials to his work. By doing so, he was the inventor of themodern day collage. He also made his first important sale of art to Ambroise Vollard,who he also painted a portrait of in a cubism style. In 1906 he began to paint in the style of cubism that changed the entire form of modern art. He was merely 26 eld old at the time.     Pablo Picasso was born on the twenty-fifth of May, in October of 1881.He was born and raised in Malaga, Spain. He also had two sisters, Lola and Conchita. Conchita died when she was eight. His father was also an artist, and as Pablogrew up, he saw a prodigious amount of talent in Pablo. Not soon after, he began teaching Pablo all he knew nigh art and painting. At the age of ten, his family moved to northern Spain and he took an entrance examination for the Instituto de Guarda. He is one of the very few to have finished deep down 1 day, further proving his abilities. He studied at the Institute for 2 years before his family moved to Barcelona. There, he took classes at La Lonja and The Barcelona Academy of Art. subsequently that he went to the Roya l Academy in Madrid, but only finished one year of study there. As his lifeprogressed he moved to Paris, France, where many of the most renowned artists, authors and sculptors lived. During his life Picasso held many mistresses. He married two of them and had four separate children

Monday, May 27, 2019

Online Student Profile Management System

ONLINE STUDENT PROFILE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM by GREESHMA MALGIREDDY B. Tech. , Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, 2007 A REPORT submitted in overtone fulfillment of the requirements for the degree MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Computing and Information Sciences College of Engineering KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY Manhattan, Kansas. 2010. Approved by Major Professor Dr. Daniel Andresen. AbstractAll the students who are enrolled in Computing and Information Sciences (CIS) major in Kansas State University are required to submit their Program of Study (POS) which they manually do by filling in all the necessary details and submit the form to the department. The main objective of this project is to develop an online submission of program of study. The online student profile management dodging is a web-based diligence that provides students of CIS major to submit their program of study in an easy and efficient manner.This application mainly allows the students to enter their personal in formation (viz. , connectedness information, previous education) and to choose core as well as non-core courses of their choice. In addition the faculty of CIS department can also log on to the application and view the POS of the students by entering their wildcat ID. The primary focus is to get familiar with . NET framework and to code in C. NET. This in reverse uses MS SQL server 2005 as database for storing and retrieving of data. This project is implemented using C.NET on Microsoft visual studio 2005. Table of contents listing of Figures v List of Tables vi Acknowledgements .. vii CHAPTER 1- continues

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Questions and Answers on Intermolecular Forces Essay

Intermolecular forces written response Hexane and Water do non mix. When the two vegetable marrows ar feature they separate into layers in the same manner petroleum and water do. Explain wherefore this is? Well to begin with this, these two things are very dissimilar. Water is considered polar and secondly hexane is considered non-polar. Polar and non-polar cannot mix together they are to different substances. Polar solutes will dissolve in polar solvents and non-polar solutes will dissolve in non-polar solvents, this is where the expression like dissolves like comes from.When theses two substances are combined they form different layers and this is because hexane is denser then water. Another very important reason to remember is that water is only soluble with nitrogen, fluorine, and oxygen. These two liquids are said to be immiscible. Water and oil will not mix for the same reason water is polar and oil is non-polar and for the same exact reason they are not mixable in a solu tion. Methane, ammonia and water are chemically similar. Yet the three substances have very different boiling points. Explain why this is true? This is due to the bonding between the molecules.The stronger they are the hotter you must make the liquid to cause it to boil. Intermolecular forces are the forces between the molecules of a substance. If a substance has very strong intermolecular forces, it is likely to be a solid, and if it has very weak intermolecular forces it is more likely to be a shooter, and this is because there would be less attraction among the molecules (strong intermolecular force=more attraction between molecules). As you know, when you boil something, you are changing it from a liquid to a gas which elbow room you would want to decrease the attraction among the molecules of the substance by adding energy.If a substance has intermolecular forces that are stronger, you would need more energy to overcome the forces which means it would have a higher(prenominal ) boiling point (higher boiling point=higher temperature=more heat=more energy). The opposite is also true. If a substance has weaker intermolecular forces, less energy is required to decrease the attraction among the molecules and therefore it would have a lower boiling point. Ammonia and water have higher boiling points due to hydrogen bonding. Methane has a low boiling point because it belongs to the weakest London dispersion forces.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Management Planning: Boeing

This paper will examine the management visualizening of the Boeing union. To let out understand Boeings management be after, this paper is broken down into sections First this paper will evaluate the be afterning function of Boeings management. Second, we will deform to provide an analysis of the impacts that the good, ethical and corporate kind responsibility of the Boeings management planning by providing relevant examples of each. Finally, this paper will delve on three factors that influence Boeings strategic, tactical, operational and contingency planning. By analyzing and evaluating these aspects in Boeings management planning, the reader will better understand how it brought success into this company. attention Planning BoeingAs the worlds renowned aircraft company, Boeing was founded on July 15, 1916 by William E. Boeing. Since then, the Boeing Company earned its place as a major aerospace and defense corporation. By revenue, Boeing is considered as the largest aircra ft manufacturer of commercial jetliners and military aircraft (Pragmatics ITES-2S Portal Boeing, 2007). Aside from that, Boeing ranked as the insurgent largest in terms of deliveries around the world and it positioned itself as the second largest defense contractor in the world (Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia, 2007).It also attends to demand in producing rotorcraft, electronic and defense systems, missiles, satellites, launch vehicles and advanced information and communication systems. This is why the company had sprawled globally in 145 countries and its sales had put it in one of the top U.S. exporters list (Boeing in Brief, 2007). All of these achievements by Boeing can be attributed to its brilliant management planning. To get a better insight into Boeings management planning, it would be best to evaluate their planning function.To be an effective and in force(p) global company, Boeing took advantage of planning to create a long tradition of aerospace leadership and psychiat ric hospital. As a mark of its good leadership, the steady managing of its physical assets had been the secernate of how it attained the top position in the aviation market. Boeing, being the largest producer of commercial aircraft in the world, faced a huge task in keeping its production on memorandum.Each airplane requires more than 1 million individual parts and assemblies, and each airplane is custom configured to meet the purchase airlines exact specifications. These parts and assemblies must be completed and delivered on schedule or else the production process will stop and agent unnecessary delays. As a large company, Boeing developed a systematic procedure for selecting goals and strategies that should define their standards for the future success of their business. The deliberate pursuit of those standards should be through with(p) through their objective-seeking work (Roney, 2004, p. 33).This is the reason why Boeing invested in a number of radical information syste ms that would enable them to increase production efficiency. This gives the Boeing management the power to plan and control their logistics in every element of its supply chain. Using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and internet links, Boeing is working with suppliers so that they can provide exactly the right part or assembly at exactly the right time.They call it Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, which they currently use at bottom Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA). This ERP system automatically generates purchasing data, which is formatted by their supplier network (Boeing Suppliers, 2007). This enables Boeing to proactively produce engineering specifications and drawings available to its suppliers through secure Internet connections, even originally starting an airplane into production. As work on the airplane progresses, Boeing keeps every member of the supply chain continually informed of completion milestones achieved and necessary schedule changes.Lind (2006) ci ted that as Boeing enabled their enterprise-level research and development (R&D), Boeings plans responded effectively and efficiently to improve its business demand. In fact, the effectiveness of their planning by the use of their new systems, Boeing had chuck out in half the time needed to complete individual assembly processes and it has realized similar reductions in part defect costs. The combined effects of these change magnitude efficiencies are helping Boeing do a much better job of meeting its customers needs. Instead of waiting 36 months for delivery, customers can now have their new airplanes in 10 to 12 months.Because the management planning focused on increasing their production, the impact of their management planning affected their legal aspect in terms of downsizing. This happened when Boeing experienced a slowdown in its aircraft production after the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the company was forced to trim down the number of employees in its plants. This is why B oeing faced many legal actions filed against them by previous employees (Kirkpatrick, 2006).This also affected the ethical bearing of Boeing because they could not justify the 30 part general layoff nationwide. Some employees decried discrimination against the method of their employee reduction program that violated the Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, which articulated that it is unlawful for a covered employer to severalize against employees over the age of 40 by reason of their age. Boeing should not forget its ethical standards by ignoring the rights of some individuals just to promote efficiency and productiveness (Sims, 1994, p. 6)Despite this, Boeing gained in the aspect of corporate responsibility to the environment as they prided that their planning allowed them to switch to technologies and cooperative partnerships that help ensure a safe and habitable global environment for the future (Health & Safety, Boeing Website, 2007). In fact, they introduced the Boein g 787 Dreamliner, which is aimed to provide airlines with unmatched fuel efficiency, resulting in exceptional environmental performance. The airplane will use 20 percent less fuel for comparable missions than todays similarly sized airplane. It will also travel at speeds similar to todays fastest wide bodies, Mach 0.85. The features provide the economic and social benefits of modern air transportation, with the environmental benefits of quiet, fuel-efficient operation.In this regard, it is deemed that the three factors that influence Boeings strategic, tactical, operational and contingency planning are efficiency, productivity and creating cooperative partnerships. Lind (2006) explained that Boeing meets the respective(a) needs of its markets by making it a focused research organization inclined to promote efficiency, productivity and creating partnerships with its clients. It referred to its management planning as a catalyst of innovation for their enterprise. Lind (2006) explaine d that Phantom Works is Boeings central research organization and contains a number of RD programs, or thrusts, which address areas of common technology needed for their diverse product lines.As Boeing is focused on to increase productivity, they broadly use this system across Boeings current and future product lines. However, their contingency planning did not fare well when Boeing resorted into layoffs after their production was affected by the 9/11 attacks. Many employees that were laid-off questioned the process of their dismissal (Kirkpatrick, 2006). If Boeing wants to establish itself as an ethical organization, it should inform their employees about the processes of evaluation, what type(s) of monitoring it conducts and how company came into that decision that was implemented by the organization. It is but ethical that Boeing should perplex to truthful disclosure. Truthful disclosure is a necessary condition for maintaining individual employee rights in a company (Ambrose, 1 998, p. 77).In the overall, Boeings management planning is sound and understandable because it is a business that should adhere in its efficiency, productivity and cooperative partnerships. As it is operating in an extremely competitive industry, it should manage its assets well and maintain a high regard for technologies to be able to surpass other aviation companies. More than aspiring for financial gains, the Boeing Company should be able to create a veritable contingency plan when production is affected by unexpected factors.Aside from managing the quality their asset and technology, it should not forget to manage their own people as well. It should maintain legal and ethical processes when Boeing decides to cut off its large labor force. Boeing should remember that it is their employees that have to make any strategy work in its creation. Bad planning, with regards to its ethical stance to employees can be bad for their reputation. Thus, it is recommended that Boeing should dev elop a contingency plan of appearing to be transparent when it comes to evaluating the performance of its employees.ReferencesAmbrose, M. L. (1998). Chapter Four Electronic Performance monitor a Consideration of Rights. In Managerial Ethics Moral Management of People and Processes, Schminke, M. (Ed.) (pp. 61-77). Mahwah, NJ Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.Boeing in Brief. (2007). About Us. Retrieved July 16, 2007Environment Safety. (2007). About Us. Retrieved July 16, 2007, from Boeing Website http//, J.J. (2006, January 2). On Getting Bounced at Boeing. Retrieved July 16, 2007, from http//, J. (2006, September-October). Boeings Global Enterprise Technology Process Personality-Driven Research is Avoided by Applying Systems Engineering to RD Management in the Companys Central Research Organization.Research-Technology Management 49(5)36-43.Pragmatics ITES-2S Portal Boeing Pragmatics, Inc. Retrieved July 16, 2007, from Pragmatics https//, C. W. (2004). Strategic Management Methodology Generally Accepted Principles for Practitioners. Westport, CT Praeger.Suppliers. (2007). Boeing ERP Application. Retrieved July 16, 2007, from Boeing Website http// the Free Encyclopedia. The Boeing Company. Retrieved July 16, 2007, from Wikipedia http//

Friday, May 24, 2019

Harvard Concept (Fisher and Urgy)

Getting to Yes (also called the Harvard concept) describes a method called principled dialog to reach an stipulation whose victor is judged by three criteria 1. It should take a leak a wise agreement if agreement is possible. 2. It should be efficient. 3. It should improve or at least non damage the descent between the parties. The authors argue that their method heap be used in virtually any negotiation. Issues are decided upon by their merits and the goal is a win-win moorage for both sides. Below is a summary of whatsoever of the key concepts from the book.The four locomote of a principled negotiation are 1. Separate the people from the hassle 2. Focus on interests, non positions 3. find out options for mutual gain 4. Insist on using objective criteria In principled negotiations, negotiators are encouraged to mint the come across that all the participants are conundrum solvers preferably than adversaries. The authors recommend that the goal should be to reach an o utcome efficiently and amicably. The steps empennage be depict in more detail as follows. Step 1 Separate the people from the task All negotiations involve people and people are not perfect.We have emotions, our own interests and goals and we tend to see the world from our point of view. We also are not al appearances the stovepipe communicators valety of us are not good listeners. Getting to YES outlines a number of tools for dealing with the problems of perception, emotion and communication. However, the authors stress that separating people from problems is the best option. The keys to prevention are building a working relationship and facing the problem, not the people. Think of the people you negotiate with on a regular basis.Generally, the better we know someone, the easier it is to face a negotiation together. We tend to view people we dont know with more suspicion just what is Bob up to? Take time to get to know the other party before the negotiation begins. Think of the negotiation as a means to solving a problem and the people on the other side as partners helping to knock a solution. Ideally both parties will come out of a negotiation feeling they have a fair agreement from which both sides can benefit. If the negotiation feels like a situation of you versus them, the authors suggest a couple of options1. Raise the issue with the other side explicitlyLets look together at the problem of how to satisfy our collective interests. 2. Sit on the same side of the table. Try to structure the negotiation as a side-by-side activity in which the dickens of you with your different interests and perceptions, and your emotional involvement jointly face a common task. Step 2 Focus on Interests, Not Positions The authors use a simplistic example to explain the difference between interests and positions Two men are quarrelling in a library. One wants the window open and the other wants it miserlyd. . Enter the librarian.She asks one wherefore he want s the window open To get some fresh air his interest. She asks the other why he wants it closed To obviate a draft his interest. After mentation a moment, she opens wide a window in the next room, bringing in fresh air without a draft. The interests of the two men are the relish for fresh air and the desire to avoid a draft. The mens positions are to have the window opened or closed. The authors say we need to focus, not on whether the window in their room is opened or closed, but on how we can meet both the need for fresh air and the need to avoid a draft.More often than not, by focusing on interests, a creative solution can be found. In this little example, each man has one interest but in more or less negotiations, each party will have galore(postnominal) interests and these interests will likely be different than yours. Its historic to communicate your interests to the other party. Dont assume they have the same interests as you or that they know what your interests are. Dont assume you know what interests the other party has. Discussion to identify and scan all the interests is a critical step in the process. Step 3 Invent Options for Mutual GainThe authors feel that a common problem with many negotiations is there are too few options to choose from. Little or no time is spent creating options. This, they feel, is a mistake. There are four steps to generating options 1. Separate inventing from deciding. Like in any brainstorming session, dont judge the ideas people bring forward, just get them on the board. 2. Broaden the options on the table rather than look for a single answer. Remember the men at the library? The only option they saw was opening or closing the window in the room they were both sitting in.In fact, there are many options borrow a sweater, open a window in another room, trip to a different spot, etc. 3. Search for mutual gain. In a negotiation, both sides can be worse off and both sides can gain. high-principled negotiations are not about I win and you lose. 4. Invent ways of making the other partys decisions easy. Since a successful negotiation requires both parties to agree, get to it easy for the other side to choose. This is where putting yourself in the other persons shoes can be very valuable. What might prevent Bob from agreeing?Can you do anything to change those things? Step 4 Insist on Using Objective Criteria Principled negotiations are not battles of will. There is no winner and you dont need to constrict your position until the other backs down. The goal is to produce wise agreements amicably and efficiently. Use of objective criteria helps remove the emotion from the discussion and allows both parties to use primer and logic. You may have to develop objective criteria and there are a number of ways that can be done, from traditional practices, to market value to what a court would decide.Objective criteria need to be independent of each sides will. Once objective criteria have been develo ped, they need to be discussed with the other side. The authors provide some guidelines 1. Frame each issue as a joint search for objective criteria. 2. Use reason and be open to reason as to which standards are most appropriate and how they should be applied. 3. Never yield to pressure, only to principle. Common Challenges Following these steps should lead you to a successful outcome, but it isnt always that easy.The authors indeed go on to address three types of common challenges negotiators face. Sometimes the other party is more powerful than you The most any method of negotiation can do is to meet two objectives first, to protect you against making an agreement you should reject and second, to help you see the most of the assets you do have so that any agreement you reach will satisfy your interests as well as possible. To protect yourself, develop and know your BATNA Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement. The reason you negotiate is to produce something better than the results you can obtain without negotiating. The result you can obtain without negotiating is your BATNA. The better your BATNA, the greater your power so its essential to know your BATNA and take time to make sure its as strong as it could be. The same will hold true for the other party. There are three steps to developing your BATNA 1. Invent a list of actions you might take if no agreement is reached 2. Improve some of the more promising ideas and convert them into practical alternatives.3. Select, tentatively, the one alternative that seems best Sometimes the other party just wont play In a principled negotiation, you dont want to play games with the other party and you dont want them playing games with you. The authors counsel three approaches to getting things back on track in this situation 1. Concentrate on the merits talk about interests, options and criteria 2. Focus on what the other party may do try and identify the other partys interests and the principles underlying their position.3. Focus on what a third party can do bring in a third party to assist if steps 1 and 2 arent successful Sometimes the other party uses dirty tricks You may encounter a party who wont shy away from using dirty tricks. The process for dealing with this type of tactic is to follow the process for principled negotiations 1. Separate the people from the problem 2. Focus on interests not positions 3. Invent options for mutual gain 4. Insist on using objective criteria 5. If all else fails, turn to your BATNA and walk outThe authors close with three points 1. You knew it all the time. Much of what goes into a principled negotiation is common sense. The authors have developed an understandable framework to share the approach with others. 2. Learn from doing. You wont incur a better negotiator unless you get out there and practice. 3. Winning The first thing you are trying to win is a better way to negotiate a way that avoids your having to choose between the satisfaction s of getting what you deserve and of being decent. You can have both.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Which Is the Most Successful Fashion Company in the Department

WHICH IS THE MOST SUCCESSFUL FASHION COMPANY IN THE DEPARTMENT AND GENERAL interpose vault of heaven OF THE UK FASHION INDUSTRY FOR MEN AGED 25-34 CONTENTS 0. DEFINING SUCCESS pg 3 1. 1 Market gesture Pg 3 2. 0 junior-grade Research Findings Pg 5 2. 1 Horizontal Analysis Pg 5 2. 1. 1 derangement Pg 5 2. 1. 2 perfect(a) Profit Pg 7 2. 1. 3 operate Profit Pg 9 2. Vertical Analysis Pg 10 2. 2. 1 field of Fraser Pg 10 2. 2. 2 M&S and Debenhams Pg 11 3. 0 Primary Research Data. Pg 12 3. 1 Aim Pg 12 3. 2 Objectives Pg 12 3. 3 Methodology Pg 12 3. 4 Method Pg 15 3. 5 Results Pg 16 3. 6 Ethical ConsiderationsPg 16 3. 7 Potential Limitations Pg 17 Bibliography cecal appendage WHICH IS THE MOST SUCCESSFUL FASHION COMPANY IN THE DEPARTMENT AND GENERAL STORE SECTOR OF THE UK FASHION INDUSTRY FOR MEN AGED 25-34 1. 1 Defining Success Success give nonice be measures in many a(prenominal) different expressions, through m startary value and finances, memorable publicise and marketing, just now to many, success is a personal opinion. In terms of fashion it could be based upon the consumers like for the brands product, or an advertising campaign that made a positive impression on them. galore(postnominal) brands today are sporting a CSR approach and are trying to give impale to the environ workforcet or community. This divisor to some is something that pull up s guide ons place many brands higher above early(a)s in personal preference. To define success, more than one factor essential be analysed. Both a quantitative and qualitative approach must be exercisingd. This report will look at both approaches feel at current secondary info of severally chosen company drawing conclusions of success from at that place as wellhead as planning meat of carrying out lucrative primary selective in spend a pennyation eitherowing a qualitative approach to the findings. 1. 2 Market ResearchFrom the Fashion Trak frameworks of industry leaders, the chosen category for this report is subdivision & General Stores and in spite of appearance that looking at Men of age(p) 25-34. Within the fashion industry there isnt normally much of a centralise on Mens shopping habits. A greater understanding will be gained from looking into this sector. Men are nonorious for macrocosm passionless shoppers, often choosing stores where they can satisfy other engrosss (Mintel) The TGI lifestyle groups look at the different life dos and show an insight into where they spend their money and what on. Men aged 25-34 fall predominantly into Fledglings Flown the nest Nest Builders % All 56. 7 Fledglings 67. 3 Nest Builders 66. 7 Flown the Nest 65. 8 Unconstrained Couples 58. 6 Senior repair Decision Makers 58. 3 Playschool Parents 55. Secondary School Parents 54. 2 Empty Nesters 52. 4 Mid-life Independents 50. 7 build. 1 Mintel Mens Fashion Lifestyles 2009 It is apparent that the men in the first of these groups draw the highest interest in their appearance and that as their priorities change there is a come (Fig. 1). This discovery lead to the initial interest of looking at the types of retailers men in these ages shopped predominantly in.Fashion Trak shows that for men of this age, Department and General Stores featured highly among the clothing multiples and discount stores. (See Appendix 1) 2. 0 Secondary Research Findings. The use of the October 2010 Fashion Trak report showed that there where four Genera & Department stores in the top 20 retailers for this age group. These results are through with(p) on Expenditure % and although they offer an initial visual to the guessly successful it is cardinal to look at the other methods of success previously mentioned to gain a fuller knowledge. label and Spencers, Debenhams and erect of Fraser are clear runners on the UK high street. FAME can be used to take a look at the pecuniary data of each company, looking at Turnover, Profit and other factors. This provides a numer ical value of success between the three of them. The results of which are shown bellow. When looking at the financial data of a company it is of the essence(p) to none that it whitethorn non be accurate. Figures may be out of date, estimates or not take ostentatiousness into account. Because of this, the data below must be treated as a representation and not necessarily the correct numbers. . 1 Horizontal Analysis. 2. 1. 1 Turnover The bellow graphs (Fig 2 & 3) show a clear visual of all three companys Turnover and % change for the noncurrent three years. It is all important(predicate) to note the difference in musical scale across these graphs. Turnover is the money generated through business activity, be it selling of products or services. It shows how much money has been produced in a given space of age Fig 2 Debenhams Turnover kickoff FAME Fig 3 M&S Turnover Source FAME You can see that both M&S and Debenhams give birth seen an overall increase in Turnover over the ancient three years.The line showing the % counterchange for both of these companys reiterates the fruit patterns for both. Whilst Debenhams has seen a steady continuous increase M&S saw a relatively stable growth grow rapidly from 2009 to 2010. This growth could be ascribable to the 49% increase in only sales through M&S come up to. (Thomas, R. 2010) As well as what M&S Group Finance and Operations Director, Ian Dyson, puts down to improved market conditions. (M&S Online) Although at a decline scale, Debenhams has increased ceaselessly at a fixed rate. Fig 4 House of Fraser Turnover Source FAMEWhilst M&S and Debenhams have seen increases in swage, House of Fraser has not (Fig 4. ) For the past five years (See Appendix 3 for full finances 2005-2010) House of Fraser, has seen a continuous decrease in its Turnover. Much of this will be due to the UK Recession. 2. 1. 2 pull in Profit A 2009 Drapers Online report discusses the increase in sales of 4. 5% over the 2008 Christm as period, a long with increase in unwashed Profit for House of Fraser, stating that The per airance appears to be ahead of rival department store Debenhams (Brown, J. 009) At this point it is important to notify that the FAME report for House of Fraser does not seem accurate as with both Gross Profit and other solves, House of Fraser does not hold a lead over Debenhams. Their online financials do not go past 2008 and so in this case it is hard to measure the financial performance against that of M&S and Debenhams in a fair way. Gross profit enables us to look at the profit a company makes once it has taken away the cost of sales. Fig 5. Debenhams Gross Profit Source FAME From Fig 5 and looking at the FAME figures, it seems that Debenhams does incur high cost of sales.Although the graph seems to show a huge increase between 2009/2010, these costs have neither increased nor decreased dramatically over the past three years, as the difference has remained relatively stable. Where Tu rnover has increased so have the figures for Gross Profit, The difference between the two has remained similar with gross profit increasing on average by 5. 23% a year. Fig 6. M&S Gross Profit Source FAME Fig 6 shows that in 2009 there is what looks like high costs of sales resulting in a much dismount Gross Profit. 010 saw a greater increase in turnover than previous years, which when placed next to 2010s gross profit shows a go on consistent expenditure for cost of sales. Although high, there have been no radical increases in it. 2. 1. 3 Operating Profit Although Turnover is an important measure of a companys success, Operating Profit provides a better grasp of how much money the company has made, as it is the figures from after the deduction of the costs of mathematical product or in the case of Debenhams, expenditure on purchases. Fig 7. Operating Profit Source FAMEMarks and Spencers are still a clear leader inturns of overall operating profit. However the figures and graph show that is suffered a significant decrease in 2008/9. Both Debenhams and House of Fraser seem not to have suffered at this time. This decrease will be due to a knock on effect from the decrease in turnover which effected gross profit as well. 2. 2 Vertical Analysis The tolerance ratios give a good incite into the overall management efficiency. It is important to look at them as a full not individually. 2. 2. 1 House of Fraser 2010 2009 2008 Gross Margin 60. 42 2% 58. 99 3% 57. 27 28% Net Margin 2. 87 12% 3. 25 50% 2. 16 112% Fig 8. Gross and Net Margin for House of Fraser. Source FAME This table shows the Gross and Profit Margins of House of Fraser over the past three years.House of Fraser show a good Gross margin, and one that has steadily increased over the past three years. In 2010 for any ? 1 of turnover 60. 42p was left after cost of sales, showing that they have low costs of sales. The Net Margin on the other hand is a lot lower that the Gross Margin. From the P rofit and Loss account you can see that this is due to their Admin Expenses creation high. ROCE shows (Fig 9) the percentage return on the capital invested in a business. This figure can be used to by potential investors as well as within the company in clubhouse to make cost good decision. 2010 2009 2008 ROCE 9. 58 6% 10. 23 27% 8. 07 109% Fig 9. ROCE for House of Fraser. Source FAME In terms of potential investment, the figures for House of Fraser are relatively low, although they are not in negative numbers, it can be seen that for every ? 1 invested into the company only 9. 6 p will be generated in turnover. 2. 2. 2 M&S and DebenhamsUnlike House of Fraser both Debenhams and M&S have much lower figures for their Gross Margins,(Fig10) showing theyre cost of sales is greater than that of House of Fraser 2010 2009 2008 M&S 37. 94 2% 37. 21 4% 38. 5 1% Debenhams 15. 43 8% 14. 32 3% 14. 6 13% Fi g 10. Gross Margins for Debenhams and M&S. Source FAME However when compared next to their Net margin as well, the difference is noticeably small that House of Frasers. 2010 2009 2008 Gross Margin M&S 37. 4 2% 37. 21 4% 38. 65 1% Net Margin M&S 7. 37 5% 7. 79 38% 12. 51 15% Fig 11. Gross and Net Margin for M&S. Source FAME Both the Gross margin and the Net margin for M&S are low (Fig 11). In send to improve their Net Margin, the expenses must be looked at and a reduction of the proportion of expenses paid out of every ? 1 must be reduced. The Gross margin for Debenhams is overly low (Fig 12) , showing again as well as with both House of Fraser and M&S that there is high expenditure.The margin between Gross and Net compared to the other two companies is narrow, this shows that in terms of other costs before taxation and interest they are low. 2010 2009 2008 Gross Margin D 15. 43 8% 14. 32 3% 14. 76 13% Net Margin D 11. 74 4% 11. 33 12% 12. 85 7% Fig 12. Gr oss and Net Margin for Debenhams. Source FAME Although as stated their expenses are low, the Gross margin shows that cost of sales are very high, some thing that is arguably too high for a company that does not produce clothes but buys them in.This could also be attributed to the fact that as a brand they have a lot of markdowns (Blue X Sales), which put pressure on their margins. As with House of Fraser ROCE allows us to see if the company would be deemed a good one to invest in as well as other factors. 2010 2009 2008 ROCE M&S 8. 9 4% 9. 31 36% 14. 44 10% ROCE Debenhams 29. 43 9% 26. 88 9% 29. 66 12% Fig 13. ROCE for M&S and Debenhams. Source FAMEIt is clear that between the three companys Debenhams has the highest ROCE. (Fig. 13) 3. 0 Primary Data Research 3. 1 Aim The aim of this secondary interrogation is to determin the most successful fashion company in General & Department stores for Men ages 25-34 in the uk fashion industry 3. 2 Objectives 1. To determin a qualitati ve translation of success. 2. Decide upon a relevant query method to use to undertake an academic and successful way of research. 3. To find a suitable method to use in conjunction with the already analysed secondary research. 3. 3 Methodology In say to ensure the questionnaire is carried out in an accurate and appropriate way a carefully designed plan of action must be made.The better results are when the questionnaire can grasp a good collection of resualts from a random field. The take in is an important factor, deciding upon who to ask must be taken into consideration. There are various methods of doing this that include. Quota sampling is a method where by the interviewee chooses pile inevitably at random but which all show signs of differences based on the chosen interest. (Arsham, H) Stratified sampling is a method of random alternative with in a sub group Cluster sampling where an intire department is used. (Easterby-Smith et al. , 2002 136) It is important here to fo cus on the target group at question Men aged 25-34.Any of the three methods chosen above would be relevant. However in this istance a Quota Sampling method will be used. This allows for the questions to be targetted at males only. Cluster sampling would not have allowed for this as a in order to find a male only/dominated unit would be near impossible without added prejudices. It is also imperative to decide upon the size of a sample. In order to gain an appropriate and relevant understand the size must be one that will provide enough answers to analyse. When conducting this questionnaire an initial numnber of 150 people will be approached. A questionnaire can either be do face to face or not.When conducting a non face to face questionnaire, it would be difficult to control the span of people it would reach. Online programs such as Survey pixie are one way of spreading a survey, however in many cases this wouldnt result in random selection of applicants as it is most likey to be s ent on to friends and family. For this survey the starting point for gathering answers will be done on a face to face basis. When innovation a questionnaire for face to face gathereing. There are areas to consider which may in turn casue limitations. Many people will not have time to answer a long questionanire and so short, snappy easy to answer questions are imperative.As well as this keeping the overall length of the questionnaire short. In order to maximise time, make placing the most important questions towards the first half will allow for error if time runs out. The question types must be kept in mind for the planing and creating, looking at both the phrasing of the question as well as choosing the method opera hat suited for the answer. In this instance this questionnaire will firstly need to obtain Nominal and Interval data. In order to seek to answer the Aim only men must be asked, and although not always appropriate in this case it is imporatnt to ask about age. Some pe ople will not be willing to give their xact age and so in this case it will be just asked if they fall into the 24-35 age bracket. Once this has been found the basis of the rest of the questionnaire will use the Likert Scale. A scale that measures the stregth of agreement towards a certain statement or subject. An example of a Likert Scale can be seen in Appendix 2. This method can be used to also look at frequency, importance, likelihood and quality of product or serivice. When using the Likert Scale to look at frequency, agreement is not nessecerily the best method of gaining a profligate answer, it is important to not that the perosn being asked the questions may not remember how often they for instance shop at Debenhams.In this case an other box where they or you can add an extra note or different answer is usefull. As well as this there are many other ways to form questions, a comment box where there is no help/hint to gain and answer and the oppinons of the intervewee can be voiced. a ranking or scale method can be used, where level of importance is ranked say 1-5, 5 being most important, 1 being least. Situations like this must be considered to allow for the questionnaire to run smoothly and to make sure the best results are achieved. It is best to try out these various methods within a prototype to see which ones will work best in certain circumstances. Bell, 2005138) When conducting the design of a questionnaire a prototype or pilot rendering which can be tested on a friend or two is a good way of seeing if there is continuity and that is is quick and easy to fill out. An example of a prototype for this research this can be found in Appendix 4. The use of this prototype can also be used to asses the wording. Bell looks at the different means of commonly used survey words Stating it is important to know how one word to one person could potentially mean something very different to another. As well as meaning, careful selection must be made to assure statements are not made that could be deamed offensive.This questionnaire seeks a positivist approach to the research proposal where by the observer remains autonomous of the subjects being observed, where by the data can provide ideas to be assumed it will seek to find out the personal opinions of the consumers of the UK high street, this approach will use a qualititative form of questionnaire. It will seek to obstract oppinions rather than fact. The findings from this questionnaire will seek to provide a theory of which to base the conclusion of this research. It is there for and dedutive approach. (Bryman and Bell, 2007) Method In this occasion the questionnaire is being designed to gather customer information and perception of Debenhams, M&S and House of Fraser. In order to get information for all three, the locations picked will have to be ones where all three of these retailers are present. This will of course not always be the case, and so larger cities across the UK would h ave to be chosen.Londons Oxford Street houses all three, however it is an extrodinerily busy place and so completion would prove difficult. Smaller secondary cities and areas around the capital would be more beneficial. The placement of the questionnaire would need to be around the loaction of each store. Equal ammount of time would need to be spent at each location with approximate equall surveys filled as well. A mutual area in the main shopping area would also provide a good location. In order to ask as many shoppers as possible as well as gather a greater variety, a weekend day would be used. However to gain a great depth a week day should also be considered as well.Results Once a representative sample of surveys have been completed, the results will be gathered in and then an indepth analysis will take place. As the survey will have been altered and throughrally designed, the answers to all questions should provide helpful contributions to its chosen field of research. Correlat ions between the quanitative secondary research and the qualitative primary research will be looked at at this stage and from then on it can be seen wherther or not there are any trends between them. The results of this stage will then begin to form the basis and main argument in drawing a conclusion to the Aim. Ethical ConsiderationDue to the ethnographic nature of this research, one must take into carefull consideration the code of conduct for the establishment underwhich he/she is working. The University of the Arts, Code of Ethics requires that all research be carried out in a responsible way that complys with the code. Helth and saftey must take prominent position and in many cases a risk assesment must be carried out before starting research. This factor is important when undertaking a survey on location as said area must be deamed a safe working environment. When approaching an intervewee it is important that they are clear of who the questionnaire is for and what it is waiv er to be used for. It is essential to gain their consent before the survey is taken any further. Bell 200545) All participents of the research should understand that they are gauranteed a right to privacy as well as having both theyre physical and psychological independence respected. Potential Limitations When conducting a questionnaire there are a various number of limitations that must be carefully looked at. For starters the location and distribution. Although it is easy to say when and where it will be carried out, consumer shopper habits change daily and may be affected by external factors such as the weather, something that could alter the gatheriing accuracy of the data. A questionnaire is a timing consuming method of collecting data. Many people will not want to be stoppped in the street whilst with their family of friends, and if a survey is sent on via email they are not neccessirily going to read it.With the collection of a face to face survey, some people may feel uneas y viocing their feelings in front of someone they do not know. A questionnaire provides an easy and simply way of obtaining market information first hand from the consumer. However in some situations it may not nesseccerily be the best form of obtaining data. The use of a focus group or smaller more personal interviews could be used in conjunction to this in order to provide a wider knowledge on consumers thoughts as suggested by Webb et al (1966. ) in his Trianulation Model. (Bryman and Bel, 2007413) Word Count 3229 Bibliography Arsham, H. (1994) Questionnaire Design and Survey Sampling Online Available at http//home. ubalt. edu/ntsbarsh/stat-data/surveys. htmrssm (Accessed 19th border district 2011)Bel, J. (2005) Doing your research project a guide for first time researchers in education, health and social science. 4th ed. Maidenhead Open University pressure level Brown, J. (2009) House of Fraser reports solid xmas Online Available at http//www. drapersonline. com/news/house-of -fraser-reports-solid-xmas/1960772. article (Accessed 23rd March) Bryman & Bel, (2007) Business Research Methods. 2nd ed. Oxford OUP Oxford Easterby Smith et al. (2002) Management Research. 3rd ed. London sharp Fashion Trak (2010) Kantar published October 2010 Harrison, I. (2009) A-Z Handbook Accounting. 3rd ed. Oxfordshire Philip Allan Hunt, N & Tyrrell, S. 2004) Cluster Sampling Online Available at http//www. coventry. ac. uk/ec/nhunt/meths/cluster. html (Accessed 19th March) Mens Fashion Lifestyles (2009) Mintel Published April 2010 Thomas, R. (2010) Marks & Spencer online sales grow 49% Online Available at http//www. computerweekly. com/Articles/2010/07/07/241882/Marks-amp-Spencer-online-sales-grow-49. htm (Accessed 22nd March) Wood, Z. (2007) House of Frasers Debts Halve. Online Available at http//www. guardian. co. uk/business/2007/jul/22/retail. theobserver1 (Accessed 23rd March 2011) http//www. marksandspencer. com/ (2011) Accessed 19th March 2011 Appendix Appendix 1 Fa shion Trak Menswear aged 24-35 12 m/e Oct 2010 Share Next/Dir 9. 6 Marks and Spencer 7. 1 Debenhams 5. 8 Burtons 3. 8 Sports Direct 3. 5 Primark 3. 4 House of Fraser 3. Total Asda 2. 9 River Island 2. 9 Matalan 2. 8 TK Maxx 2. 8 Tesco 2. 8 Topshop/Man 2. 4 Sports Direct Group 1. 9 JJB Sport 1. Total Moss Bros 1. 4 Ebay. com 1. 3 John Lewis 1. 2 H&M 1. 2 The Gap 1. 2 Appendix 2 Likert Scale Example I find the clothing in M&S suitable for my age range a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) capable d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree Appendix 4 Questionnaire PrototypeA Survey to gather information on the opinions of Males ages 24-35 about Department and General Stores especially House of Fraser, M&S and Debenhams 1. Do you fall with in the age bracket 24-35 ? 2. How often do you visit your local high street? Once a calendar month Occasionally on the weekend Every weekend More than once a week 3. Is this usually for shopping purposes? Yes No 4. Using the scale 1-5, 1 bei ng most popular 5 being least, rank these stores in preference for apparel shopping. House of Fraser John Lewis Marks and Spencers Debenhams Next 5. For your chosen top retailer from Q4. Why have you chosen this one? 6. Discounting Debenhams and John Lewis, what are your perceptions of the remaining stores? House of Fraser Debenhams Marks and Spencers 7.For what product would you go to each store to buy? Casual Day Wear Work Wear I,e Suits Home wear and lifestyle Formal Wear Underwear M&S DEBENHAMS HOUSE OF FRASER

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

A Guide to Internet Privacy Laws and Ethics Essay

With information systems, cover deals with the collection and use or misuse of entropy More and more information on all(a) of us is being collected, stored, used, and shared among organizations Who owns this information and knowledge?Privacy is a status wherein an individual can work on his/her information in seclusion, resulting in a selective revelation of ones identity and information. Privacy can mean anonymity in case a person wants to keep unidentified. Privacy can as well as be related to the security aspect of an individual or information. The definitions of privacy can differ across individuals and cultures. The invasion of privacy can be avoided by the issue of privacy laws. network Privacy and EthicsUsing the Internet often comprises the use of social networking posts, email facilities and the cast of various other websites. Internet privacy comes on the scene when it comes to website users giving out their personal details on the Internet. For certain websites, whic h facilitate online shopping, the users are make to input their credit card numbers. In case of emailing sites, there are issues about whether third parties should be allowed to store or read emails without informed consent. Whether or not, the third parties should be permitted to track the visitors on a website, is another major privacy concern. The other important Internet privacy issue is whether the sites that gather personally identifiable information from the users should store or share it.Internet privacy can be considered as a subset of information processing system privacy. information processing system privacy consists of the data privacy relating to the avoidance of the improper disclosure of the personally identifiable information collected and stored by websites. The effective sharing of data while protecting the one-on-one information is the real challenge.Privacy and the Internet* Huge potential for privacy invasion on the Internet* E-mail messages* Visiting a Web site* Buying products over the Internet* Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) screening technology* Childrens Online Privacy Protection affect (COPPA), 1998 requires privacy policies and parental consent* electromotive force dangers on social networking Web sitesE-Mail Privacy* Federal law permits employers to monitor e-mail sent and received by employees * E-mail messages that have been erased from secure disks can be retrieved and used in lawsuits * Use of e-mail among public officials might violate open meeting lawsComputer co-ordinated is a megabucks surveillance technique involving the comparison of data about many people, which has been acquired from multiple sources. Its use offers potential benefits, particularly financial savings. It is also error-prone, and its power results in threats to set up patterns and values. The imperatives of efficiency and equity demand that computer duplicate be used, and the information privacy interest demands that it be used only whe re justified, and be subjected to effective controls Computer refering is the comparison of machine-readable records containing personal data relating to many people, in order to detect cases of interest. The technique is called computer matching in the United States, and data matching in Australia and Canada. Although the latter term is perhaps more usefully descriptive, the United States term is more common in the literature, and is used in this paper.The Computer Matching and Privacy Protection ActThe Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988 (5 U.S.C. 552a(o) et seq.) amended the Privacy Act by describing the manner in which computer matching involving Federal agencies could be performed and by adding certain protections for individuals applying for and receiving Federal benefits. As amended by the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act, the Privacy Act requires Federal agencies involved in computer matching programs to Negotiate written agreements with the oth er agency or agencies participating in the matching programs Obtain the applicable entropy Integrity Boards approval of the match agreementsFurnish detailed reports about matching programs to Congress and OMB Notify applicants and beneficiaries that their records are subject to matching and Verify match findings before reducing, suspending, terminating, or denying an individuals benefits or payments. Though the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act certainly involves detailed procedures, including obscure Data Integrity Boards, it is probably most notable for the fact that it institutionalizes sharing of data among federal government agencies. Information collected for one purpose may be used for different purposes by a different federal agency. Though integrity and fairness seem assured by the Act, privacy is not.Flaming also known as bashing, is hostile and insulting interaction between Internet users, often involving the use of profanity. Flaming usually occurs in the so cial context of an Internet forum, Internet Relay Chat (IRC), Usenet, by e-mail, game servers much(prenominal) as Xbox Live or PlayStation Network, and on video-sharing websites. It is frequently the result of the discussion of heated real-world issues such as politics, religion, and philosophy, or of issues that polarise subpopulations, but can also be provoked by seemingly trivial differencesSpam is most often considered to be electronic junk mail or junk newsgroup postings. Some people define spam even more generally as any unasked email. However, if a long-lost brother finds your email address and sends you a message, this could hardly be called spam, even though it is unsolicited. Real spam is generally email advertising for nigh product sent to a mailing list or newsgroup.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Lord Henry’s Characterisation in Chapters 1-4 Dorian Gray

ennoble henrys Characterisation in chapters 1-4 ennoble Henrys character is perhaps the near influential in the novel, serving as the one of the prime contributors to Dorians corruption. In chapter 1, basil pleas Wotton to stay away from Dorian as not to spoil him, then, after a pause states, headspring harry, I trust you. Basil feels these words have been wrung out of him almost against his will this portrays Lord Henrys ability in influence as Lord Henry has gotten his way without so much as a word.We know Dorian is awfully important to Basil, as we know, he is absolutely senseless he is all my art to me now. If Lord Henry were dangerous, why would Basil allow him to welcome with Dorian? This is because Basil is powerless in the feat of Lord Henrys manipulative powers. Lord Henry is worldly, experienced and speaks with conviction. , he is confident in his words and is self-assured. His statements are respected and are rarely challenged, even in his social group of learne d aristocrats he is highly respected.From the first page Lord Henry uses complex figures of speech and never misses an opportunity to display his wit. His conversations are always filled with a great amount of puns, wordplay and paradoxs -there is only one thing worse than being talked about and that is not being talked about At times it conform toms he is speaking in riddles, adding to his allure and mysteriousness that captures the reader.He is an artist of language and skillfully uses his art to experiment with people, this is clear in the unique nurture of his thinking up an idea shown in he played with the idea, and grew wistful tossed it into the air and transformed it permit it escape and recaptured it (page 42) the actual attention to detail in his ideas as well as his thorough deliberation, carry on what gives him such confidence and power. Lord Henrys views are generally considered immoral, but, through his eloquent speech and his thoughtful creation of dialogue the reader, it seems reasonable to consider his impressive, seemingly well argued opinions.This helps us to understand Lord Henrys ease and capability in the corruption of Dorian. His intelligence diverts from his manipulative nature and bad intentions. He knows his power and makes his own rules, the only person that truly puke infiltrate him is himself. He refuses to recognize moral standard. He is a radical asthete and values looks highly over intellect choosing his friends for good looks and his enemies for their intellects. Relative to this, he is transport by Dorians good looks and calls him charming.He is also fascinated by Dorian but unlike Basil, sees him as an experiment and seeks to play with him. Lord Henry says at one point I like persons better than principles displaying his lack of morals and his shallow nature. He even believes intellect destroys beauty which could possibly be self loathing or could be a fascination with the face value of people, that can be linked to the preface in that art is to be admired and not read beyond how it appears.

Monday, May 20, 2019

McCarthyism’s Connection to Crucible Essay

During the 1940s to the 1950s, McCarthyism took its way, ruining sinless bulk lives through false the accusations of being affiliated in Communism. The innocent people that were accused and non found guilty couldnt return back to their normal lives. One of the people that were trialed was Arthur moth miller, author of The Crucible. Miller didnt take this lightly and felt that something had to be done, so he wrote The Crucible connecting the McCarthy trials with the capital of Oregon enchantress trials. There were numerous relations of the capital of Oregon witch trials and McCarthyism, but there were three that stood out the most. During the McCarthy trials and Salem witch trials, innocent people endured the scare factor which brought out strange behavior, the accused couldnt go back to their regular lives, and the accused had to endure the acid interrogations.In The Crucible and during McCarthyism, it was prudent to go by the expectations that society presented or one may run the risk of having their reputation flawed. In The Crucible, Abigail and few different girls were discovered dancing in the woods by Rev. Parris. When Rev. Parris discovered this he couldnt let it go, because during those measure if you had time to dance then you had time to read the Bible. Innocent U.S. Government officials lost their jobs to be guess of being Communist by McCarthy so he may move up the political ladder. During McCarthyism and Salem witch trials, the smallest evidence was used to make their accusations. In The Crucible and McCarthy trials, both include the faulty accusations and harsh interrogations that were placed on innocent citizens.During the time of McCarthyism, people lives were monitored by the government to reveal any(prenominal) odd behaviors that may be considered Communist. Much of the evidence that was used was pulled out of someones file that may have been ten years old. In The Crucible, Proctor was thought of being affiliated with witchery for not coming to church in a couple of weeks. Proctor didnt come because of his wifes illness, but even this excuse wasnt enough to get him in the clear completely. The wild accusations of the McCarthy trials and in The Crucible, created a stir within both societies that caused people to alter their lifestyles in hopes of not being noticed.The going Scare of McCarthyism was focused in the government system and it stood for such a long time with entertain from people due to the anxiety of Communists being in the U.S. In The Crucible, nearlyone hundred people were trialed and found guilty of witchery in on year. Giles Corey accused his wife because she was reading a intensity other than the Bible. The anxiety of the fear that his wife may be a witch brought him to the court to plea his belief.The fear factor, strict expectations of society, and reputations being ruined were factors that made living during McCarthyism and the Salem witch trials nearly unworkable to not become involved . Everyone during those times, presented a fear of the witch hunts that caused them to accuse people they have known for years, which kept these trials stable. No one could escape the witch hunts, and those whom did were lucky to not have had their lives ruined and banned from any jobs and spending time with your family. Both periods of time share the regret and unfortunate events that innocent people had to endure.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Compare Plath and Larkin Essay

Compargon and contrast the ways in which close is portrayed in Philip Larkins poem Days and Ambulances and Sylvia plaths wench Lazarus and finish and Co The poems i am spill to analyse argon chick Lazarus cobblers last and Co Ambulances Days It is understatement to say that some(prenominal) Sylvia Plath and Philip Larkin ask extensive depth and subsidiary meanings to their poems, both writers expertly structure their poems and enforced varied techniques to convey their themes of goal and ingrain their messages to their readers.Plath goes ab let out it an autobiographical modality and parades finis as a theatrical show leaving the interview in shock and awe however Larkin returns remainder in a or else trivial compositionner in comparison to Plath. He juxtaposes the everyday street scene with horrific. He uses the ambulance as a flying that conclusion is every present and our chokes ultimately lead to the journey of end. The oxymoron Lady Lazarus is significant t o the poem. Lazarus, origin solelyy a adult male who is raised from the dead by Jesus is feminised and turned into Lady Lazarus. Plath summarises what she feels the terrible gift of creation reborn.The alliterative form of address Lady Lazarus liberates herself from the irrevocable influence of the manful figure portrays her fancy of feminine superiority over men and how women should excel over men in whatever they do however Larkins title Ambulances is a noun that is comm however associated with the negative imagery relating to accidents,hospitals ,blood, injuries and most importantly death. some(prenominal) writers use lexical techniques to convey their outlook and credence on the theme of death some of which consists of rhyme, rhetorical devices and their choice of vocab.Rhyme is used in the jump stanza as Plath declares I have done it again/One year in every ten she underlines to the equal repartition of her near-death experiences and holds connotations of her suicide tone-beginnings, one year in every ten and one being premeditated at this stage. Plath speaks in hyperboles to emphasize her suicidal role and her need to control her death and be discern a walking miracle. The pre modifier walking illustrates the fact that condescension her many near death experiences she is still alive and ready as ever to attempt another(prenominal) suicide experience.The uoyant noun miracle that Plath describes herself as, demonstrates to the reader just how romantically Plath thinks of death to be and how her mop up her own life history is a seemingly phenomenal way of dying. In comparison to this, Larkin contrasts his lexical techniques in oppose to Plath, he begins with the runner stanza being a dramatic, alliterative dissipateer. The vehicles are Closed like confessionals and are giving back none of the glances they absorb like a corpse. The alliterative statement closed like confessionals illustrates the Roman Catholic radical of confessing sins to a priest in a closed box.This to a fault outlines the poems ghostlike character and demonstrates to us the religious idea of death which connotes it of being like a closed absent box a coffin. This in addition depicts the closed off nature of death and how once a someone works every amour, they are sealed off from the world, an end to everything. Larkin uses enjambment to emphasize the disconnection between pile and death throughout the poem. In the first cardinal lines, the lack of punctuation ironically causes the reader to stop at the end of each line.This symbolises the dissolution between the ambulance, and the city it is travelling through, as well as the glances the ambulance takes in. In the fourth stanza, Larkin uses enjambment in five out of the six lines, demonstrating the isolation of death throughout society. Specifically in the last triad lines and into the last stanza, Larkin reveals that what unites one another across the years, at last falls apart there ( in the ambulance and at the hospital), while connecting all four of those lines.Vocabulary is also an element used by Plath to depict death her language register is bold and informal. The vocabulary and rhythms suck in out the conversational speeches in spite of appearance the poem and make them out to be colloquial and everyday spoken, the frequently end-stopped lines, the repeatings which have the effect of derisorily counteracting the military group of the meaning, all establish the deliberately dismissive note of death which Plath strives to achieve..At fourth dimensions the tone is hysterically strident and demanding unwrap me hand and foot The big stripteaser tease. Gentlemen, ladies These are my hands My knees. Iambic pentameter is also used in Lady Lazarus because it mimics the rhythm of conversational speech and makes it closer to spontaneous speech. This also highlights Lady Lazarus aural quality as it is meant to be read aloud which emphasizes it rhetorical intensi ty and possibly the supply that Lady Lazarus has gained throughout the poem I am your opusI am your valuable The comminuted gold baby The spontaneous structure of the poem emphasises the emotional and physcological disintegration of Lady Lazarus and how she speaks spontaneously out of pain that she is feeling form her suicidal attempts On the contrary, Larkin also used five groups of six lines of song (sestet) of iambic trimeter and roughlythere are some irregularities, a, with the first and last lines of each sestet rhyming, and the sum rhyming ab-a-b like a ballad.The hour stanza, only the first and last lines have been stop with punctuation leaving everything in the middle flowing. The women in the shops are detached from the Wild white vista inside the ambulance. The third stanza all ends with punctuation, excluding the first line. This one exception is very isolated within the stanza as it is the only line left to flow. The flow emphasizes that the solving emptiness is not an obvious encounter which we typeface every day.The solving emptiness, a description of death, lies just under all we do, not exposed. Moreover, Plath employs and uses comical language features to express her emotion soon, soon the flesh/the grave cave repetition is used to emphasise her point across to the earreach, she also repeats soon twice to comfort the interview as well as herself this also correlates to Plaths idea of death and how it is a welcoming experience not to be frighten by, something that makes her feel at home.To the readers and audience itself it is something disorientating and a lonely discomforting concept, but to Plath and her mortala Lazarus, it is something they embrace with open arms and are anticipating it soon However, Larkin goes rough(predicate) his language features differently so much so that Larkin simply uses devices such as repetition, exclamation , but rather settles for an indirect approach to his language, the only apparent use of language feature is the distinctive italic fronted text poor soul ,this highlights and emphasises the point Larkin wishes to make and also is his idea od the reaction given to the audience and the reader.This again relates to Larkins idea of death and his opinion being in total contrast to Plath. For Larkin, death is a dreadful thing, a cold, merciless, selfish thing and when death strikes it only can be described for the prey of death as poor which Larkin does, to have pity on those death has taken. Soul has In Lady Lazarus the audience are the spectators watching the instrument show off her daring acts in order to prepare her to die. She in other words entertains the audience by producing her own death in a rather erotic manner.The audience is shown the grim humanity of death through the pre-modifier peanut-crunching. This illustrates to the reader just how engrossed the audience is in watching Lady Lazarus attempt her suicide and are absorbed in the strangeness of her death an d robotically carry on crunching on their peanuts oblivious(predicate) to just how dismal the death of Lady Lazarus is . Showmanship is portrayed through the use of first person I throughout the whole poem and the audience seems to develop a charge from the gothic striptease Lady Lazarus consecrates on for them or perchance a charge the audience have to pay for watching.Using the fiction charge gives connotations of the audience wanting a show, watching Lady Lazarus unwrap herself ,restored to life The big strip tease indicating sexual connotations of the audience being largely male and receiving some sort of sexual termination from this. Plath also portrays her rather freakish desire for death by caputing the audience directly O my enemy/ do I terrify? The vocative O along with the possessive pronoun my directly challenges the audience as if the audience are somewhat responsible for the suicidal state that Plath is now in, intimidating them as she challenges them.The O my co uld also be taken as a form of loving address to her lover. If put next to enemy it reflects her feelings about death as if it I something to long and lust for however death is all something that is utterly terrifying at the same time as it is a mystery to all of us. It also adds a sense of awkwardness throughout the poem as the reader begins to wonder about death and what appears in the afterlife. The audience also feels partly responsible for Plaths terrible state and are also blamed for causing her death in such a manner.The rhetorical question do I terrify not only involves the audience directly, but also threatens the audience rather mockingly as if the dish to the question should be nothing but a yes. The verb terrify portrays Plaths three-fold state, just like the Nazis she will not hesitate to inflict pain upon herself in order for her to die soon enough just like the Jewish race she fades beneath a strong force as she begins to doubt whether she is capable of ending her life. This again increasingly adds to awkward uncomfortable nature as audience beings to wonder what kind of miserable state she will be left in when she dies.However the audience in Ambulances are the people (mainly middle class) that are around where the death has taken place. They are the children strewn on steps and women coming from the shops. Here the normality of life trivialises the horror of death as ordinary people carry on living their life. They are watching horrifically as the body comes in. The audience here is rather sympathetic and empathise with the person that has just died. Poor soul/they whisper at their own sadness.Using the verb whisper Larkin wishes to portray how the audience not only whispers out of remorse, pity and respect for the person that has just died but also whisper because they feel a sense of relief and thankfulness that the person that has just expired was not themselves or their loved one. Here Larkin shows us the selfish nature of man and how man despite everything shall always care about them in essence leaving everybody walking on their own. Through this Larkin shows us how death is, death shall leave every person unaccompanied and everyone shall be no one.Death is selfish and when the appointed time, death shall not wait and indeed All streets in time are visited. The visitor being death personified through the use of a vehicle, the Ambulance. The ambulance here is death. And Larkin portrays the randomness of death and how unexpected it can be by the use of the preposition in and the noun time. Here Larkin reminds the reader than death is inevitable and is always there, a god like figure. Larkin also presents the idea that the audience, the onlookers forgot about death yet are reminded when a death appears around their life and the fastened doors recede.The audience are possibly morbidly fascinated by death as it appears strange to them but wherefore the audience then begins to realise the emptiness/That lies under all we do and for a moment the audience understands that life has only one certainty death. The title of the poem Death & Co title is an etymological, lexical technique in itself and is employed by the writer to change the perception of the reader, for the reader to be open minded and to handgrip the writers idea. The co referred to in the title refers to a business which begins to establish the ironic and mocking mood of the poem,.Death is often viewed with incongruity, something that coldly takes away life yet offers comfort to those who are in pain or believe in an afterlife. This again links to the idea of death being a business because the prototype asserts that there are two referring to the two individuals that make up the entity called Death and co. To the persona it is short natural that there are two people because a business must be compromised of at least two people. In Death & Co the persona asserts that, there are two, personifying death the two individuals who mak e up the entity called Death & Co.She comments that it is natural that there would be two, as most companies are make up of at least two people. The individual exhibits // birthmarks, and the speaker proclaims that they are his trademark. This claim subsumes the title of the poem, metaphorically revealing the business which is Death & Co. By doing this the ide of death is bought closer to the persona as it now becomes a threat that is visible and is standing before the narrator. Sibilance is used to describe the trademark the scald scar of pissing.The effect of the assonance is that it creates harsh violent sound and emphasises the venomous and punitive nature of the partners in Death & Co. Larkin however does not use his metaphoric objectified technique in the title but rather from within the poem itself. In the second stanza Larkin uses the priest and the doctor as symbols of different sentiments and values of death. The priest being a man of piety and the doctor symbolic to a man of science who both serves in solving that question two people obsessed with the mystery of death appears after the question has been solved.The priest application is black which represents death and he helps the person from moving from this life to the next. The Doctor coat is white which represents life as the doctor tries to revive the person. This again has connotations of conflict between science and religion Plath begins by using repetition of numbers two of course there are two. She is reasserting that death has come in two living forms before her. One of them looking grotesque, whose eyes are lidded and the other is attractive having long and plausive hair yet dangerous .She does this to juxtapose the idea of life and death, the fact that two mortal creatures are bring about her lifeless state. The two figures create a sense of fear within her as she kick downstairss it difficult to name the two. he tells me how badly/He tells me how sweet-scented. The repetition of Second person pronouns and the juxtaposition of her divergent feelings towards death emphasises how at multiplication death appears inviting and maybe more easier alternative to life difficulties yet the sheer fact of suicide perhaps restrains her form ending her life as the fear of the unknown in the afterlife haunts her .Which perhaps emphasizes her fearful yet unrecognizable feelings towards death. She fears death and the reader can see that Plaths posseses a frightened predatory victimised outlook on death so she cannot find a specific name to address them as or perhaps there is no personal attachment to death as death is metaphorically recognised as a business, it performs it function and then leaves. On the other hand Larkin uses the same rhetorical feature of repetition but in a rather different manner.Days are repeated three times in the first stanza and this repetition forces the reader to think about the meaning of the word age which is the futility of institution ,th e inevitable truth that all life must end in death. The reader is compelled to think about what would happen after the years has ended. Larkin gives day a spatial dimension as he describes days as Days are where we live. This raises about how time is measured the nature of it and its artificiality. Days are not a place,not a where but a when and it is in this paradox that leads to the blank response to the second question. Where can we live but days.From this question the answerer is now question themselves as they come to realise the inevitable truth behind days ,there is a lack of choice to the answer and the answerer realises that on the other side of dyas is the night which holds high connotations of death and the afterlife something which clearly fright and perhaps intrigues the answerer Once a person no longer has any days left to live in,the only other place that a person can occupy will be a place in his grave The use of a parting or persona is clearly present in both poem s although again both poets use this craft differently to pillowcase their own methods of portraying death.Larkin does not clearly portray the identity of the voice or the voices the reader perceives in Days however what we do know is that there is a clear distinction bewtween the voice that asks the questions and the voice that answers the questions. The questions that questioner asks are literally unreserved,naive and appear to be that of a child asking questions rather simple questions. Of course the underlying meaning which lies behing these unpretentious questins is the metaphor of death in the background. The second voice appears to be different and fluctuates throughout the development of the poem.This voice appears to be the answerer to the questions that are asked and answers the question in a rather straightforward manner . The answer to the first question Days are where we live denotes a matter of fact, mollifying tone as the simple question is answered by an equally si mple although equally troubling answer. At first the voice appears to be kindly positive reassuring the childish questioner that days are to be happy in which again holds connotations of death. It tells the questioner and the reader also that the inevitability of death is true so we should live our lives while we have it and enjoy and be happy within it.In the second stanza the answerer adopts a worldly macabre tone almost mocking and cruel as it dryly observes that the only place people can inhibit apaprt from days is death. the questioner is trying to find a simple answer and uses the filler ah to contemplate on what happens after days,the question become a lot of bigger then it initially seemed and the answerer realises there is no simplistic way to answer it and so the preist and doctor are suppousedly the only people that hold the answers to the question However Plath uses two male persona in her poem to portray death and reveal the double or schizophrenic nature of death.The use of male personas was chosen deliberately to emphasise the painful awareness of mans seemingly innate Judas quality just as death can be cruel and snipe away happiness at the last moment.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Impact of Water Shortage on Humans and the Environment

In Sandra Posted bind she explains the Impact Lack of wet exit have on Humans and the environment. She begins the article by stating that, our urine bother turns out to be much more than worrisome than our heartiness trouble (Posted 1). She goes on to explain that human activity, the increase in global warming temperatures and humans altering of our innate pissways ar the blame for the weewee problem. She gives examples of natural water disasters and she also explains that as the population grows more quest has ca affaird global water shortages.She also talks nearly how water is absolutely essential for all manner forms. There is no way for us to survive without water. There is absolutely no substitute for water and why we must work hard to conserve it. She explains that we can reverse the water problem. She said that energy and water be connected and that we need one to have another. Posted said there are multiple problems that the world must focus on. She said In t he past decades we have had floods, storms, droughts, dams breaks and famines.She points out that most(prenominal) Americans think these disasters only happen in faraway countries, but in fact in the run short couple of years Americans have experienced floods and natural disasters. She also commented that the water challenges confronting us locally, regionally, and globally are unprecedented. She finishes up the article by explaining that if we al commencement dams to be taken down and natural water better systems to be put back Into place could help water scarcity get out be self-fixing. I found Sandra Pastels article extremely critical.She talks about the importance of shrinking our personal water footprints and that the measure of water used to produce all the things we buy Is staggering. She also explains that the average U. S. Resident uses, directly and indirectly, about 2,480 pubic meters of water per year- about 1 ,800 gallons per day-twice the global average (Posted 8 ). That statement bought back memories of the water shortage some years ago. We were asked to not flush toilets, take less baths and not water our lawns.I never perceive any government official or community leaders talking about building a considerable- landmark contingency plans. What I did hear was a lot talk about why we were experiencing the water shortages. The main reason given was low rain fall amounts and this was said to cause our flow into the river to be below normal. Pastels article has made a believer out of me. I am ready to rip to doing whatever it takes to conserve water. The united States and other countries need to band together in these conservation efforts. I believe that if we educate people on water conservation.The more they will be willing to help. In my opinion. The best way right now to help with water conversation is to raise public cognisance and enforce laws. A strong point in this article was the message Energy and water rook 2 13). I agree with Po sted views on fossil fuels which can lead to even more water being conserved. I really think that we can partner with other countries to make a lasting impact. Farmers can also make a huge impact on conserving water by using efficient irrigation equipment and weather APS.Using these APS along with irrigation systems can help save water. Farmers can also use proper soil management, water recycling and organic farming methods. Using organic farming methods will reduce the amount of water used. Sandra Pastels article has made me more aware of our water crisis. What is the solution? In the future, residential communities will have to take into account possible water shortages. One way to do that would be to build homes that are more water efficient akin to energy efficiency. This would include low flow bathrooms and efficient lawn watering systems.In the meantime there is so much an individual can do to make a world of difference with small adjustments such as detecting leaks, visiting your local water conservation office, turn off the water while you are lathering your hands, turning off water when brushing your teeth, and upgrading older toilets. I plan to spread the word and be a water counselor with my neighbors, friends and coworkers. I will also attend local water district meetings. We have a long way to go, but a deeper appreciation of the nature of the water problem is needed.Often, the public tends to confuse the term global change with global warming and do not associate the global change with the problem of water scarcity. Global shortage of water, now is the real inconvenient truth. We must take heed and counterbalance quickly before it is too late. I believe that we can meet these challenges if we work together. Our Joint efforts will go a long way towards alleviating this growing problem. Then we must we elect politicians who takes the survival of our orbiter a priority, we might be able to slow down global warming and conserve water before it is to late.