Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Pablo Picasso :: essays research papers

Pablo Diego Jose Santiago Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispin Cripiano de los Remedios Cipriano de Santisima Trinidad Ruiz Blasco yPicasso Lopez, or much commonly known as Pablo Picasso, the twenteith centurys most famous artist. He created more than twenty thousand paintings.Of his most famous artworks are " Guernica", Les Demoiselles d Avignon",and his many, many cubist style paintings that he created. At the age of twenty, he began to sign his paintings with just his mothers housemaid name of Picasso. Inthe fall of 1901 he begins the Blue Period until he begins painting with more redcolors in 1904 which is the start of the Rose Period. In the winter of 1908 he and Georges Braque become close friends and his work with analytical cubism turns into synthetic cubism. Picasso likewise began, as a section of cubism, to add bitsof string and other materials to his work. By doing so, he was the inventor of themodern day collage. He also made his first important sale of art to Ambroise Vollard,who he also painted a portrait of in a cubism style. In 1906 he began to paint in the style of cubism that changed the entire form of modern art. He was merely 26 eld old at the time.     Pablo Picasso was born on the twenty-fifth of May, in October of 1881.He was born and raised in Malaga, Spain. He also had two sisters, Lola and Conchita. Conchita died when she was eight. His father was also an artist, and as Pablogrew up, he saw a prodigious amount of talent in Pablo. Not soon after, he began teaching Pablo all he knew nigh art and painting. At the age of ten, his family moved to northern Spain and he took an entrance examination for the Instituto de Guarda. He is one of the very few to have finished deep down 1 day, further proving his abilities. He studied at the Institute for 2 years before his family moved to Barcelona. There, he took classes at La Lonja and The Barcelona Academy of Art. subsequently that he went to the Roya l Academy in Madrid, but only finished one year of study there. As his lifeprogressed he moved to Paris, France, where many of the most renowned artists, authors and sculptors lived. During his life Picasso held many mistresses. He married two of them and had four separate children

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