Friday, May 3, 2019

NUMMI Case Study External Environment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

NUMMI External Environment - Case Study ExampleDiscussion The effects of the governments laws and regulations to the art. The aspect of a governments involvement in the operations of a given business is an outer factor that can either have a positive or electronegative jounce on the business. In this case, the government of the coupled States has stipulated various regulations to guide various aspects in the production of labor vehicles the main role of the set benchmark was to govern the construction of motor vehicle engines in a manner that emits limited quantities of exhaust whose final impact on the business became negative. These regulations forced the company to sum up their production cost since the production of the required engines was very expensive thus leading to a negative influence on the General Motors Company which at that time foc apply on production of prodigious vehicles with bigger engines that emitted large quantities of exhaust since the production cost w as favorable. This presented the Company with a major contest that knotted seeking for better ways that that could not agree with the financial status of the company since the customers started demanding for high whole tone vehicles thus leading to a left shift in the demand curve of the vehicles manufactured to begin with the new regulations came were enforced. Despite the fact that the General Motors strugg direct to produce vehicles that met the government and customer standards, they experienced frequent losings as their products were of low quality since they could not meet the required standards of both the customers and the government. The management of the NUMMI had to modify their strategies used in terms of production so as to face the challenge. As a result, the above challenge created the need to seek external assistance in order to improve their productivity hence cabbage a solution was formulated which could see the Company form a partnership with the Toyota Compa ny in Japan. The agreement was that Toyota could assist General Motors Company to produce smaller cars with higher operational qualities. The merger led to the formation of the New United Motor Manufacturing Incorporated (NUMMI). However, General Motors Company did not implement around of the modes of car production systems employed by Toyota Company hence leading to the closure and failure of roughly of its branches such as the Van Nuys in the year 1992 (Glass 9). Economic Recession The second aspect of external environment that led to the failure of the General Motors Company is the economic receding experienced in the United States of America that resulted to the loss of the Companys market share from forty seven percent to xxx five percent from the late 1907s to the early 1980s (Glass 10). At that time, the recession was characterized by overweening car production that led to deflation in the markets. The reduction of the market share of the General Motors Company enabled galore(postnominal) of the customers to develop a negative perception towards the products produced by the company due to the fact that they were of low quality. The media and the consumer subject area magazine also played a big role in the failure of the company since they portray a negative perception of the company towards the consumers thus enabling them to ignore the NNUMISs products (Glass 12). By the year 1992, the Company had made a loss of approximately twenty billion US dollars propagated by the recession and the

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