Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Lord Henry’s Characterisation in Chapters 1-4 Dorian Gray

ennoble henrys Characterisation in chapters 1-4 ennoble Henrys character is perhaps the near influential in the novel, serving as the one of the prime contributors to Dorians corruption. In chapter 1, basil pleas Wotton to stay away from Dorian as not to spoil him, then, after a pause states, headspring harry, I trust you. Basil feels these words have been wrung out of him almost against his will this portrays Lord Henrys ability in influence as Lord Henry has gotten his way without so much as a word.We know Dorian is awfully important to Basil, as we know, he is absolutely senseless he is all my art to me now. If Lord Henry were dangerous, why would Basil allow him to welcome with Dorian? This is because Basil is powerless in the feat of Lord Henrys manipulative powers. Lord Henry is worldly, experienced and speaks with conviction. , he is confident in his words and is self-assured. His statements are respected and are rarely challenged, even in his social group of learne d aristocrats he is highly respected.From the first page Lord Henry uses complex figures of speech and never misses an opportunity to display his wit. His conversations are always filled with a great amount of puns, wordplay and paradoxs -there is only one thing worse than being talked about and that is not being talked about At times it conform toms he is speaking in riddles, adding to his allure and mysteriousness that captures the reader.He is an artist of language and skillfully uses his art to experiment with people, this is clear in the unique nurture of his thinking up an idea shown in he played with the idea, and grew wistful tossed it into the air and transformed it permit it escape and recaptured it (page 42) the actual attention to detail in his ideas as well as his thorough deliberation, carry on what gives him such confidence and power. Lord Henrys views are generally considered immoral, but, through his eloquent speech and his thoughtful creation of dialogue the reader, it seems reasonable to consider his impressive, seemingly well argued opinions.This helps us to understand Lord Henrys ease and capability in the corruption of Dorian. His intelligence diverts from his manipulative nature and bad intentions. He knows his power and makes his own rules, the only person that truly puke infiltrate him is himself. He refuses to recognize moral standard. He is a radical asthete and values looks highly over intellect choosing his friends for good looks and his enemies for their intellects. Relative to this, he is transport by Dorians good looks and calls him charming.He is also fascinated by Dorian but unlike Basil, sees him as an experiment and seeks to play with him. Lord Henry says at one point I like persons better than principles displaying his lack of morals and his shallow nature. He even believes intellect destroys beauty which could possibly be self loathing or could be a fascination with the face value of people, that can be linked to the preface in that art is to be admired and not read beyond how it appears.

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